139 research outputs found

    Quintessence Model Building

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    A short review of some of the aspects of quintessence model building is presented. We emphasize the role of tracking models and their possible supersymmetric origin.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the sixth workshop of the American University of Pari

    Reproducing Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies with mixed isocurvature perturbations

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    Recently high quality data of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies have been published. In this work we study to which extent the cosmological parameters determined by using this data depend on assumptions about the initial conditions. We show that for generic initial conditions, not only the best fit values are very different but, and this is our main result, the allowed parameter range enlarges dramatically.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PRL; Major changes following referees suggestions; the allowed cosmological parameter range enlarges dramaticall

    Bounds on isocurvature perturbations from CMB and LSS data

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    We obtain very stringent bounds on the possible cold dark matter, baryon and neutrino isocurvature contributions to the primordial fluctuations in the Universe, using recent cosmic microwave background and large scale structure data. In particular, we include the measured temperature and polarization power spectra from WMAP and ACBAR, as well as the matter power spectrum from the 2dF galaxy redshift survey. Neglecting the possible effects of spatial curvature, tensor perturbations and reionization, we perform a Bayesian likelihood analysis with nine free parameters, and find that the amplitude of the isocurvature component cannot be larger than about 31% for the cold dark matter mode, 91% for the baryon mode, 76% for the neutrino density mode, and 60% for the neutrino velocity mode, at 2-sigma, for uncorrelated models. On the other hand, for correlated adiabatic and isocurvature components, the fraction could be slightly larger. However, the cross-correlation coefficient is strongly constrained, and maximally correlated/anticorrelated models are disfavored. This puts strong bounds on the curvaton model, independently of the bounds on non-Gaussianity.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, some minor corrections; version accepted in PR

    On the detectability of non-trivial topologies

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    We explore the main physical processes which potentially affect the topological signal in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) for a range of toroidal universes. We consider specifically reionisation, the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect, the size of the causal horizon, topological defects and primordial gravitational waves. We use three estimators: the information content, the S/N statistic and the Bayesian evidence. While reionisation has nearly no effect on the estimators, we show that taking into account the ISW strongly decreases our ability to detect the topological signal. We also study the impact of varying the relevant cosmological parameters within the 2 sigma ranges allowed by present data. We find that only Omega_Lambda, which influences both ISW and the size of the causal horizon, significantly alters the detection for all three estimators considered here.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    RL-DOVS: Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments

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    Autonomous navigation in dynamic environments where people move unpredictably is an essential task for service robots in real-world populated scenarios. Recent works in reinforcement learning (RL) have been applied to autonomous vehicle driving and to navigation around pedestrians. In this paper, we present a novel planner (reinforcement learning dynamic object velocity space, RL-DOVS) based on an RL technique for dynamic environments. The method explicitly considers the robot kinodynamic constraints for selecting the actions in every control period. The main contribution of our work is to use an environment model where the dynamism is represented in the robocentric velocity space as input to the learning system. The use of this dynamic information speeds the training process with respect to other techniques that learn directly either from raw sensors (vision, lidar) or from basic information about obstacle location and kinematics. We propose two approaches using RL and dynamic obstacle velocity (DOVS), RL-DOVS-A, which automatically learns the actions having the maximum utility, and RL-DOVS-D, in which the actions are selected by a human driver. Simulation results and evaluation are presented using different numbers of active agents and static and moving passive agents with random motion directions and velocities in many different scenarios. The performance of the technique is compared with other state-of-the-art techniques for solving navigation problems in environments such as ours

    COBE-DMR-Normalized Dark Energy Cosmogony

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    Likelihood analyses of the COBE-DMR sky maps are used to determine the normalization of the inverse-power-law-potential scalar field dark energy model. Predictions of the DMR-normalized model are compared to various observations to constrain the allowed range of model parameters. Although the derived constraints are restrictive, evolving dark energy density scalar field models remain an observationally-viable alternative to the constant cosmological constant model.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, ApJ accepte

    Well-proportioned universes suppress CMB quadrupole

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    A widespread myth asserts that all small universe models suppress the CMB quadrupole. In actual fact, some models suppress the quadrupole while others elevate it, according to whether their low-order modes are weak or strong relative to their high-order modes. Elementary geometrical reasoning shows that a model's largest dimension determines the rough value ell_min at which the CMB power spectrum ell(ell + 1)C_ell/(2pi) effectively begins; for cosmologically relevant models, ell_min < 4. More surprisingly, elementary geometrical reasoning shows that further reduction of a model's smaller dimensions -- with its largest dimension held fixed -- serves to elevate modes in the neighborhood of ell_min relative to the high-ell portion of the spectrum, rather than suppressing them as one might naively expect. Thus among the models whose largest dimension is comparable to or less than the horizon diameter, the low-order C_ell tend to be relatively weak in well-proportioned spaces (spaces whose dimensions are approximately equal in all directions) but relatively strong in oddly-proportioned spaces (spaces that are significantly longer in some directions and shorter in others). We illustrate this principle in detail for the special cases of rectangular 3-tori and spherical spaces. We conclude that well-proportioned spaces make the best candidates for a topological explanation of the low CMB quadrupole observed by COBE and WMAP.Comment: v1: 10 pages, 1 figure. v2: improved exposition of competing mode-suppression and mode-enhancement effects, coincides with published version, 12 pages, 1 figur

    Dodecahedral space topology as an explanation for weak wide-angle temperature correlations in the cosmic microwave background

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    Cosmology's standard model posits an infinite flat universe forever expanding under the pressure of dark energy. First-year data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) confirm this model to spectacular precision on all but the largest scales (Bennett {\it et al.}, 2003 ; Spergel {\it et al.}, 2003). Temperature correlations across the microwave sky match expectations on scales narrower than 60∘60^{\circ}, yet vanish on scales wider than 60∘60^{\circ}. Researchers are now seeking an explanation of the missing wide-angle correlations (Contaldi {\it et al.}, 2003 ; Cline {\it et al.}, 2003). One natural approach questions the underlying geometry of space, namely its curvature (Efstathiou, 2003) and its topology (Tegmark {\it et al.}, 2003). In an infinite flat space, waves from the big bang would fill the universe on all length scales. The observed lack of temperature correlations on scales beyond 60∘60^{\circ} means the broadest waves are missing, perhaps because space itself is not big enough to support them. Here we present a simple geometrical model of a finite, positively curved space -- the Poincar\'e dodecahedral space -- which accounts for WMAP's observations with no fine-tuning required. Circle searching (Cornish, Spergel and Starkman, 1998) may confirm the model's topological predictions, while upcoming Planck Surveyor data may confirm its predicted density of Ω0≃1.013>1\Omega_0 \simeq 1.013 > 1. If confirmed, the model will answer the ancient question of whether space is finite or infinite, while retaining the standard Friedmann-Lema\^\i{}tre foundation for local physics.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. This is a slightly longer version of the paper published in Nature 425, p. 593, 200
