184 research outputs found

    La biblioteca Monrepos di Ludwig Heinrich von Nicolay, intellettuale europeo del XVIII secolo

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    Il saggio pone lo sguardo sulla biblioteca di Ludwig Heinrich von Nicolay, alsaziano di lingua tedesca, che fu un intellettuale di primo piano alla corte di San Pietroburgo alla fine del XVII secolo, con incarichi di prestigio presso lo zar. La biblioteca, una delle pi\uf9 ricche e delle meglio conservate del suo tempo (oggi raccolta nella Biblioteca Nazionale di Finlandia), permette di ricostruire i rapporti di Nicolay con l\u2019Illuminismo francese, e di delineare rete intellettuali, circolazione del libro, letture di filosofia, di letteratura, di storia, di arte e di geografia nell\u2019Europa della seconda met\ue0 del Settecento.The essay studies the library of Ludwig Heinrich von Nicolay, a German-speaking Alsatian, who was an important intellectual at the court of St. Petersburg at the end of the 17 century, with prestigious positions with the Tsar. The library, one of the richest and best-preserved of that age (today consigned in the National Library of Finland), makes it possible to reconstruct Nicolay\u2019s relations with the French Enlightenment, and to outline intellectual networks, book\u2019s circulation, readings on philosophy, literature, history, art and geography in Europe in the second half of the 18th century

    PEML : prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria

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    Il contributo sottolinea la necessit\ue0 di pubblicare una rivista di filologia che si occupi di testi moderni e contemporanei, e dell'importanza che sia open access

    Il testo letterario tra volontà dell'autore e volontà dell'editore

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    L'articolo fissa alcune riflessioni teoriche sul rapporto tra l'autore di un testo letterario e il suo editore, portando esempi in particolare per quanto riguarda le modalit\ue0 di pubblicazione.The quarrel between the text that an author would like to give to his readers and the actually published text involves two other themes: \u201clast author\u2019s wills\u201d and \uabapproximation to value\ubb that leads to the first or to the following editions. Author\u2019s idea of his work, in fact, evolves in time, before and after the publication, and it is necessary to distinguish whether editors intrusion has been \u2018licensed\u2019 by authors or not

    Un dizionario di citazioni = A Dictionary of Quotations = Un dictionnaire de citations

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    Il saggio esamina l\u2019idea di Gesualdo Bufalino di un libro tutto composto di citazioni, di un Libro dei Libri, attraverso un confronto con Walter Benjamin e lo studio del "Dizionario dei personaggi di romanzo".This essay examines Bufalino\u2019s idea of a Book of Books, a book entirely made of quotations, through a comparison with Walter Benjamin\u2019s different and similar project, and an analysis of Bufalino\u2019s "Dizionario dei personaggi di romanzo".Cet essai examine l\u2019id\ue9e \ue9mise par Bufalino d\u2019un Livre des Livres, d\u2019un livre enti\ue8rement compos\ue9 de citations, \ue0 travers une comparaison avec le projet semblable et diff\ue9rent de Walter Benjamin, accompagn\ue9e d\u2019une nouvelle lecture du "Dizionario dei personaggi di romanzo"

    «Architettute di carta» : la forma dell'edizione in alcuni libri di Giacomo Leopardi

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    Le edizioni dei primi libri di Giacomo Leopardi attraverso le riflessioni e gli interventi dell'autore

    Note su alcune riflessioni ecdotiche di Oreste Macrí sugli autori contemporanei

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    Prima indagine sulle riflessioni di Oreste Macr\uec relative all'edizione di testi novecenteschi, con particolare riferimento agli apparati critici Il saggio che qui si presenta si propone di far conoscere un aspetto poco studiato della ricca personalit\ue0 critica di Oreste Macr\uec (1913-1998), critico dai vasti orizzonti e studioso di testi della letteratura italiana e spagnola, protagonista della stagione dell\u2019ermetismo fiorentino e poi dei dibattiti culturali e critici del secondo dopoguerra: l\u2019aspetto filologico. Si pu\uf2 riconoscere Macr\uec \uabfilologo\ubb nel confronto aperto con Cesare Segre sul testo della Chanson de Roland, ma anche nelle annotazioni a numerose edizioni critiche di poeti contemporanei o nelle edizioni da lui stesso curate. Proprio a partire dalle osservazioni di Macr\uec su alcune edizioni e dal suo lavoro di editore, le pagine qui proposte mettono in risalto alcune importanti riflessioni di carattere ecdotico, in particolare quelle che Macr\uec dedica al rapporto testo-apparato nelle edizioni dei contemporanei, alla distinzione tra variante e variazione nella poesia novecentesca, alla necessit\ue0 di riconoscere e avvalersi della \uabintenzionalit\ue0 autoriale\ubb (che riguarda sia la scrittura sia gli aspetti editoriali) nella predisposizione di un\u2019edizione ricca di inediti

    Promotion de la littérature ou sollicitation à l’achat? Quelques cas exemplaires de paratexte italien

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    Esempi di pubblicit\ue0 inserita in periodici, diffusa con bollettini editoriali, affidata ai peritesti editoriali, per promuovere scrittori e testi letterari nell'Italia del Novecento.Advertising in magazines of Italian publishers of Literature in XX century

    Le prime edizioni dei "Sepolcri"

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    Il contributo pone in primo piano l'importanza delle edizioni dei "Sepolcri" di Foscolo successive alla prima, e, esaminandole, mette in risalto la diffusione del Carme presso i lettori degli anni Dieci dell'Ottocento

    Evaluation of the severity of chronic hepatitis C with 3-T 1H-MR spectroscopy

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    OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to compare the spectral characteristics of lipids, choline-containing compounds, and glutamine-glutamate complex assessed with H-1-MR spectroscopy with the histologic findings in patients with chronic hepatitis C. SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Nine healthy controls and 30 patients with biopsy-proven hepatitis C virus-related liver disease participated in this prospective study. Degree of fibrosis and histologic activity were scored according to the METAVIR classification. The percentage of involved hepatocytes was used to grade steatosis. Hepatic spectra were obtained with a 3-T spectroscopic system. Tenfold cross-validated stepwise discriminant analysis was performed to classify disease severity on the basis of the spectroscopic findings. RESULTS. There was a strong correlation between H-1-MR spectroscopically measured lipid concentration and the degree of steatosis at histologic examination (r=0.9236, p < 0.0001). This finding enabled clear separation of groups according to degree of histologically determined steatosis. Variation in lipid concentration was consistent with the degree of steatosis (r=0.7265, p < 0.0001) and stage of fibrosis (r=0.8156, p < 0.0001). In univariate analysis, concentrations of both choline-containing compounds and glutamine-glutamate complex had a direct correlation with histologic grade ( p < 0.0001) and degree of steatosis ( p < 0.0001) but not with stage of fibrosis ( p > 0.05). In multivariate analysis, the only factor independently associated with concentrations of choline-containing compounds and glutamine-glutamate complex was histologic grade. In cross-validated discriminant analysis based on choline-containing compound, glutamine-glutamate complex, and lipid resonance, 70% ( 21 of 30) of the histologic grade groups and 73% (22 of 30) of the steatosis groups were correctly classified. CONCLUSION. Hydrogen-1 MR spectroscopy can be an alternative to liver biopsy in the evaluation of steatosis and necroinflammatory activity in liver disease but is not useful for complete evaluation of hepatic fibrosis

    Follow-Up of Coiled Cerebral Aneurysms at 3T: Comparison of 3D Time-of-Flight MR Angiography and Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Our aim was to compare contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) and 3D time-of-flight (TOF) MRA at 3T for follow-up of coiled cerebral aneurysms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-two patients treated with Guglielmi detachable coils for 54 cerebral aneurysms were evaluated at 3T MRA. 3D TOF MRA (TR/TE = 23/3.5; SENSE factor = 2.5) and CE-MRA by using a 3D ultrafast gradient-echo sequence (TR/TE = 5.9/1.8; SENSE factor = 3) enhanced with 0.1-mmol/kg gadobenate dimeglumine were performed in the same session. Source images, 3D maximum intensity projection, 3D shaded surface display, and/or 3D volume-rendered reconstructions were evaluated in terms of aneurysm occlusion/patency and artifact presence. RESULTS: In terms of clinical classification, the 2 MRA sequences were equivalent for 53 of the 54 treated aneurysms: 21 were considered fully occluded, whereas 16 were considered to have a residual neck and 16 were considered residually patent at follow-up MRA. The remaining aneurysm appeared fully occluded at TOF MRA but had a residual patent neck at CE-MRA. Visualization of residual aneurysm patency was significantly ( P = .001) better with CE-MRA compared with TOF MRA for 10 (31.3%) of the 32 treated aneurysms considered residually patent with both sequences. Coil artifacts were present in 5 cases at TOF MRA but in none at CE-MRA. No relationship was apparent between the visualization of patency and either the size of the aneurysm or the interval between embolization and follow-up. CONCLUSION: At follow-up MRA at 3T, unenhanced TOF and CE-MRA sequences are similarly effective at classifying coiled aneurysms as occluded or residually patent. However, CE-MRA is superior to TOF MRA for visualization of residual patency and is associated with fewer artifacts
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