54 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometric experiment on the Verera-11 and Venera-12 descent vehicles: Some results of the analysis of the spectrum of the daytime sky of Venus

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    The spectra of the daytime sky of Venus were recorded on the Venera-11 and Venera-12 descent vehicles at various altitudes above the planet's surface, within the interval of 4500 to 12,000 Angstroms. The angular distribution of the brightness of the scattered radiation was recorded and the ratio of water and carbon dioxide were studied, with respect to the cloud cover boundaries

    Зависимость термогазодинамических параметров работы компрессора вертолетного газотурбинного двигателя от его наработки и запыленности атмосферы

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    By scanning the blades of the impeller and the guide devices of the full-scale compressor of the helicopter gas turbine engine, a solid-state design model of the compressor with a tunable geometry in the height of the blades was developed. The empirical dependencies of the values of nonlinear wear of the blade of the 1st stage of the compressor on the operating time and the concentration of dust in the air are presented. A block diagram of the procedure for calculating the characteristics and parameters of a helicopter gas turbine compressor is presented. When calculating the flow in the gas–air path of the compressor, the numerical solution of the Navier–Stokes equations averaged by Reynolds, the finite element method in combination with the establishment of patterns of erosive wear of the blades depending on the operating conditions of the engine is used. Mathematical dependencies of the thermogasodynamic parameters of the helicopter gas turbine compressor operation on its operating time and the dustiness of the atmosphere are obtained using modeling. The obtained results can be used in the development of a methodology for automated monitoring of the wear condition of the compressor blades of a helicopter gas turbine engine according to its thermogasodynamic parameters, applied to various climatic operating conditions.Посредством сканирования лопаток рабочего колеса и направляющих аппаратов натурного компрессора вертолетного газотурбинного двигателя (ГТД) разработана твердотельная расчетная модель компрессора с перестраиваемой геометрией по высоте лопаток. Представлены эмпирические зависимости величин нелинейного износа лопатки 1-й ступени компрессора от времени наработки и концентрации пыли в воздухе. Приведена блок-схема процедуры расчета характеристики и параметров компрессора вертолетного ГТД. При расчете течения потока в газовоздушном тракте компрессора применяется численное решение уравнений Навье–Стокса, осредненных по Рейнольдсу, метод конечных элементов в сочетании с установлением закономерностей эрозионного износа лопаток в зависимости от условий эксплуатации двигателя. С использованием моделирования получены математические зависимости термогазодинамических параметров работы компрессора вертолетного ГТД от его наработки и запыленности атмосферы. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы при разработке методики автоматизированного контроля состояния износа лопаток компрессора вертолетного газотурбинного двигателя по его термогазодинамическим параметрам применительно к различным климатическим условиям эксплуатации

    Clinical factors associated with high glycemic variability defined by coefficient of variation in patients with type 2 diabetes

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    Antecedentes: La Variabilidad Glucémica Alta (VHG) ha convertirse en un predictor más fuerte de hipoglucemia. Sin embargo, aún se desconocen los factores clínicos asociados con el VHG. Objetivo:Determinar las variables clínicas que se asociaron con un coeficiente de variación (CV) superior al 36% evaluado mediante monitorización continua de glucosa (MCG) en un grupo de pacientes con diabetes mellitus. Métodos: Se evaluó una cohorte de pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (T2D). Se evaluaron variables demográficas, HbA1c, tasa de filtración glomerular (TFG) y régimen de tratamiento. Se realizó un análisis bivariado, para evaluar la asociación entre la variable resultado (CV > 36%) y cada una de las variables independientes. Se construyó un modelo multivariado para evaluar las asociaciones después de controlar las variables de confusión. Resultados:Se analizaron los datos de MCG de 274 pacientes. CV> 36% estuvo presente en 56 pacientes (20,4%). En el análisis bivariado se incluyeron variables demográficas y clínicas, como tiempo desde el diagnóstico, antecedente de hipoglucemia, A1c, FG y tratamiento instaurado. En el análisis multivariante, FG 9% (OR 2,81; IC 1,05,7,51; p:0,04) y antecedentes de hipoglucemia (OR 2,09; IC 1,02, 4,32; p: 0,04) se asociaron con VHG. El tratamiento con iDPP4 (OR 0,39; IC 0,19, 0,82; p: 0,01) y AGLP1 (OR 0,08; IC 0,01, 0,68; p: 0,02) se asoció inversamente con la VG. Conclusión:Variables clínicas como FG 9% y antecedentes de hipoglucemia se asocian a un VG alto. Nuestros datos sugieren que el uso de tecnología y tratamientos capaces de reducir la variabilidad glucémica podría ser útil en esta población para reducir el riesgo de hipoglucemia y mejorar el control glucémico.Q3Background: High glycemic Variability (HGV) has become a stronger predictor of hypoglycemia. However, clinical factors associate with HGV still are unknown. Objective: To determine clinical variables that were associated with a coefficient of variation (CV) above 36% evaluated by continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in a group of patients with diabetes mellitus. Methods: A cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) was evaluated. Demographic variables, HbA1c, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and treatment regimen were assessed. A bivariate analysis was performed, to evaluate the association between the outcome variable (CV> 36%) and each of the independent variables. A multivariate model was constructed to evaluate associations after controlling for confounding variables. Results: CGM data from 274 patients were analyzed. CV> 36% was present in 56 patients (20.4%). In the bivariate analysis, demographic and clinical variables were included, such as time since diagnosis, hypoglycemia history, A1c, GFR and treatment established. In the multivariate analysis, GFR 9% (OR 2.81; CI 1.05,7.51; p:0.04) and hypoglycemia history (OR 2.09; CI 1.02,4.32; p:0.04) were associated with HGV. Treatment with iDPP4 (OR 0.39; CI 0.19,0.82; p:0.01) and AGLP1 (OR 0.08; CI 0.01,0.68; p:0.02) was inversely associated with GV. Conclusion: Clinical variables such as GFR 9% and a history of hypoglycemia are associated with a high GV. Our data suggest that the use of technology and treatments able to reduce glycemic variability could be useful in this population to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia and to improve glycemic control.Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Engaging patients and clinicians through simulation: rebalancing the dynamics of care

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    This paper proposes simulation-based enactment of care as an innovative and fruitful means of engaging patients and clinicians to create collaborative solutions to healthcare issues. This use of simulation is a radical departure from traditional transmission models of education and training. Instead, we frame simulation as co-development, through which professionals, patients and publics share their equally (though differently) expert perspectives. The paper argues that a process of participatory design can bring about new insights and that simulation offers understandings that cannot easily be expressed in words. Drawing on more than a decade of our group’s research on simulation and engagement, the paper summarises findings from studies relating to clinician-patient collaboration and proposes a novel approach to address the current need. The paper outlines a mechanism whereby pathways of care are jointly created, shaped, tested and refined by professionals, patients, carers and others who are affected and concerned by clinical care

    The Potential of Electromobility in Austria: An Analysis Based on Hybrid Choice Models

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    This paper analyses the impact of the introduction of electromobility in Austria, focusing specifically on the potential demand for electric vehicles in the automotive market. We estimate discrete choice behavioral mixture models considering latent variables; these allows us to deal with this potential demand as well as to analyze the effect of different attributes of the alternatives over the potential market penetration. We find out that some usual assumptions regarding electromobilityalso hold for the Austrian market (e.g. proclivity of green-minded people and reluctance of older individuals), while others are only partially valid (e.g. the power of the engine is not relevant for purely electric vehicles). Along the same line, it was possible to establish that some policy incentives would have a positive effect over the demand for electrical cars, while others - such as an annual Park and Ride subscription or a one-year-ticket for public transportation - would not increase thewillingness-to-pay for electromobility. Our work suggests the existence of reliability thresholds, concerning the availability of charging stations. Finally this paper enunciates and successfully tests an alternative approach to address unreported information regarding income in presence of endogeneity and multiple information sources


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    The considered regularities of determination of closed and opened state of system parameters on the basis of entropic characteristics and evolution processes in the environment allow predicting the duration of these periods with certain precision.Рассмотренные закономерности определения замкнутого и разомкнутого состояния параметров систем, на основе энтропийных характеристик и эволюционных процессов в среде, позволяют с определенной точностью спрогнозировать длительность этих периодов.Розглянуті закономірності визначення замкнутого й розімкнутого стану параметрів систем, на основі ентропійних характеристик й еволюційних процесів у середовищі, дозволяють із певною точністю спрогнозувати тривалість цих періодів


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    The considered regularities of determination of closed and opened state of system parameters on the basis of entropic characteristics and evolution processes in the environment allow predicting the duration of these periods with certain precision

    Palaeoenvironmental and climatic changes during the early pleistocene recorded in the lacustrine-boggy-fluvial sediments at Komorniki, NE Poland

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    The lacustrine-boggy-fluvial sequence at Komorniki, NE Poland was subject to complex (geological, palynological, diatomological and malacological) investigations. These sediments occur between the Narevian and Nidanian glaciations tills and belong to the Augustovian Interglacial of Poland correlated with the Cromerian 1 Interglacial of the Netherlands. Two cold stages of a glacial rank and one warm stage of interglacial rank (with dominant pollen of Quercus, Ulmus, Carpinus, Alnus, Tilia and Corylus in sediments corresponding to the climatic optimum) have been distinguished in the pollen succession. The latter is similar to that known from the Augustovian Interglacial profiles at Szczebra, Kalejty and Czarnucha. Diatom succession from the Komorniki section includes certain unidentified, apparently new small species of Stephanodiscus, Staurosirella and Pseudostaurosira side be side with the Pleistocene extinct taxon of Stephanodiscus niagarae var. insuetus and a relatively widespread species of S. rotula characterizing by some morphological peculiarities. In the composition of the malacofauna the fluvial extinct species of Fagotia wuesti and Sphaerium cf. rivicola are the most important molluscs for the biostratigraphy. Among them, Sphaerium cf. rivicola is known from the late Tiglian in the Netherlands. Fagotia wuesti is characteristic of the Bavel Interglacial in the Netherlands, as well as of the Borntal and Artern interglacials in Germany