9 research outputs found

    Sporcularda vücut kompozisyonu parametrelerinin incelenmesi

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    A comparison of values taken in two years from 12,13 and 14 years old girl students' height, weight, sprint and vertical jump

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    Bu çalışma 12,13 ve 14 yaşlarında spor yapmayan 268 kız öğrenci üzerinde yapıldı. Çalışmada ardışık iki yıl boy, vücut ağırlığı, 30 metre sürat ve dikey sıçrama parametrelerindeki değişimlerin izlenmesi amaçlandı. Üç yaş grubu oluşturmak suretiyle, (12, 13, 14 yaş grubu) I. Ölçümler Mayıs 1993 'de Il. Ölçümler Mayıs 1994 'de aynı kız öğrencilerden ve aynı şartlarda alındı. Boy ve vücut ağırlığı I. ve Il. Ölçüm değerleri arasında, 12 ve 13 yaş gruplarında yapılan karşılaştırmada anlamlı bir artış saptanırken (p0.05). 30 metre sürat zamanlarının I. ve Il. Ölçüm değerleri arasında yapılan karşılaştırmada 12 yaş grubunda anlamlı bir azalma tespit edilirken (p0.05). While there was a statistically significant decrease in sprint time of 30 metre in first and second values of 12 years old girls (p<0.05), there was no differences in 13 and 14 years old girls. There was some differences between first and second value of vertical jump in three groups. But this difference is not statistically significant

    Recovery dynamics following high intensity exercise in young soccer players

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, supramaksimum şiddette yüklenme sonrasında bazı fizyolojik değişkenlere ilişkin toparlanma hızının farklı mevkilerdeki futbolcular arasında karşılaştırılmasıdır. Çalışmaya 13 defans, 13 orta saha ve 11 forvet olmak üzere toplam 37 genç futbolcu gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Araştırma grubundaki sporcuların dinlenik, Wingate testi sırasında ve testi takip eden 20 dakikalık toparlanma döneminde oksijen tüketimi (VO2),(VO_2), ve kalp atım hızı (KAH) değerleri ölçülmüştür. Ayrıca, Wingate testi öncesinde, testin tamamlanmasının hemen ardından ve takip eden 3 dakikalık aralıklar ile kan laktat (LA) konsantrasyonları belirlenmiştir. Maksimum oksijen tüketimi (VO2max),(VO_{2max}), ve 4 mmol/L LA koşu hızı değerleri ise 100 m'lik dairesel parkurda uygulanan modifiye mekik testi süresince solunum gazlarının toplanması ve testin her hız aşamasının sonunda alınan kan örnekleri yardımıyla belirlenmiştir. VO2VO_2 ve KAH değerlerine ilişkin toparlanma yüzdesi aşağıdaki eşitlik yardımıyla belirlenmiştir. [(Test Ortalaması -Dinlenik Ortalama) - (Toparlanma Dakikasındaki Ortalama - Dinlenik Ortalama) x 100 / (Test Ortalaması - Dinlenik Ortalama)]. LA eliminasyon hızının göstergesi olarak ise test sonrasında ulaşılan zirve LA konsantrasyonunun yarılanma süresi (LAys)(LA_{ys}) kabul edilmiştir. İncelenen değişkenler açısından mevkiler arasında fark olup olmadığı tek yönlü varyans analizi ile test edilmiştir. Defans, orta saha ve forvet mevkilerinde oynayan futbolcuların VO2maksVO_{2maks} ve 4 mmol/L LA koşu hızı değerleri benzer bulunmuştur (p>0.05). Aynı şekilde, VO2VO_2 ve KAH değerleri açısından toparlanmanın ilk 3 dakikası içerisinde (hızlı toparlanma periyodu) ve sonrasında (yavaş toparlanma periyodu) toparlanma hızlarının mevkiler arasında benzer olduğu saptanmıştır (p>0.05). Ayrıca, LA_{ys) değerleri açısından da mevkiler arasındaki fark anlamlı bulunmamıştır (p>0.05). Bu sonuçlar, aerobik antrenmanlılık düzeyi benzer olan müsabaka dönemindeki genç futbolcularda supramaksimum bir yüklenme ardından toparlanma dinamiklerinin mevkiler arasında benzer olduğunu göstermektedir.The aim of this study was to compare recovery speed of selected physiological variables following to the supramaximal exercise in soccer players with respect to their playing positions. Totally 37 young soccer players voluntarily participated to the study (13-defenders, 13-midfielders, 11-forwards). Oxygen consumption (VO2),(VO_2), and heart rate (HR) values of the subjects were measured at rest, during the Wingate test and 20-minutes recovery period following the test. Furthermore, blood lactate (LA) concentrations were determined before, at the end and in 3 minutes intervals following the test. Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max),(VO_{2max}),and 4 mmol/L LA running speed were determined by administering modified-shuttle-run test in a 100m circular environment during which respiratory gases and blood samples were collected. Recovery percentages of V02 and HR were determined by using following equation [(Test average - resting average) - (recovery minute average - resting average) x 100 / (test average - resting average]. Index of LA elimination speed was accepted as the half-life of peak LA (LAhf)(LA_{hf}) arrived following to the test. One way ANOVA was used in order to test differences among positions. VO2maxVO_{2max} and running speed at 4 mmol/L LA were found similar among positions (p&gt;0.05). In addition, recovery speed of VO2VO_2 and HR within the first three minutes and in the later periods of recovery were similar among playing positions (p&gt;0.05). Also, there were no significant difference among positions in terms of'LAhfLA_{hf} These results indicated that recovery dynamics following to the supramaximal exercise is similar among positions played in the field in young soccer players with similar aerobic training status

    Daily Physical Activity And Physical Fitness In 11-To 15-Year-Old Trained And Untrained Turkish Boys

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    The aims of this study were to assess levels and patterns of physical activity (PA) in relation to age and regular sport activity, and to examine its relationship to physical fitness in trained and untrained boys. One hundred forty-seven 11-to 15-year-old boys (73 trained and 74 untrained) participated in this study. Trained boys, comprised of 26 soccer, 25 handball and 22 volleyball players, had been training regularly for at least one year. The intensity, duration and frequency of PA were assessed from four complete days of heart rate monitoring with 15-seconds sampling intervals. Aerobic fitness was assessed by determining peakVO(2) with a portable breath-by-breath gas analyzer (Cosmed K4b(2)) and the running speeds at fixed lactate concentrations during an incremental running test. Anaerobic fitness was evaluated with the Wingate Anaerobic Test. Skinfold thicknesses from eight sites and Tanner stages of pubic hair were also obtained. Based on 15-s heart rate data, instead of continuous activity, multiple short bouts of moderate and vigorous PA, lasting up to one minute, were characteristic of daily PA patterns of both trained and untrained boys. PA levels of trained boys were higher than untrained boys (p 0.05). No relationship was observed between PA variables and anaerobic fitness in either group (p> 0.05). It seems that such relationships may somewhat depend on the fitness level of the subjects.Wo

    Comparison of metabolic responses to various endurance protocols

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    Çalışmanın amacı laboratuvar ve saha ortamında uygulanan çeşitli dayanıklılık protokollerine verilen metabolik cevapların karşılaştırılması ve testlerden elde edilen maksimum oksijen tüketimi (VO2maks)(VO_{2maks}) değerlerinin testlerde kat edilen toplam mesafe ile ilişkilerinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya genç takımlarda oynayan toplam 30 futbolcu katılmıştır. Araştırma grubundaki sporculara koşu bandı (KB), mekik (M), dairesel mekik (DM), modifiye mekik (MM) ve dairesel modifiyemekik(DMM) olmak üzere beş farklı dayanıklılık protokolü uygulanmıştır. Protokollere submaksimum ve maksimum koşu hızlarında verilen kan laktat (LA), oksijen tüketimi (VO2),(VO_{2}), kalp atım hızı (KAH) ve algılanan zorluk düzeyi (AZD) değerleri belirlenmiştir. Protokollere verilen metabolik cevaplar tekrarlı ölçümlerde varyans analizi ile karşılaştırılmıştır. İkili grup karşılaştırmalarında ise LSD testi kullanılmıştır.Protokoller arasındaki ilişkiler ise Pearson korelasyon katsayısıyla incelenmiştir. Submaksimum koşu hızlarında M ve MM testlerine yerilen LA, V02, KAH ve AZD cevaplan KB, DM ve DMM testlerinden yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Farklı LA'daki koşu hızı KB testinde DMM'den yüksektir (p<0.05). Karşıt olarak, farklı LA'daki KAH ise DMM testinde KB'den yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Protokoller arasında LAmaks, VO2maksVO_{2maks'} KAHmaks, AZDmaks ve maksimum koşu hızı (Hızmaks) açısından orta ve/veya yüksek düzeyde korelasyon belirlenmiştir (p<0.01). M, DM, MM ve DMM testlerinde ölçülen VO2maksVO_{2maks'} bu testlerde kat edilen mesafe ile orta düzeyde ilişkilidir (r = 0.61-r = 0.76; p<0.01). Sonuç olarak, laboratuvar ve saha ortamında uygulanan dayanıklılık protokollerinin submaksimum ve maksimum koşu hızlarında yarattığı fizyolojik zorlanma düzeyleri farklıdır. Dayanıklılık antrenmanlarında bireysel yüklenme şiddetinin belirlenmesinde DMM testinin uygulanması önerilebilir. Ayrıca, saha testlerinde kat edilen mesafenin futbolcuların V02maks değerlerinin kestiriminde hassas bir yaklaşım tarzı olmadığı gözlenmiştir.The purpose of this study was to compare metabolic responses to various endurance tests administered in laboratory and field conditions, and to consider relationship between maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max)(VO_{2max}) and distance covered during tests. Thirty-players playing at young-teams participated to study. The players were performed treadmill (T), shuttle-run (SR), circular shuttle-run (CSR), modified shuttle-run (MSR) and circular modified-shuttle-run (CMSR) tests. Blood lactate (LA), oxygen consumption (VO2),(VO_{2}), heart rate (HR) and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) responses to protocols were determined. Comparison of metabolic response differences between protocols were made using repeated measures ANOVA. LSD test was applied to identify the point of differences. Relationships between protocols were considered using Pearson Correlation. LA, V02, HR and RPE responses to SR and MSR at submaximal running speeds were higher than T, CSR and CMSR (p&lt;0.05). Running speeds at fixed LA were higher in T than CMSR (p&lt;0.05). In contrast, HR at fixed LA were higher in CMSR than T (p&lt;0.05). Moderate and/ or high relationships were observed between protocols in terms of LAmax, VO2maxVO_{2max'} HRmax, RPEmax and maximal running speed (RSmax).(RS_{max}).. V02max measured at SR, CSR, MSR and CMSR was moderately related to distance covered during test (r=0.61-0.76; p&lt;0.01). The results demonstrated that endurance protocols administered in laboratory and field conditions caused different physiological strain at submaximal and maximal speeds. CMSR test can be suggested to determine individual training load in endurance training. Furthermore; distance covered at field tests was not a sensetive method in estimating V02max values of soccer players

    Influence Of Ramadan Fasting On Anaerobic Performance And Recovery Following Short Time High Intensity Exercise

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Ramadan fasting on anaerobic power and capacity and the removal rate of lactate after short time high intensity exercise in power athletes. Ten male elite power athletes (2 wrestlers, 7 sprinters and 1 thrower, aged 20-24 yr, mean age 22.30 +/- 1.25 yr) participated in this study. The subjects were tested three times [3 days before the beginning of Ramadan (Pre-RF), the last 3 days of Ramadan (End-RF) and the last 3 days of the 4(th) week after the end of Ramadan (After-RF)]. Anaerobic power and capacity were measured by using the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT) at Pre-RF, End-RF and After-RF. Capillary blood samples for lactate analyses and heart rate recordings were taken at rest, immediately after WAnT and throughout the recovery period. Repeated measures of ANOVA indicated that there were no significant changes in body weight, body mass index, fat free mass, percentage of body fat, daily sleeping time and daily caloric intake associated with Ramadan fasting. No significant changes were found in total body water either, but urinary density measured at End-RF was significantly higher than After-RF. Similarity among peak HR and peak LA values at Pre-RF, End-RF and After-RF demonstrated that cardiovascular and metabolic stress caused by WAnT was not affected by Ramadan fasting. In addition, no influence of Ramadan fasting on anaerobic power and capacity and removal rate of LA from blood following high intensity exercise was observed. The results of this study revealed that if strength-power training is performed regularly and daily food intake, body fluid balance and daily sleeping time are maintained as before Ramadan, Ramadan fasting will not have adverse effects on body composition, anaerobic power and capacity, and LA metabolism during and after high intensity exercise in power athletes.Wo

    Effect of heart rate on shooting performance in elite archers

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    Aim: The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of heart rate on shooting performance in elite archers. Methods: Regularly trained 13 (7 female, 6 male) international level elite archers performed a (specific) protocol twice with 3 days interval in an indoor area. In order to raise the heart rate (HR) and related physiological stress the archers performed 4 sets of steady pace shuttle runs (males 10 km h-1; females 8 km h-1) for 3 minutes in a 20 m course following with 1 minute stop during which they performed 3 shots to 18 meter distance indoor target, and followed by 1 minute rest, where blood sample was collected from ear lobe for blood lactate (BL) analysis. Heart rate monitors were used for heart rate (HR) recordings with 5 seconds intervals for resting, running, shooting, and recovery periods. The score of the shots were recorded as in the normal archery indoor competition. Average (overall) results were taken into account for statistical analysis. Results: Mean HR and BL during resting shoot in 1st and 2nd tests were 119.0 and 112.2 bpm (range 1st test: 101–142 bpm, 2nd test: 96–135 bpm) and 1.72 and 1.65 mmol.L−1 (range 1st test: 0.9–2.6 mmol.L−1, 2nd test: 0.8–2.3 mmol.L−1) respectively. Mean HR and BL during post exercise shooting in 1st and 2nd tests were 168 and 166 bpm (range 1st test: 152–191 bpm, 2nd test: 147–188 bpm) and 4.21 and 3.44 mmol.L−1 (range 1st test: 1.3–7.0 mmol.L−1, 2nd test: 1.3–5.7 mmol.L−1) respectively. There was not any statistically difference between shooting scores (27.50–27.23 points) after running exercise and resting (p > 0.05). Conclusion: It was concluded that, under simulated indoor competition environment, high HR values do not influence short distance shooting scores

    Physiological responses to fixed lactate concentrations in young soccer players : Comparision of playing positions

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    B u çalışmanın amacı, genç futbolcularda sabit laktat konsantrasyonlarına ([La]; 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 ve 5.0 mM.L-1) karşılık gelen koşu hızı (KH), kalp atım hızı (KAH) ve maksimum oksijen tü- ketiminin (VO2maks) kullanılan yüzdesi (%VO2maks)’ni mevkilere göre karşılaştırılmasıdır. Bu amaçla; 49 futbolcu (17 defans, 20 orta saha ve 12 forvet) ça- lışmaya gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. (Yaş:17.1± 0.7 yıl, Kilo: 68.6± 7.3 kg, Boy: 175.6± 5.8 cm). VO2maks ve lak- tat eşikleri testi (LT), futbol sahasında Modifiye Me- kik Koşusu testi protokolüne uygun olarak denek- ler tükenene kadar yaptırılmıştır. Testler sırasında portatif O2 analizörü (Cosmed K4b2 , Italy) ile VO2 ve KAH, her üç dakikada ise bir kulak memesinden alınan arteriyal kandan [La] ölçülmüştür (YSI 1500, USA). Sabit [La] karşılık gelen KH, VO2 ve KAH; VO- 2maks ve LT testinden elde edilen KH-[La], KH-KAH ve KH-VO2 grafiklerinden polinom eğriler ve denklemler yardımıyla belirlenmiştir. Yapılan MANOVA sonuçları- na göre, VO2maks ve sabit [La] karşılık gelen KH orta saha oyuncularında diğer mevkilere göre daha yüksek değerlere sahipken, bu fark istatistiksel olarak anlam- lı değildir (p>0.05). Sonuç olarak; incelenen aerobik dayanıklılık özellikleri, genç futbolcularda mevkiler arasında elde edilen fizyolojik cevapların benzer oldu- ğu ortaya çıkmıştır.T he purpose of this study was to compare the run- ning velocity (RV), heart rate (HR) and percenta- ges of maximal oxygen consumption (%VO2max) cor- responding to the fixed lactate concentrations ([La]; 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 5.0 mM.L-1) of young soccer players among the playing positions. With this purpo- se 49 young soccer players (Age:17.1&plusmn; 0.7 years, Body Weight: 68.6&plusmn;7.3 kg , Height: 175.6&plusmn; 5.8 cm) (17 de- fenders, 20 mid-fielders and 12 forwards) voluntarily participated in this study. VO2max&nbsp;and Lactate Thres- holds (LT) test was performed until exhaustion on a soccer field according to Modified Shuttle Run Test protocol. During exercise tests oxygen consumption (VO2) and Heart Rate (HR) were measured with Portable Oxygen Analyzer (Cosmed K4b2, Italy) for each minute, and [La] was measured for every 3 minutes by taking arterialized blood from earlobe (YSI 1500, USA). RV, VO2 &nbsp; and HR corresponding to the fixed [La] were predicted from RV-[La], RV-HR and RV-VO2 &nbsp;, which were measured from VO2max&nbsp; and LT tests, by using polyno- mial curves and equations. As a result of multivariate of variance analysis, although VO2max&nbsp; and RV of mid- fielders corresponding to fixed [LA] were higher than the others, no significant differences were found on RV, percentage of VO2max&nbsp; and HR at the fixed [La] among the playing positions. As a result of the study, exami- ned aerobic endurance characteristics of young soccer players showed similar physiological responses among the playing positions