965 research outputs found

    Design of a micro-scale wind turbine with horizontal axis using airfoil NACA 4412

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    The high demand for electrical energy leads to the depletion of fossil fuel reserves. Therefore, alternative energy is required to overcome the scarcity of fossil fuels. Regardless of the fact that natural resources are renewable as alternative energy such as wind, water, ocean waves, and sunlight. Wind on the south coast of Malang, Indonesia provides good potential as alternative energy. The design in this paper is focused on designing a horizontal axis wind turbine with 4 blades with a length of 50 cm utilizing the NACA 4412 Airfoil profile. The wind turbine is designed utilizing a low-speed permanent magnet generator around 500-1000 rpm to produce a design power of 100-125 Watt and the maximum power of the generator of 270 Watt. The wind turbine that has been designed has a tower-shaped support that uses iron pipes and is pulled by 4 steel ropes that are plugged in each pointing to the 4 cardinal directions

    Religious Behavior of Indonesian Muslims as Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Covid-19 has become a world pandemic, and Indonesia is among the worse cases. Problems that arise are faced by all parties, including religious elites as well as laypeople. This study was conducted to describe how Muslims in Indonesia responded to and tried to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. The study uses descriptive qualitative methods to collect data by observation, in-depth interview by phone, and online searching documents. From the research conducted, Islamic mass organizations have a relatively similar opinion that limits religious activities supported by various religious arguments. As for laypeople’s behavior, most are the same as mass organizations and Islamic leaders; very few have different behaviors. In anticipation of the virus spreading, most of them restricted religious activities in full by closing down the mosque and stopping public prayers. Few remained active as before the Covid-19 pandemic


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    This study discovers concept and principles to become new theories regarding educational business, study business theories with regard to educational business format, business planning, strategic management, marketing management, financial management and educational business ethics. Some educational business success in Indonesia has executed well by formal and informal organization in university level, study group and courses. This is implicative scientific development and educational business new theories. Practically the theories would directive for educational business entrepreneur to have such new business, increasing professional capability in order managing such organization to improve business survival lucratively. Academically, the existence of educational business has creating new scientific chapter. Professional community of educational business is merely a new entity, educational business quality should be responsible academic and professionally. The educational faculty and university developing science should not only create educators but educational business entrepreneur, economy, management master who would have more lucrative future business prospects.Education, scientific business, professional business, quality, business ethics.

    Fenomenologi Husserl Sebagai Metode Filsafat Eksistensial

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    Fenomenologi merupakan salah satu pendekatan dalam studi agama-agama. Pendekatan tersebut begitu penting dalam studi agama-agama karena ia akan menampilkan setiap gejala atau fenomena yang tampak untuk berbicara mengenai dirinya sendiri, apa adanya, tanpa dugaan dan interpretasi dari peneliti atau pemerhati. Fenomenologi mendapatkan tempat dalam studi agama-agama secara signifikan setelah Edmund Husserl mengembangkannya menjadi sebuah metode filsafat eksistensial, yang kemudian banyak mendapat apresiasi dari para ahli dan peneliti agama-agama. Artikel ini membahas fenomenologi Husserl sebagai metode filsafat eksistensial, di dalamnya dibahas mengenai riwayat hidup Husserl, pengertian fenomenologi sebagai metode filsafat eksistensial, dan fenomenologi sebagai ajaran

    Kebijakan Internal Madrasah dalam Memenuhi Kepuasan Orang Tua Siswa di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 1 Kulon Progo

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    The underlying reason of the study is the importance of education in global era where parents demand that, to face the future, their children should both master science and technology and have strong religion base. To maintain trust from the society, madrasah must work hard. In the last few years, MIN 1 Kulon Progo, a madrasah (Islamic School) with the highest number of students in district Temon, has experienced a constant decrease in enrolments. The sudy shows that student parents of MIN 1 Kulon Progo expect that students 1) worship more diligently, 2) possess better moral and personality, 3) have various skills, 4) achieve better grade, and 5) reach both academic and nonacademic achievements.To respond parents' expectation, Madrasah issues policies such as 1) improving the students' worship quality, 2) mending their moralsand attitude, 3) strengthening the pupils' skills, 4) setting higherachievements, 5) raising goals both academic and non academic. The policies prove to fulfil the needs although some parents think differently. It also brought further benefit to the school as more parents send their children to MIN 1 Kulon Progo in 2018/2019 school year. The school reached the target of new students (56), and it even had to refuse some candidates

    Penegakan Hukum terhadap Pungutan Liar pada Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor (Pkb) di Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Agam oleh Satuan Tugas Sapu Bersih Pungutan Liar

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    All forms of unofficial levies that have no legal basis, such levies are named as illegal fees as stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 87 of 2016. Illegal charges as a form of extortion crime should be prevented and eradicated because it has damaged the joints of life in society, nation and The eradication of illegal levies should be done in an integrated manner by involving Saber Pungli Task Force so as to manifest law enforcement against the perpetrator by giving severe sanction to cause deterrent effect. In practice, law enforcement against perpetrators is still not optimal because it still faces obstacles as happened in Agam District Transportation Departmen

    Pembelajaran Kontekstual Untuk Membentuk Perilaku Berwawasan Lingkungan Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategy to Develop Environmentally-Oriented Behaviors of Vocational High School Students. This study aims at investigating the effectiveness of CTL using Science Environment Technology and Society (SETS) orientation in developing environmentally-oriented behaviors of vocational high school students joining on-the-job training. Using research and development design, this study involved 36 students. The data collected from tests and observation were descriptively analyzed. The results show that students taking on-the-job training need to be equipped with theoretical knowledge of environmentally-oriented behaviors prior to the training as well as practical knowledge of how to test exhaust emissions, how to test water, and how to produce compost. At the end of the study, the students also reflect better behaviors and learning achievement. Abstak: Strategi Pembelajaran Kontekstual untuk Membentuk Perilaku Berwawasan Lingkungan Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektifitas strategi pembela­jaran kontekstual berwawasan Science Environment Technology and Society (SETS) dalam pembentukan perilaku berwawasan lingkungan peserta Praktik Kerja Industri (Prakerin). Penelitian dan pengembangan ini dilakukan di SMK Teknik Mekanik Otomotif dan industri di kota Semarang tahun 2010 dengan sampel 36 siswa. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes, observasi dan dianalisis secara deskriptif dan regresi linear, Penelitian menemukan bahwa untuk membentuk perilaku berwawasan lingkungan, pembelajaran Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup (PLH) dilakukan pada pembekalan Prakerin. Di samping di kelas, siswa juga melakukan praktik pengujian emisi gas buang, pengujian air dan pembuatan kompos. Perilaku berwawasan lingkungan dan hasil belajar PLH para siswa sebagian besar tinggi

    Adversity Quotient Pembangkit Motivasi Siswa Dalam Belajar Matematika

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    Adversity quotiont (AQ) adalah kecerdasan mengatasi kesulitan. Siswa yang memiliki AQ tinggi disebut siswa climber. Siswa climber gigih, ulet, dan tabah dalam menghadapi kesulitan. Mereka selalu berusaha mencari jalan keluar penyelesaian jika menghadapi kesulitan. Mereka tidak pernah membiarkan ada sesuatu yang menghalangi cita-citanya. Potensi Adversity Quotient telah banyak dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan motivasi karyawan di dunia kerja, Perusahaan, perkantoran, dan atlit berbagai cabang olah raga. Semenetara itu, dalam dunia pendidikan, Adversity Quotient belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Dewasa ini masih banyak siswa yang mempunyai kesan negatif terhadap matematika, misalnya: matematika dianggap sebagai momok, matematika menakutkan, bahkan ada siswa yang fobia terhadap matematika. Mengingat kondisi ini, potensi Adversity Quotient nampak sangat berperan dalam memotivasi siswa belajar matematika. Siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar matematika yang tinggi, sesulit apapun materi pelajarann matematika itu, niscaya mereka akan senang belajar. Meningkatkan AQ siswa juga akan sendirinya membangkitkan motivasi siswa belajar matematika. Meningkatkan AQ siswa dapat dilakukan dengan LEAD, dengan megedepankan komponen D, yaitu melakukan sesuatu yang dapat menyadarkan siswa akan pentingnya belajar matematika. Kata