14,597 research outputs found

    Particle production and transplanckian problem on the non-commutative plane

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    We consider the coherent state approach to non-commutativity, and we derive from it an effective quantum scalar field theory. We show how the non-commutativity can be taken in account by a suitable modification of the Klein-Gordon product, and of the equal-time commutation relations. We prove that, in curved space, the Bogolubov coefficients are unchanged, hence the number density of the produced particle is the same as for the commutative case. What changes though is the associated energy density, and this offers a simple solution to the transplanckian problem.Comment: Minor typos corrected, references added. Accepted for publication by Modern Physics Letter

    Dual-use Molecules from Yeast

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    This year the OPCW, the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, celebrates the 20th anniversary of entry into forces. In 2014, this organization examined the impact of new technologies in the field of chemical and biological weapons, in particular the “Convergence” of Chemistry and Biology. An OPCW report of the Scientific Advisory Group highlighted the importance of monitoring developments in science and technology: “New production processes, combined with developments in drug discovery and delivery, could be exploited in the development of new toxic chemicals that could be used as weapons.” 1 Indeed, since 2008, Synthetic Biology is monitored also by other international organizations, such as the Nonproliferation Export Control Regimes Australia Group

    Effect of Martian Suspended Dust on Albedo Measurements from the MGS-TES Data

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    Suspended dust on Mars influences albedo measurements by orbiting instruments, but not necessary the real surface albedo. The aim of this study is to characterize the role of suspended aerosols on albedo measurement by remote sensing instruments

    Evaluation of Aglianico grape skin and seed polyphenols astringency by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of salivary proteins after the binding reaction

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    SDS–PAGE electrophoresis and densitometry analysis were carried out to evaluate the reactivity of Aglianico red grape skin and seed polyphenols with human salivary proteins in order to find a method able to assess their astringency. Analysis of the supernatant obtained after a tannin/human salivary protein binding assay and sensorial analysis showed that four proteins, lactoferrin, PRPbg1, PRPbg2 and a-amylase, were the proteins best able to distinguish tannin solutions characterised by different levels of astringency. A correlation between densitometric data and tannin concentration was plotted in order to give an indirect measure of astringency. The two sources of Aglianico grape polyphenols differed from each other in astringency power; the seed extract solution was about two-fold more tannic than the skin one. The difference in astringency was also perceived by sensorial analysis. The results from this study show that SDS–PAGE electrophoresis of human salivary proteins after the binding reaction with grape polyphenol extracts, coupled with densitometric analysis and the use of a calibration curve, looks extremely promising as a new approach to evaluate polyphenol astringency

    Matrix Cartan superdomains, super Toeplitz operators, and quantization

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    We present a general theory of non-perturbative quantization of a class of hermitian symmetric supermanifolds. The quantization scheme is based on the notion of a super Toeplitz operator on a suitable Z_2 -graded Hilbert space of superholomorphic functions. The quantized supermanifold arises as the C^* -algebra generated by all such operators. We prove that our quantization framework reproduces the invariant super Poisson structure on the classical supermanifold as Planck's constant tends to zero.Comment: 52

    Loop and Path Spaces and Four-Dimensional BF Theories: Connections, Holonomies and Observables

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    We study the differential geometry of principal G-bundles whose base space is the space of free paths (loops) on a manifold M. In particular we consider connections defined in terms of pairs (A,B), where A is a connection for a fixed principal bundle P(M,G) and B is a 2-form on M. The relevant curvatures, parallel transports and holonomies are computed and their expressions in local coordinates are exhibited. When the 2-form B is given by the curvature of A, then the so-called non-abelian Stokes formula follows. For a generic 2-form B, we distinguish the cases when the parallel transport depends on the whole path of paths and when it depends only on the spanned surface. In particular we discuss generalizations of the non-abelian Stokes formula. We study also the invariance properties of the (trace of the) holonomy under suitable transformation groups acting on the pairs (A,B). In this way we are able to define observables for both topological and non-topological quantum field theories of the BF type. In the non topological case, the surface terms may be relevant for the understanding of the quark-confinement problem. In the topological case the (perturbative) four-dimensional quantum BF-theory is expected to yield invariants of imbedded (or immersed) surfaces in a 4-manifold M.Comment: TeX, 39 page

    Supersymmetry and Fredholm modules over quantized spaces

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    The purpose of this paper is to apply the framework of non- commutative differential geometry to quantum deformations of a class of Kahler manifolds. For the examples of the Cartan domains of type I and flat space, we construct Fredholm modules over the quantized manifolds using the supercharges which arise in the quantization of supersymmetric generalizations of the manifolds. We compute the explicit formula for the Chern character on generators of the Toeplitz C^* -algebra.Comment: 24

    Data and performance of an active-set truncated Newton method with non-monotone line search for bound-constrained optimization

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    In this data article, we report data and experiments related to the research article entitled “A Two-Stage Active-Set Algorithm for Bound-Constrained Optimization”, by Cristofari et al. (2017). The method proposed in Cristofari et al. (2017), tackles optimization problems with bound constraints by properly combining an active-set estimate with a truncated Newton strategy. Here, we report the detailed numerical experience performed over a commonly used test set, namely CUTEst (Gould et al., 2015). First, the algorithm ASA-BCP proposed in Cristofari et al. (2017) is compared with the related method NMBC (De Santis et al., 2012). Then, a comparison with the renowned methods ALGENCAN (Birgin and Martínez et al., 2002) and LANCELOT B (Gould et al., 2003) is reported
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