4,046 research outputs found

    Rumah Melayu ‘Cindai' Model Rumah Panggung Bercirikan Seniukir Ornamen Melayu Deli

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    Rumah Melayu Cindai merupakan salah satu pelestarian yang penting dalam kehidupan seni dan budaya di kota Medan saat ini. Rumah Melayu Cindai berupaya menggambarkan satu bentuk budaya bagi orang Melayu yang dahulu pernah mendiaminya kota Medan. Rumah Melayu Cindai dapat dijadikan model referesentatif mewakili seni bina orang Melayu Deli telah didesain bentuknya serta dibuat sehingga menampilkan betapa arif dan kreatifnya bangsa Melayu dalam bidang seni bangunan. Perencanaan bentuk rumah tersebut menggambarkan kebijaksanaan dalam penggunaan dan keluasan ruang mengikuti keperluan zaman, mengadaptasi cuaca dan penggunaan bahan bangunan. Rumah Melayu Cindai bercirikan Seni Ukir Ornamen (hiasan) melambangkan cara hidup dan sikap terbuka orang Melayu Deli dan kota Medan itu sendiri

    Rapid design of tool-wear condition monitoring systems for turning processes using novelty detection

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    Condition monitoring systems of manufacturing processes have been recognised in recent years as one of the key technologies that provide the competitive advantage in many manufacturing environments. It is capable of providing an essential means to reduce cost, increase productivity, improve quality and prevent damage to the machine or workpiece. Turning operations are considered one of the most common manufacturing processes in industry. It is used to manufacture different round objects such as shafts, spindles and pins. Despite recent development and intensive engineering research, the development of tool wear monitoring systems in turning is still ongoing challenge. In this paper, force signals are used for monitoring tool-wear in a feature fusion model. A novel approach for the design of condition monitoring systems for turning operations using novelty detection algorithm is presented. The results found prove that the developed system can be used for rapid design of condition monitoring systems for turning operations to predict tool-wear

    Konstruksi Realitas Pemberlakuan Perda Syariah oleh Koran The Jakarta Post

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    This research aims to analyse the construction of reality on sharia bylaws in the English newspaper The Jakarta Post. The Jakarta Post is currently the biggest national English newspaper with readership includes educated middle class and high-end as well as foreign audience, making its role siginificant in representing news of Indonesia abroad. This qualitative research uses descriptive design and framing analysis to analyse the framing of news about the implementation of sharia bylaws by The Jakarta Post. The research concludes that The Jakarta Post frames sharia bylaws as controversial and incompatible with the legal system and the plural society of Indonesia. The construction of reality is influenced by its pluralist and secularist ideology

    Implementasi Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Model Numbered Head Together (NHT) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Fisika Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Rambah Hilir

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    Model Numbered Head Together (NHT) is a cooperativelearning model that is designed to influence the patterns ofstudent interaction. By using this learning model will involveall members of the group and is a good way to instill a positiveattitude interdependence and individual responsibility are highthat students will learn seriously, understand and comprehendthe material being studied, and ultimately have an impact onimproving student learning outcomes . To the authors areinterested in doing research to take the title "Model ofCooperative Learning Methods Implementation NumberedHead Together (NHT) to Improve Learning Outcomes StudentsSubjects Physics Class X SMA Negeri 1 RambahDownstream". The formulation of the subject matter to bediscussed is a). How much improvement in student learningoutcomes through the implementation of cooperative learningmodel Numbered Head Together (NHT) to the students ofClass X SMA Negeri 1 Rambah Downstream and b). Howmuch influence cooperative learning model Numbered HeadTogether (NHT) to Class X student mastery SMA Negeri 1Rambah downstream

    Permasalahan Gambir (Uncaria Gambir L.) Di Sumatera Barat Dan Alternatif Pemecahannya

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    Problem of gambir (Uncaria gambir) in West Sumatera and its their alternative solutionsGambir plant is a specific location commodity of West Sumatera. Gambir farming is obne of activities to increase farmers income. It is also an export commodity which contributes to local PDRB and increases export earnings. Around 80% of world demand is fulliled by West Sumatera Province with destiniation country : Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, France, and Switzerland. Demands for gambir have increased all the years, and during five years (2000-2004) export vlume increased 87.49% and export value increased 17.16%. Gambir is esed raw material for medicine, food, and textile industries, and also as sunlight proof color agent and for leather processing. The main problems of gambir are low producticvity and low quality resulted from inoptimal cultivation and post harvest processing technoloque. One step to value the problems is to identify the problems and to draw a program for research and development of gambir which are comprehensive, synergic, and sustainable. This program in solving the gambir problems in West Sumatera, and it is also important to avoid duplication in planning and implementation, and also for research evaluastion so that it can produce action program which is strategic and dynamic since pre-production to post-harvest and marketing
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