29,657 research outputs found

    Some exact results on the matter star-product in the half-string formalism

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    We show that the D25 sliver wavefunction, just as the D-instanton sliver, factorizes when expressed in terms of half-string coordinates. We also calculate analytically the star-product of two zero-momentum eigenstates of x^\hat{x} using the vertex in the oscillator basis, thereby showing that the star-product in the matter sector can indeed be seen as multiplication of matrices acting on the space of functionals of half strings. We then use the above results to establish that the matrices ρ1,2\rho_{1,2}, conjectured by Rastelli, Sen and Zwiebach to be left and right projectors on the sliver, are indeed so.Comment: 27 pages; footnote adde

    A description of the NSSL cases used for a simulated VAS retrieval study

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    A documentation of eight National Severe Storm Laboratory severe storm cases, which serve as a basis for a simulated VISSR Atmospheric Sounder retrieval study, is presented in this paper. Six of the selected cases provide a control data set to complete the statistical information needed for retrieval techniques based upon the use of regression matrices. The other two cases are to be used in the actual retrieval experiments. The selection was based upon the presence of moisture gradients in the analysis region, the availability of satellite images at the selected time periods, and the extent of cloud cover within the observing network

    The microcanonical thermodynamics of finite systems: The microscopic origin of condensation and phase separations; and the conditions for heat flow from lower to higher temperatures

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    Microcanonical thermodynamics allows the application of statistical mechanics both to finite and even small systems and also to the largest, self-gravitating ones. However, one must reconsider the fundamental principles of statistical mechanics especially its key quantity, entropy. Whereas in conventional thermostatistics, the homogeneity and extensivity of the system and the concavity of its entropy are central conditions, these fail for the systems considered here. For example, at phase separation, the entropy, S(E), is necessarily convex to make exp[S(E)-E/T] bimodal in E. Particularly, as inhomogeneities and surface effects cannot be scaled away, one must be careful with the standard arguments of splitting a system into two subsystems, or bringing two systems into thermal contact with energy or particle exchange. Not only the volume part of the entropy must be considered. As will be shown here, when removing constraints in regions of a negative heat capacity, the system may even relax under a flow of heat (energy) against a temperature slope. Thus the Clausius formulation of the second law: ``Heat always flows from hot to cold'', can be violated. Temperature is not a necessary or fundamental control parameter of thermostatistics. However, the second law is still satisfied and the total Boltzmann entropy increases. In the final sections of this paper, the general microscopic mechanism leading to condensation and to the convexity of the microcanonical entropy at phase separation is sketched. Also the microscopic conditions for the existence (or non-existence) of a critical end-point of the phase-separation are discussed. This is explained for the liquid-gas and the solid-liquid transition.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Regge Behavior of DIS Structure Functions

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    Building on previous works of the mid 1960's, we construct an integral equation for forward elastic scattering (t=0) at arbitrary virtuality Q^2 and large s=W^2. This equation sums the ladder production of massless intermediate bosons to all orders, and the solution exhibits Regge behavior. The equation is used to study scattering in a simple chi^2 phi scalar theory, where it is solved appoximately and applied to the study of DIS at small x. We find that the model can naturally describe the quark distribution in both the large x region and the small x region dominated by Reggeon exchange.Comment: 13 pages with 5 figure

    Emergent bipartiteness in a society of knights and knaves

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    We propose a simple model of a social network based on so-called knights-and-knaves puzzles. The model describes the formation of networks between two classes of agents where links are formed by agents introducing their neighbours to others of their own class. We show that if the proportion of knights and knaves is within a certain range, the network self-organizes to a perfectly bipartite state. However, if the excess of one of the two classes is greater than a threshold value, bipartiteness is not observed. We offer a detailed theoretical analysis for the behaviour of the model, investigate its behaviou r in the thermodynamic limit, and argue that it provides a simple example of a topology-driven model whose behaviour is strongly reminiscent of a first-order phase transitions far from equilibrium.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Relativistic calculation of the triton binding energy and its implications

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    First results for the triton binding energy obtained from the relativistic spectator or Gross equation are reported. The Dirac structure of the nucleons is taken into account. Numerical results are presented for a family of realistic OBE models with off-shell scalar couplings. It is shown that these off-shell couplings improve both the fits to the two-body data and the predictions for the binding energy.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX 3.0, 1 figure (uses epsfig.sty

    Nuclear Corrections to Hyperfine Structure in Light Hydrogenic Atoms

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    Hyperfine intervals in light hydrogenic atoms and ions are among the most accurately measured quantities in physics. The theory of QED corrections has recently advanced to the point that uncalculated terms for hydrogenic atoms and ions are probably smaller than 0.1 parts per million (ppm), and the experiments are even more accurate. The difference of the experiments and QED theory is interpreted as the effect on the hyperfine interaction of the (finite) nuclear charge and magnetization distributions, and this difference varies from tens to hundreds of ppm. We have calculated the dominant component of the 1s hyperfine interval for deuterium, tritium and singly ionized helium, using modern second-generation potentials to compute the nuclear component of the hyperfine splitting for the deuteron and the trinucleon systems. The calculated nuclear corrections are within 3% of the experimental values for deuterium and tritium, but are about 20% discrepant for singly ionized helium. The nuclear corrections for the trinucleon systems can be qualitatively understood by invoking SU(4) symmetry.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, latex - submitted to Physical Review

    Ghost Kinetic Operator of Vacuum String Field Theory

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    Using the data of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Neumann matrices in the 3-string vertex, we prove analytically that the ghost kinetic operator of vacuum string field theory obtained by Hata and Kawano is equal to the ghost operator inserted at the open string midpoint. We also comment on the values of determinants appearing in the norm of sliver state.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, lanlmac; v2: typos correcte

    Excited states of a static dilute spherical Bose condensate in a trap

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    The Bogoliubov approximation is used to study the excited states of a dilute gas of NN atomic bosons trapped in an isotropic harmonic potential characterized by a frequency ω0\omega_0 and an oscillator length d0=/mω0d_0 = \sqrt{\hbar/m\omega_0}. The self-consistent static Bose condensate has macroscopic occupation number N01N_0 \gg 1, with nonuniform spherical condensate density n0(r)n_0(r); by assumption, the depletion of the condensate is small (NNN0N0N' \equiv N - N_0\ll N_0). The linearized density fluctuation operator ρ^\hat \rho' and velocity potential operator Φ^\hat\Phi' satisfy coupled equations that embody particle conservation and Bernoulli's theorem. For each angular momentum ll, introduction of quasiparticle operators yields coupled eigenvalue equations for the excited states; they can be expressed either in terms of Bogoliubov coherence amplitudes ul(r)u_l(r) and vl(r)v_l(r) that determine the appropriate linear combinations of particle operators, or in terms of hydrodynamic amplitudes ρl(r)\rho_l'(r) and Φl(r)\Phi_l'(r). The hydrodynamic picture suggests a simple variational approximation for l>0l >0 that provides an upper bound for the lowest eigenvalue ωl\omega_l and an estimate for the corresponding zero-temperature occupation number NlN_l'; both expressions closely resemble those for a uniform bulk Bose condensate.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX, contributed paper accepted for Low Temperature Conference, LT21, August, 199