243 research outputs found

    K-12, university students and robots: an early start

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    This paper describes a study carried out with K-12 students. This study proposes to understand the motivation of these students in the use of robots in the Project Area curricular unit and whether they want to continue their studies in technology areas. K-12 students participated in the RoboParty® event, where the main task is to assemble and program a robot. In other words, the students, in a simple and entertaining way and supported by qualified tutors, learned how to build a robot. At the end of the academic year, a questionnaire was applied to identify and evaluate the K-12 students' opinions regarding the experience. The students’ reaction to this experience was quite positive as well the direct contact with the university environment.(undefined

    An early start in robotics: K-12 case-study

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    This paper describes a study carried out with K-12 students. This study is focused on understanding the motivation of these students on the use of robots in the Project Area curricular unit and to understand whether they want to continue their studies in technology areas. K-12 students participated in the RoboParty® event, where the main task is to assemble and program a robot. In other words, the students, in a simple and entertaining way and guided by qualified tutors, learned how to build a robot. At the end of the academic year, a questionnaire was applied to identify and evaluate the K-12 students' opinions regarding the experience. The students’ reaction to this experience as well to the direct contact with the university environment was quite positive.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Olhares, pensamentos e ações de jovens indígenas Guarani e Kaiowá da Reserva Indígena de Dourados, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

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    O presente texto propõe uma reflexão sobre o processo de participação política dos jovens indígenas Guarani e Kaiowá da Reserva Indígena de Dourados, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Um dos objetivos é descrever a partir da análise das iniciativas de ações deste “novo sujeito político”, autodenominado de “adolescentes e jovens indígenas”, sobre o processo de articulação e mobilização, diante de uma situação de extrema violência a que foram submetidos. Estes sujeitos estão dialogando, sobretudo, com o espaço virtual, ilustrado pelas redes sociais na rede mundial de computadores. Utilizam estas novas tecnologias em favor da luta de seu povo na busca pela efetivação de seus direitos fundamentais. Desta forma, as ações destes jovens e adolescentes indígenas, destacam-se em movimentos de resistência e passam a estabelecer seu protagonismo. // The present text proposes a reflection on the process of political participation of young indigenous Guarani Kaiowá from the Indigenous Reserve of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. One of the objectives is to describe, reflect from the analysis of actionsand initiatives of this “new political subject” calling itself the “indigenous adolescents and young people,” on the process of coordination and mobilization, in a situation of extreme violence they have undergone. These subjects are in dialogue, especially with the virtual space, illustrated by social networks on the World Wide Web. They use mainly these new technologies in favor of the fight of their people in the quest for fulfillment of their fundamental rights. Thus, the actions of these young people and indigenous adolescents stand in resistance movements and begin to establish their role

    Desequilíbrios cambiais e os fundamentos econômicos: uma análise do Plano Real

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    Este artigo analisa a evolução dos principais fundamentos econômicos brasileiros ao longo do período de rígida administração da taxa de câmbio no Plano Real. O trabalho tem início com uma resenha acerca dos fatores que causaram as instabilidades cambiais vividas pelo país nos anos 1990. As análises mostraram que os principais fatores eram os desequilíbrios nos fundamentos econômicos, em especial nos fundamentos relativos às contas externas e fiscais. Dada tal condição, passou-se a analisar esses fundamentos. Os dados e construções realizadas mostraram que houve uma forte deterioração das variáveis relativas às contas externas e ao desempenho fiscal, confi rmando os resultados apresentados pela literatura. Diante desses fatos, chegou-se à conclusão de que houve a formação de um círculo vicioso entre forte administração cambial, deterioração dos fundamentos e instabilidades cambiais

    Safety and Health at Work: Assessment tool- Bakery/Pastry Products

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    This manual aims to assist the Work Health and Safety Assessment Tool – Bread/Pastry Products user, in carrying out a simplified and easy-to-use occupational risk assessment with a view to adopting risk control solutions at workplaces. The design of this tool trie to provide an instrument capable of being used without internet access or specific software installation. In addition to its main purpose, this tool can also be used for workers consultation or training actions, provided as a complement of the other instruments developed within the scope of this project. The tool is organized in three distinct parts (see Figure 1): the first, where a checklist is filled out, from which a graphical overview is obtained, which will give the overview of the level of risk control (second part). This synthesis of results allows the user to immediately visualize the level of control of the main risks and in which will have to make major interventions. Finally, the third part appears, where a report is generated with solutions, particularized for each one of the risks in which the adoption of measures proves necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Safety and Health at Work - Assessment tool: Dairy Products

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    This manual aims to assist the Work Health and Safety Assessment Tool – Dairy Products user, in carrying out a simplified and easy-to-use occupational risk assessment with a view to adopting risk control solutions at workplaces. The design of this tool trie to provide an instrument capable of being used without internet access or specific software installation. In addition to its main purpose, this tool can also be used for workers consultation or training actions, provided as a complement of the other instruments developed within the scope of this project. The tool is organized in three distinct parts (see Figure 1): the first, where a checklist is filled out, from which a graphical overview is obtained, which will give the overview of the level of risk control (second part). This synthesis of results allows the user to immediately visualize the level of control of the main risks and in which will have to make major interventions. Finally, the third part appears, where a report is generated with solutions, particularized for each one of the risks in which the adoption of measures proves necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio