18 research outputs found


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    En el contexto de la globalización, aumenta el crecimiento del entorno competitivo a nivel nacional e interregional en el campo del desarrollo de la innovación, el papel de la educación superior como la principal fuente de recursos humanos y la formación del entorno de innovación. El bajo nivel de desarrollo de la educación superior priva a la región de una cierta independencia, colocándola en una dependencia adicional de otros sistemas: regional, nacional, económico, etc. En este sentido, el estudio de las tendencias en el desarrollo de la educación superior en el interregional level es una tarea extremadamente urgente, cuya solución proporcionará un proceso de monitoreo y pronóstico de las perspectivas para el desarrollo de sistemas socioeconómicos a mediano y largo plazo. Al mismo tiempo, a pesar de una amplia gama de trabajos científicos dedicados al problema, todavía no hay unidad en el espacio científico en la esfera de la evaluación formal de la efectividad del desarrollo de los sistemas regionales de educación superior. En este sentido, este estudio propone enfoques dirigidos al apoyo metodológico para resolver el problema. La característica principal del trabajo es el uso de métodos de comparación de valores de flujo de entrada y salida, que caracterizan los parámetros de la escuela superior regional. Utilizando los enfoques de racionamiento de los indicadores analizados y el desarrollo posterior sobre la base de los índices de eficiencia, se llevan a cabo cálculos multicomponentes, evaluando los indicadores, caracterizando el rendimiento del capital invertido de los sistemas regionales de educación superior en forma de una evaluación integrada de su efectividad por 1 rublo de costos financieros. Como resultado de las evaluaciones implementadas, se identifican las regiones del distrito Volga Federal, caracterizadas por posiciones moderadas y fuertes en el campo de la generación de efectos, caracterizando su efectividad en comparación con los recursos financieros invertidos.No contexto da globalização, aumenta o crescimento do ambiente competitivo nos níveis nacional inter-regional no campo do desenvolvimento da inovação, o papel do ensino superior como principal fonte de recursos humanos e a formação do ambiente de inovação. O baixo nível de desenvolvimento do ensino superior priva a região de uma certa independência, colocando-a em dependência adicional de outros sistemas - regional, nacional, econômico etc. A esse respeito, o estudo de tendências no desenvolvimento do ensino superior no nível inter-regional O nível é uma tarefa extremamente urgente, cuja solução proporcionará um processo de monitoramento e previsão das perspectivas para o desenvolvimento de sistemas socioeconômicos a médio e longo prazo.Ao mesmo tempo, apesar de uma ampla gama de trabalhos científicos dedicados ao problema, ainda não há unidade no espaço científico na esfera da avaliação formal da efetividade do desenvolvimento dos sistemas regionais de ensino superior. Nesse sentido, este estudo propõe abordagens voltadas ao suporte metodológico da solução do problema. A principal característica do trabalho é o uso de métodos de comparação dos valores dos fluxos de entrada e saída, caracterizando os parâmetros do ensino superior regional. Utilizando as abordagens de racionamento dos indicadores analisados e o subsequente desenvolvimento com base nos índices de eficiência, são realizados cálculos multicomponentes, avaliando os indicadores, caracterizando o retorno sobre o capital investido dos sistemas regionais de ensino superior na forma de uma avaliação integrada de sua eficácia por 1 rublo de custos financeiros. Como resultado das avaliações implementadas, são identificadas as regiões do distrito Federal do Volga, caracterizadas por posições moderadas e fortes no campo de geração de efeitos, caracterizando sua efetividade em comparação aos recursos financeiros investidos.In the context of globalization, the growth of the competitive environment at the interregional, national levels in the field of innovation development, the role of higher education as the main source of human resources and the formation of the innovation environment increases. The low level of development of higher education deprives the region of a certain independence, placing it in additional dependence on other systems - regional, national, economic, etc. In this regard, the study of trends in the development of higher education at the interregional level is an extremely urgent task, the solution of which will provide a process of monitoring and forecasting the prospects for the development of socio-economic systems in the medium and long term. At the same time, despite a wide range of scientific works devoted to the problem, there is still no unity in the scientific space in the sphere of formal evaluation of the effectiveness of the development of regional higher education systems. In this regard, this study proposes approaches aimed at methodological support of solving the problem. The main feature of the work is the use of methods of comparison of input and output stream values, characterizing the parameters of the regional higher school. Using the approaches of rationing of the analyzed indicators and the subsequent development on this basis of the efficiency indices, multicomponent calculations are carried out, evaluating the indicators, characterizing the return on invested capital of regional higher education systems in the form of an integrated assessment of their effectiveness per 1 ruble of financial costs. As a result of the implemented assessments, the regions of the Volga Federal district are identified, characterized by moderate and strong positions in the field of generating effects, characterizing their effectiveness in comparison with the invested financial resources. &nbsp


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    Monitoring and evaluating the quality of digitalization of the socio-economic environment at both thenational and regional levels, contribute to an understanding of the potential for its sustainable and competitive development as part of the global economy entering the wake of the digital transformation of economic processes. In this regard, studies aimed at studying such issues are very relevant and significant for modern science and practice. The article proposes an algorithm for measuring the level of development of the content elements of the digital economy in the regions of the Russian Federation. A distinctive aspect of the proposed algorithm is the orientation of the developed tools to study the five main directions of digitalization, defined by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2017 (No. 1632-r): regulatory regulation, personnel for the digital economy, formation of research competencies and technological foundations, information infrastructure, information security. Based on the results of the study, the main qualitative and quantitative characteristics have been identified, that assess the development of the digital economy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the present stage of development; a toolkit has been offered, that allows you to determine key areas of regional policy aimed at intensifying the processes of digitalization of business processes

    The theory of reputation economy as a new paradigm for the study of the region economic potential

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    The modern economy with all the variety of its structural elements, which every year is increasingly immersed in a hyper-connected digital space, new conditions of institutional functioning caused by both a change in technological patterns and innovative forms of thinking, needs to adjust the basic, established principles and models of economic growth. If earlier the material productive factors was played a key role, today their importance is to some extent offset by the increasing role of non-material factors of production, the most important of which should include reputation capital. The purpose of the article is to comprehend and theoretically support this scientific problem. The need to revise some principles of building models of economic dynamics and strategic management of the region based on the use and revision of structural, logical and evolutionary views on the construction of this process is substantiated in the article. Based on the results of systematization of the evolution of methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of regional socio-economic development of territories / regions, the position is substantiated, according to which, in modern economic conditions, the effectiveness of territorial development should be based on research and strengthening of reputation capital


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    In the coming years, blockchain technologies may become one of the breakthrough innovations in the financial sector of the economy, optimizing and simplifying transaction operations in a number of areas, reducing their cost. Having a very significant potential for transforming the established algorithms for the interaction of financial market participants, it is important to understand what are the boundaries of these changes, what new opportunities are presented by blockchain technologies and, finally, what are the expected consequences for the development of the financial sector itself and the other sectors of the national economic system associated with it. In this regard, important and urgent task is to minimize risks for financial and other organizations in the face of impending opportunities and threats under the pressure of the process of integrating blockchain platforms into the economic environment. This research is devoted to the solution of the issues posed. The most important component of the paper is the proposed methodological toolkit, which allows you to identify in a formalized form the patterns and relationships between the level of penetration of blockchain technologies into the financial environment and the dynamics of gross domestic product ( GDP)

    Методика оценки влияния диффузии блокчейн-технологий на развитие национальной экономической системы (на примере экономики РФ)

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    Distributed data storage technologies are becoming an integral part of the modern economy. In this regard, today it is very relevant to a search for formalized approaches to assessing the impact of blockchain technologies on key parameters of macroeconomic generations. The subject of the research is the system of relations between economic entities of the national economy, associated with the perception of blockchain technologies that permeate economic processes. The aim of the study is to develop a methodological toolkit for scenario forecasting of possible consequences for the national economy of the introduction of blockchain technologies into the economic sector. The authors apply methods of cointegration analysis, scenario modeling, substantiation of the studied patterns by methods of regression analysis, etc. The authors use works of foreign and Russian scientists, official data of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation as an information and statistical database. The authors systematize positive and negative externalities; propose an algorithm for studying the influence of blockchain technologies on the dynamics of GDP through the transformation of the key parameters of the functioning of the financial and real sectors of the economy; build a model and assess the possible impact on GDP of the integration of blockchain technologies into the economy. As a result, the authors make the following conclusions: to the greatest extent, the integration of blockchain technologies into the business processes of the national economy affects the change in the financial results of credit institutions, an increase in capital liquidity of economic agents, as well as the acceleration of the processes of socialization of channels of access of business entities to financial markets (expanding access of economic agents to exchanges). Scenario modeling of changes in these factors made it possible to establish that the potential for additional GDP growth in the Russian economy can reach about 1% per year as part of the integration of distributed data storage technologies into the system of economic relations. The developed and approved methods for the formalized assessment of the impact of blockchain technologies on the dynamics of economic growth create the basis for clarifying methodological approaches to the study of the problem posed, open up new opportunities for holding discussion platforms on this topic.Технологии распределенного хранения данных становятся неотъемлемой частью современной экономики. В связи с этим поиск формализованных подходов к оценке влияния блокчейн-технологий на ключевые параметры макроэкономических генераций крайне актуален. Предмет исследования — система отношений экономических субъектов национальной экономики, связанных с восприятием блокчейн-технологий, проникающих в хозяйственные процессы. Целью исследования является разработка методического инструментария сценарного прогнозирования возможных последствий для национальной экономики проникновения в хозяйственную среду блокчейн-технологий. Авторы использовали методы коинтеграционного анализа, сценарного моделирования, обоснования исследуемых закономерностей с применением методов регрессионного анализа и др. В качестве информационной и статистической базы данных выступали труды зарубежных и российских ученых, официальные данные Федеральной службы государственной статистики РФ. Систематизированы положительные и отрицательные экстерналии; предложен алгоритм исследования влияния блокчейн-технологий на динамику ВВП через призму трансформации ключевых параметров функционирования финансового и реального секторов экономики; построена модель и даны оценки степени возможного воздействия на ВВП интеграции блокчейн-технологий в экономику. В результате авторы пришли к следующим выводам: в наибольшей степени интеграция блокчейн-технологий в систему хозяйственных процессов национальной экономики влияет на изменение финансовых результатов кредитных организаций, повышение ликвидности капитала экономических агентов, а также ускорение процессов социализации каналов доступа хозяйствующих субъектов к финансовым рынкам (расширение доступа экономических агентов к фондовым торговым площадкам). Сценарное моделирование изменения данных факторов позволило установить, что потенциал дополнительного роста ВВП российской экономики может достигать порядка 1% в год в рамках интеграции технологий распределенного хранения данных в систему хозяйственных отношений. Разработанные и получившие апробацию методы формализованной оценки влияния блокчейн-технологий на динамику экономического роста создают основу для уточнения методологических подходов к исследованию поставленной проблемы, открывают новые возможности для проведения дискуссионных площадок по данной теме


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    The accelerated pace of development of the cryptocurrency market and its integration into the system of economic, operational, financial and other processes determines the need for a comprehensive study of this phenomenon. This is particularly relevant because in recent months, at the state level have intensified discussions on the prospects of the legalization of the cryptocurrency market and the possibility of using its tools in the economic activities of economic agents. Despite the sometimes polar views and approaches at the moment among Russian experts regarding the solution to this issue, the development of the crypto-currencies market is extremely high, regardless of its regulation. This determines and actualizes the scientific research in the field of evaluation of the prospects of development of this market, forming the subject of this study in order to predict the possible effects and risks for the national economic system. The purpose of the article is the development of tools of modelling and forecasting the volatility of the cryptocurrency market on the basis of “foreseeing” fluctuations in the value of “digital money” using special models of autoregression (ARMA, ARIMA). The study was based on the application of a class of parametric models. It allowed describing both stationary and non-stationary time series and on this basis to develop a system of prognostic estimates for the prospects of further development of the series under study. With the help of our ARIMA model, which evaluates the parameters of the analyzed time series of the cryptocurrency exchange rate, we developed a system of prognostic assessments for the short term. The authors proved that the application of such models with a high level of reliability predicts future adjustments in the market under study. It leads to a high level of prospects for their use in modelling future parameters of the cryptocurrency market development. This creates a basis for a business to develop adaptive mechanisms for to emerging price index adjustments of “digital money”.Ускоренные темпы развития рынка криптовалюты и его интеграция в систему хозяйственных, операционных, финансовых и других процессов определяют необходимость комплексного изучения данного явления. Особую актуальность этому придает то, что на государственном уровне в последние месяцы активизировались обсуждения относительно перспектив легализации рынка криптовалюты и возможностей использования его инструментов в хозяйственной деятельности экономических агентов. Несмотря на порой полярные взгляды и подходы, сформировавшиеся на текущий момент среди российских экспертов относительно решения данного вопроса, развитие крипторынка происходит крайне высокими темпами вне зависимости от его регулирования. Это обусловливает и актуализирует проведение научных изысканий в области оценки перспектив развития данного рынка, формирующих предмет настоящего исследования с целью предсказания возможных эффектов и рисков для национальной экономической системы. Цель статьи — разработка инструментария, направленного на решение вопросов в части моделирования и прогнозирования волатильности рынка криптовалюты на основе «предвидения» перспективных колебаний стоимости «цифровых денег» с использованием специальных моделей авторегрессии (ARMA, ARIMA). Исследование базируется на использовании класса параметрических моделей, позволяющих описывать как стационарные, так и нестационарные временные ряды и на этой основе разрабатывать систему прогностических оценок относительно перспектив дальнейшего развития исследуемого ряда.При помощи полученной модели ARIMA, оценивающей параметры анализируемого ряда, характеризующего курс криптовалюты, разработана система прогностических оценок на краткосрочный период.Доказано, что использование подобного рода моделей с высоким уровнем достоверности предсказывает будущие корректировки на исследуемом рынке, что обусловливает высокий уровень перспективности их использования при моделировании будущих параметров развития рынка криптовалюты. Это создает основу для выработки механизмов адаптации хозяйствующих субъектов к формирующимся корректировкам ценовых индексов «цифровых денег»

    Формализованная оценка эффективности региональных систем высшего образования через призму соотношения входных и выходных потоковых величин

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    This study proposes approaches aimed at methodological support for solving the problem of formalized evaluation of the effectiveness of regional higher education systems. The main feature of the work is the use of methods of comparison of «input» and «output» stream values characterizing the parameters of the functioning of the regional higher school. Using the approaches of regulation of the analyzed indicators and the subsequent development on this basis of indices of efficiency, are multi-component calculations that assess the level of generation output 1 unit output parameter, which identifies the financial-economic component of the regional high school. As a result of the implemented assessments, the regions of the Volga Federal district with moderate and strong positions in the sphere of generated effects characterizing their effectiveness in comparison with the invested financial resources are identified.В настоящем исследовании предложены подходы, направленные на методическое обеспечение решения задачи формализованной оценки эффективности региональных систем высшего образования. Основной особенностью работы является использование методов сопоставления «входных» и «выходных» потоковых величин, характеризующих параметры функционирования региональной высшей школы. Используя подходы нормирования анализируемых показателей и последующей разработки на этой основе индексов эффективности, осуществляются многокомпонентные расчеты, оценивающие индикаторы уровня генерации выходного потока на 1 единицу выходного параметра, определяющего финансово-экономическую составляющую региональной высшей школы. В результате реализованных оценок выделены регионы Приволжского федерального округа с умеренными и сильными позициями в сфере генерирующихся эффектов, характеризующих их результативность в сопоставлении с вложенными финансовыми ресурсами

    Development of the innovative environment in the republic of tatarstan: Whether technology breakthrough in a short term is possible?

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    © 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.. All rights reserved. The subject of the research is a systematic analysis of key parameters characteristic for the development of a region's innovation environment (using the example of the Republic of Tatarstan). The analysis is based on a comprehensive and comparative assessment of key indicators of the environment’s efficiency and competitiveness. This implies the determination and identification of these indicators, conducting a comparative analysis on their basis (both using the average Russian values and in an inter-country / interregional aspect), as well as the provision of practical research recommendations. These recommendations should be based not only on the methods of qualitative analysis but on the methods of formalized modelling of the studied processes. The novelty of the study lies in the conceptual approach to identifying bottlenecks in the regional innovative development system. This approach is based on the principle of “regional innovation flow” elaborated by the authors, which allows identification of system constraints that impede the technology “breakthrough” of a region in the short term. The implementation of the developed approach forms a significant potential for further research in the field of forecasting and modelling the innovative development of regional systems. In the course of the study, directions for the development of science and innovations in the Republic of Tatarstan were developed on the basis of the constructed “pipe” for the republican innovation stream

    Features of assessment of regional business cycles: Methodical approaches and paradigm of the research

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    © 2019, Dorma Journals. All rights reserved. Emerging trends in the development of socio-economic systems, characterized by a high level of dynamics of institutional transformations and corresponding macroeconomic generations based on progressive forms of creating added value, require improved approaches to the analysis methods of their development. If earlier the priority development areas were the processes of economy industrialization, the implementation of large-scale decisions, the high localization of economic processes, now the following strategic development guidelines come to the fore: formation and large-scale replication of local low-concentrated growth points; diversification of business activity; development and dissemination of technological, institutional, product changes; development of social parameters of economic growth, based, inter alia, on the principles of environmental friendliness of economic and operational activities, etc. All this creates the basis for improving the traditional approaches to modeling economic growth and development existing in the theory of regional economics. At a methodological level, the solution of issues posed is the subject of this article. The methods of formalized assessment and construction of economic cycles of both macro-and mesolevel are proposed through the prism of expectation theory in it. Relying on the proposed toolkit for designing advanced development cycles (3D expectations of economic agents), the study reveals approaches forming the basis for a comparative analysis of economic cycles of various levels and scales