24,811 research outputs found

    Primakoff Physics for CERN COMPASS Hadron Beam: Hadron Polarizabilities, Hybrid Mesons, Chiral Anomaly, Meson Radiative Transitions

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    We describe a hadron physics program attainable with a partially instrumented CERN COMPASS spectrometer, involving tracking detectors and moderate-size ECAL2/HCAL2 calorimeters. COMPASS can realize a state-of-the-art hadron beam physics program based on hadron polarizability, hybrid mesons, chiral anomaly, and meson radiative transition studies. We review here the physics motivation for this hadron beam program. We describe the beam, detector, trigger requirements, and hardware/software requirements for this program. The triggers for all this physics can be implemented for simultaneous data taking. The program is based on using a hadron beam (positive/negative pion, kaon, proton) in COMPASS.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of the Charles U./JINR and International U. (Dubna) CERN COMPASS Summer School, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, August 1997, Eds. M. Chavleishvili and M. Finger Tel Aviv U. Preprint TAUP TAUP-2473-98. 26 pages, 11 figures, late

    Mode fluctuations as fingerprint of chaotic and non-chaotic systems

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    The mode-fluctuation distribution P(W)P(W) is studied for chaotic as well as for non-chaotic quantum billiards. This statistic is discussed in the broader framework of the E(k,L)E(k,L) functions being the probability of finding kk energy levels in a randomly chosen interval of length LL, and the distribution of n(L)n(L), where n(L)n(L) is the number of levels in such an interval, and their cumulants ck(L)c_k(L). It is demonstrated that the cumulants provide a possible measure for the distinction between chaotic and non-chaotic systems. The vanishing of the normalized cumulants CkC_k, k≥3k\geq 3, implies a Gaussian behaviour of P(W)P(W), which is realized in the case of chaotic systems, whereas non-chaotic systems display non-vanishing values for these cumulants leading to a non-Gaussian behaviour of P(W)P(W). For some integrable systems there exist rigorous proofs of the non-Gaussian behaviour which are also discussed. Our numerical results and the rigorous results for integrable systems suggest that a clear fingerprint of chaotic systems is provided by a Gaussian distribution of the mode-fluctuation distribution P(W)P(W).Comment: 44 pages, Postscript. The figures are included in low resolution only. A full version is available at http://www.physik.uni-ulm.de/theo/qc/baecker.htm

    Hadron-Photon Interactions in COMPASS

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    The COMPASS experiment at CERN SPS will use hadron beams (pion, kaon and proton) and muons at 50-280 GeV/c and virtual photon targets to investigate, via Primakoff effect, important hadron properties: polarizability, chiral anomaly, radiative transitions and hybrid meson production. We present simulation studies to optimize the beam, detector setup and trigger for measuring with high statistics above topics.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 3 macro

    Public works for Poland? Active labour market policies during transition

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    Following the predominance of macroeconomic stabilisation policies and passive income support schemes in the first phase of transition, active labour market policies (ALMPs) have now come to play a more important role in transition economies. This paper looks at the Polish experience and provides empirical evidence on the effectiveness of ALMPs. We use the Polish Labour Force Survey of August 1994 in combination with its Supplement on the Evaluation of Labour Market Policies together with data on ALMP expenditure at the regional (voivodship) level. The macroeconometric analysis of the relationship between labour market flows and ALMP expenditure shows no significant effects. The microeconometric analysis reveals that ALMPs are not particularly well targeted at the problem groups in the labour market. That is, women and people with basic vocational education do not receive enough attention, whereas persons formerly employed in the public administration seem to have a privileged status in ALMPs. As to the effectiveness of ALMPs, the paper shows that former participants cannot expect to find employment more easily than their peers who have been unemployed but have not been in a programme. Subjective evaluations of former participants also suggest that ALMPs, but especially works programmes, have not increased their chances to find a job. --unemployment,active labour market policies,Poland

    Transient jets in V617 Sagittarii

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    Some of the luminous Compact Binary Supersoft X-Ray sources (CBSS) have shown indications of jets, also called satellites due to their appearance in the spectra. In V Sagittae (V Sge) stars, the galactic counterparts of the CBSS, such features have been reported only for WX Cen. If V Sge stars are indeed the analogs of CBSS, one may expect transient jet emission in other objects of this class. Spectroscopic observations of the V Sge star V617 Sgr have been made, both at high photometric state and at decline. We show that V617 Sgr presents Halpha satellites at high photometric state with velocities of +/-780 km/s. This feature confirms, once more, the CBSS nature of the V Sge stars, however the details of the spectral characteristics also suggest that the two groups of stars display some intrinsic spectroscopic differences, which are likely to be due to a selection effect related to chemical abundance.Comment: Four pages, accepted to be published as a Letter in A&

    Dynamic scaling and universality in evolution of fluctuating random networks

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    We found that models of evolving random networks exhibit dynamic scaling similar to scaling of growing surfaces. It is demonstrated by numerical simulations of two variants of the model in which nodes are added as well as removed [Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5587 (1999)]. The averaged size and connectivity of the network increase as power-laws in early times but later saturate. Saturated values and times of saturation change with paramaters controlling the local evolution of the network topology. Both saturated values and times of saturation obey also power-law dependences on controlling parameters. Scaling exponents are calculated and universal features are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Europhysics Letters for
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