34 research outputs found

    The Use of Animation Video in Improving Students Listening Comprehension

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    The purpose of this research is to find out whether the use of animation videos improved students listening comprehension to the class XI of SMAN 1 Sungai Ambawang in academic year 2011/ 2012. The methodology of this research is a classroom action research which consisted of 3 cycles those are: first cycle, second cycle and third cycle. In collecting the data, the writer as the teacher used the table of students qualification in listening comprehension test and field notes. The result of this research has shown students progress in listening activity in each cycle. First cycle was 53.6 points which were categorized into poor to average qualification, the second cycle was 65 points which were categorized into average to good qualification and in the last cycle was 74.62 points which were categorized into average to good qualification. The subjects of this research consisted of 26 students who belonged to the grade IX students. Based on the above mention result; it can be conclude that teaching listening activity through animation videos can improve the students listening comprehension

    Using Derby Composition Technique in Improving Students\u27 News Item Writing Ability

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    E-Mail: [email protected] Abstact: This study analyzed ability improvement of tenth grade students of public senior high school one in Putussibau based on the USAge of Derby Composition technique in News Item writing ability. Two classes used as the subjects of research, Derby Composition applied on tenth-three class, meanwhile three-phase technique, a usual teaching technique used by the teacher, applied on tenth-five class. Students\u27 writing result analyzed based on five aspects of news item text; organization, focus on the assigned topics, accuracy of facts and illustration, spelling and punctuation, and grammar and fluency. The result indicated significance improvement in the students writing test result upon using the Derby Composition technique, compared to the student\u27s test result without the following technique

    Improving Students Achievement in Procedure Text Writing Through Small Group Discussion Technique

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    Text writing is one aspect of writing skills that should be acquired by the Senior high school students. Unfortunately, many students still face difficulties in writing text, in this case procedure text. Thus, this thesis discusses about Improving Students Achievement in Procedure Text Writing through Small Group Discussion Technique. The problem in this research: Is the use of Small Group Discussion technique effective to increase students Procedure text writing of the Tenth year students of SMA Negeri 1 Sukadana. This research was conducted to identify the effectiveness of improving procedure text writing through Small Group Discusssion technique. This is a quasi-experimental research and the sample of this research are 37 students of class XB and XC. The data is collected by measurement technique. The tool of data collecting is writing test. The result of t-test computation is 11.6 that is higher than t-table (2.045). it mean that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which states the use of small group discussion technique is effective in improving students achievement in procedure text writing to tenth year students of SMA Negeri 1 Sukadana, Kabupaten Kayong Utara in Academic Year of 2011 2012 is accepted. In conclision, the use of small group discusssion is highly effective to improve the students ability in procedure text wrtiting

    Improving Recount Text Writing Ability By Guided Question-word Questions

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    Eighth grade students ability at SMP Negeri 6 Pontianak in writing recount texts. This research consisted of two cycles. The cycle of this research consisted of four steps namely: planning the action, acting on the plan, observing the action and reflecting on the observation. The subjects of the study were 30 students of eighth grade of SMP Negeri 6 Pontianak in the academic year of 2011/2012. To collect data, the writer used observation checklist and essay test. The data from the observation and essay test were analyzed to investigate the writing process during the cycles of treatment.As a result, in the cycle 1 the students writing ability on recount text could not be improved and could not achieve the minimum level of achievement of writing ability of recount text

    The Effect of Using Picture Word Inductive Model on Teaching Descriptive Text Writing

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    The use of PWIM emphasized more on how students recognized the words by looking at the pictures teacher provided. The purpose of this research was to know the effect of using Picture Word Inductive Model on teaching descriptive text writing on the tenth- grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya. This research used quasi-experimental research pretest-posttest non-equivalent group design. The samples of this research were 20 students for experimental group and 20 students for control group. The use of Picture Word Inductive Model had an effect on teaching descriptive text writing. The effect size for the treatment was considered as strong, under the t-test the difference of the interval was significant. It is suggested that teacher uses PWIM as the alternative technique in teaching descriptive text

    Teaching Recount Text Writing Using Picture Series

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    : The research is about improving ability on recount text writing through Pictures Series to the Eighth Grade Students 0f SMPN 2 Monterado. The purpose of the study is to know how Pictures Series improves the Students\u27 ability in writing recount text. It is expected that the research would be useful for the teachers and students in language teaching and learning process. The method used in this research is a Classroom Action Research which consists of Planning, Acting, Observing and Reflecting. This method is done in three cycles in order to get the maximum result of the research. The number of research participant is 30 students. The tools of collecting data are reading test, observation checklist and field notes. In Cycle 1, the students\u27 mean score was 53.5. and cycle 2, the mean score was 59. Then, cycle 3 was 72.6. Based on the standard of passing score of the school which is 65, the result of the 3rd cycle is already adegrate. It is suggested that the research has been successful

    Improving Students Ability In Speaking About Asking And Giving Opinion Through Guided Conversations

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    Improving Students Ability in Speaking about Asking and Giving Opinion through Guided Conversations is a Classroom Action Research at Eighth Grade B Students of SMP N 21 Terpadu Pontianak in Academic Year 2011/2012. The aim of this research is to know how guided conversations improve students ability in speaking about asking and giving opinion. The researcher used classroom action research as the method of this research. Based on the analysis of the students test result, the writer describes the qualification of students mean score in second cycles (70.8) which reached 100% of achievement score is Good to Excellent


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    This research was motivated by the importance of coordination and cooperation between theDisporabupar Sidoarjo regency with relevant parties in the implementation of promotional activitiesto introduce the Dermo Temple travel on public or tourists, both local, national, to international. TheDermo Temple is one of the historical heritage of Majapahit kingdom whose existence has been awhile but have not been exposed so well that needed effective communication strategy to restoretourists’ interest in travel the Dermo temple. The problem of this research is “How is theCommunication Strategy Disporabudpar Sidoarjo Regency in introducing Dermo Temple travel?â€, inorder to determine the communication strategy Disporabudpar Sidoarjo in introducing Dermo Templetravel by using the theory of Communication Mix..But in practice Sidoarjo Regency Disporabudparnot maximize elements in Communication Mix for the implementation of promotional activities thatmay help the Disporabupar Sidoarjo district in introducing Temple Dermo travel. So it is advisable toget more leverage in conducting promotional activities and can be run it continuously and sustainablyto people or even tourists better understand and understand the sights promoted.Keyword : Communication Strategy, Disporabudpar, Dermo Temple

    Manajemen Laktasi dan Kesejahteraan Ibu Menyusui

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    A mother’s success of lactation depends on her self-management. This study aimed to reveal the contribution of self-awareness (introspection and observation) and self-determination (competency and autonomy) as self-management factors to a lactating mother’s well-being (self-actualization and positive mood). The subjects of this study were 100 mothers who had been breastfeeding for at least six weeks. A structured model was designed with self-awareness as an independent variable to dependent variable of well-being, and as an antecedent variable to self-determination affecting the dependent variable of well-being. Likert scale instruments were used. The data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling program. The models fitting the requirements showed that self-awareness had direct and indirect effects through self-determination on well-being, with a total effect of 0.924. It could be concluded that the success of lactation achieved through the self-management has a strong influence on well-being