30 research outputs found

    Dietary intakes in people with irritable bowel syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional bowel disorder characterised by episodes of abdominal pain associated with altered bowel habits. Many IBS sufferers believe that diet may play a role in triggering these episodes and may avoid certain foods. However relatively few studies have undertaken a dietary assessment in IBS sufferers to examine the wider impact of the condition upon diet.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>104 individuals with IBS were recruited and asked to complete a validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). The data were analysed against Dietary Reference Values for food energy and nutrients for the United Kingdom and observed intakes for the general population and for differences between IBS subtypes and the UK population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The data show that the dietary intakes of this population of IBS sufferers met the UK Dietary Reference Values. The average energy intake of the population exceeded the Estimated Average Requirements of the UK population and the balance of macronutrients was favourable. Intakes of selected micronutrients significantly exceeded the reference nutrient intakes. There were no differences between IBS subtypes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The IBS subpopulation appear to have an adequate and balanced macronutrient intake with no evidence of inadequate micronutrient intake.</p

    Natural mineral and spring waters and fruit juices as food sources of silicon

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    Napoje, szczególnie wody mineralne, uważa się za jedno z najlepszych źródeł pokarmowych krzemu. Celem pracy było oznaczenie zawartości tego pierwiastka w butelkowanych wodach mineralnych i źródlanych oraz w sokach pomarańczowych, jabłkowych, grejpfrutowych i wieloowocowych dostępnych w handlu. Zawartość krzemu oznaczano metodą absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej z elektrotermiczną atomizacją (GF-AAS). Badane wody mineralne zawierały od 3,33 do 30,05 mg Si/dm3, wody źródlane od 3,66 do 11,23 mg Si/dm3, a soki owocowe od 0,21 do 1,93 mg/100g.Beverages especially mineral waters are considered as one of the best nutritional sources of silicon. The aim of this work was to determine the silicon content in bottled mineral and spring waters, as well as in orange, apple, grapefruit and mixed fruit juices available on the market. The electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS) was used for the silicon determination. The silicon levels in mineral waters ranged from 3,33 – 30,05 mg Si/dm3, in spring waters ranged from 3,66 – 11,23 mg/dm3, and in fruit juices ranged from 0,21- 1,93 mg/100g

    Applying Work-role Attachment Theory to Retirement Decision-making

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    This study examined the relationships between work-role attachment variables (job involvement, affective organizational commitment, and career identification) and intention to retire. Results indicated that organizational commitment was negatively related to retirement intent. Contrary to expectations, job involvement displayed a positive relationship and career identification had no relationship to retirement intent

    Applying Work-role Attachment Theory to Retirement Decision-making

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    This study examined the relationships between work-role attachment variables (job involvement, affective organizational commitment, and career identification) and intention to retire. Results indicated that organizational commitment was negatively related to retirement intent. Contrary to expectations, job involvement displayed a positive relationship and career identification had no relationship to retirement intent

    Wpływ intensywności uprawy na zawartość składników mineralnych w ziarnie, płatkach i otrębach z pszenicy ozimej (Triticum aestivum L.) - badania wstępne

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    Celem badań była ocena wpływu intensywności uprawy na zawartość Ca, Mg, Zn i Fe w ziarnie, płatkach i otrębach pozyskanych z dwóch nowych odmian pszenicy ozimej. Materiał badawczy stanowiło ziarno, płatki i otręby z pszenicy ozimej odmian Kobiera i Bogatka. Odmiany te pochodziły z upraw doświadczalnych z dwóch Stacji Oceny Odmian na terenie Dolnego Śląska w Zybiszowie i Tomaszowie Bolesławieckim w latach 2007-2008. Uprawa prowadzona była na dwóch poziomach intensywności: ekstensywnym i intensywnym. Zawartość składników mineralnych oznaczono metodą płomieniowej spektrometrii absorpcji atomowej (ASA). Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że poziom uprawy nie wywierał istotnego wpływu na zawartość wszystkich analizowanych składników mineralnych zarówno w ziarnie jak i płatkach oraz otrębach. Jedynie zawartość Ca w badanych próbach była stabilna, niezależnie od odmiany, warunków pogodowych oraz intensywności i miejsca uprawy, natomiast ilość Fe istotnie zależała od warunków glebowych.The aim of the study was to assess the effect of cultivation intensity on the Ca, Mg, Zn and Fe contents in winter wheat grain, flakes and bran. The initial material for the study comprised grain, flakes and bran of two winter wheat cultivars Kobiera and Bogatka. These cultivars were from two strain testing stations located in Lower Silesia, Zybiszów and Tomaszów Bolesławiecki in the years 2007-2008. The cultivation was conducted on two intensity levels: lower and higher. The mineral content was determined by the flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The investigation showed that the level of cultivation had no significant effect on the content of all minerals analyzed in grain, flakes and bran. The Ca content in wheat grain, flakes and bran was stable, regardless of varieties, weather conditions, tillage intensity and cultivation place, furthermore soil conditions significantly affect Fe content in wheat grain, flakes and bran

    Evidence that SNF1-related kinase and hexokinase are involved in separate sugar-signalling pathways modulating post-translational redox activation of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in potato tubers

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    We recently discovered that post-translational redox modulation of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) is a powerful new mechanism to adjust the rate of starch synthesis to the availability of sucrose in growing potato tubers. A strong correlation was observed between the endogenous levels of sucrose and the redox-activation state of AGPase. To identify candidate components linking AGPase redox modulation to sugar supply, we used potato tuber discs as a model system. When the discs were cut from growing wild-type potato tubers and incubated for 2 h in the absence of sugars, redox activation of AGPase decreased because of a decrease in internal sugar levels. The decrease in AGPase redox activation could be prevented when glucose or sucrose was supplied to the discs. Both sucrose uptake and redox activation of AGPase were increased when EDTA was used to prepare the tuber discs. However, EDTA treatment of discs had no effect on glucose uptake. Feeding of different glucose analogues revealed that the phosphorylation of hexoses by hexokinase is an essential component in the glucose-dependent redox activation of AGPase. In contrast to this, feeding of the non-metabolisable sucrose analogue, palatinose, leads to a similar activation as with sucrose, indicating that metabolism of sucrose is not necessary in the sucrose-dependent AGPase activation. The influence of sucrose and glucose on redox activation of AGPase was also investigated in discs cut from tubers of antisense plants with reduced SNF1-related protein kinase activity (SnRK1). Feeding of sucrose to tuber discs prevented AGPase redox inactivation in the wild type but not in SnRK1 antisense lines. However, feeding of glucose leads to a similar activation of AGPase in the wild type and in SnRK1 transformants. AGPase redox activation was also increased in transgenic tubers with ectopic overexpression of invertase, containing high levels of glucose and low sucrose levels. Expression of a bacterial glucokinase in the invertase-expressing background led to a decrease in AGPase activation state and tuber starch content. These results show that both sucrose and glucose lead to post-translational redox activation of AGPase, and that they do this by two different pathways involving SnRK1 and an endogenous hexokinase, respectively

    Ocena sposobu żywienia pacjentów z zespołem jelita nadwrażliwego

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    The dietary intake of patients with irritable bowel syndrome was assessed using 24-h dietary recall. The energy value and nutrient contents in the daily food rations were calculated by Nutritionist IV computer program with the Polish database. Differentiations in the Polish RDA coverage for energy and nutrients were observed in the studied group. Fat, saturated fatty acid, phosphorus and also vitamin A, E and C contents were above the RDA in the patients’ daily food ration. The majority of IBS individuals did not meet recommendations for carbohydrate intake. Calcium and cooper intake was below the Polish RDA. The insufficient vitamin B2 intake and excessive Fe supply have been shown in the male patients.Na podstawie wywiadu 24-godzinnego oceniono sposób żywienia pacjentów z zespołem jelita nadwrażliwego. Wartość energetyczną oraz zawartość składników odżywczych w całodziennej racji pokarmowej obliczono za pomocą programu komputerowego Nuritionist IV z polską bazą danych. Stwierdzono zróżnicowane pokrycie zapotrzebowania na energię i składniki odżywcze w badanej grupie. Całodzienna racja pokarmowa pacjentów dostarczała nadmierną ilość tłuszczu, nasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych, również zawartość fosforu oraz witamin A, E i C w diecie znacznie przekraczała bezpieczny poziom spożycia. Większość badanych pacjentów nie spożywała zalecanej ilości węglowodanów. Wykazano zbyt małą zawartość wapnia i miedzi w całodziennej racji pokarmowej. W grupie badanych mężczyzn zaobserwowano niedostateczną podaż witaminy B2 oraz nadmierną podaż żelaza