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    This research is titled Integration of Stock Goods at a Mobile Store in Surakarta Singosaren Market. The final result of this research is an information system of goods integration in the mobile phone shop in Singosaren Market, Surakarta, which is expected to accelerate or help sellers get information on which stores are still in stock when there are buyers who want to buy goods and the seller happens to be empty. Then the sellers no longer need to ask directly to other sellers whether the stock is still there or not. The conclusion of this research is the integration of the stock information system at the mobile phone shop in Singosaren Market, Surakarta, if it can be implemented properly, will simplify and speed up shop owners in finding information on the availability of goods in other stores. It also has a function for processing purchase and sales transactions

    Studi Etnografi Pendidikan pada SMA Negeri 1 Ubud Bali: Konsep Ajeg Bali (Hindu) Berbasis Ideologi Tri Hita Karana

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    This article concerns a research aimed at explainingideology was ......._A................'.......a staterelevant educational programs in the course shaping ageneration of modern students still retaining the Balinese character.The research was an educational ethnographical one, llSillginformants selected purposively by means of a snowball samplingtechnique. The data, collected by making observationsinterviews, studying compiled documents, and giving tests tostudents, were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the researchindicate that the school above is a school with Hindu nuances and,relevant with its vision, mission, and goal, has developed certaineducational programs to participate in making a success of the moralmovement in the Balinese society to actualize a Bali remainingBalinese.The movement to remain Balinese was defined by theteachers and students as a moral one made to retain the Balinesepeople's characteristic religious and socio-cultural living, preservedon the basis of the implementation of tri hita karana values.Accordingly, the school has developed educational programsempowering students in taking part in actualizing those values atschool, not meaning that the school has abandoned the nationaleducational vision, mission, and goal

    Pengetahuan Menurut Hindu Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pendidikan Manusia Seutuhnya

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    Appropriate source, according to Hindu knowledge includes knowledge of spiritual, moral knowledge, social knowledge, knowledge of intellectual, physical and sensory knowledge. Fifth human knowledge system was developed as an integrated system. Education according to Hindu, has the obligation to develop a unified system that knowledge to themselves all students, in order to allow it to have intelligence and consciousness double (multiple). Only with the educational process capable of empowering knowledge system as it is, people will be able to grow and develop fully (fully functioning person). It is clear that education in Hindu ideology to support the establishment of a human with multiple intelligences, developed into a fully human, and develop into a human being with the acquisition of knowledge, values ??and attitudes, and skills of both aparawidya (worldly knowledge) and parawidya (noetic knowledge)

    Motivation Sukadi Build Gardens Guava (Psidium guajava)at Air Kumbang BaktiVillage Of Air Kumbang Districts Banyuasin Regency

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    This study aimed to determine the profile of farmers Sukadi as guava and to find the motivation Sukadi build guava orchard at Air Kumbang BaktiVillage Of Air Kumbang Districts Banyuasin Regency. This research was conducted at Air Kumbang BaktiVillage Of Air Kumbang Districts Banyuasin Regency in March to May 2015. The method used is the case study method (case study). While the sampling method used is a method of intentionally (purposive sampling) and the method by coincidence (incidental sampling) with samples Sukadi as guava farmers, communities, farmers and agricultural extension guava at Air Kumbang Bakti Village. Data collection technique used observation and interview methods. Analysis of the data used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The survey results revealed that the profile of farmers guava Sukadi as a figure of farmers who have a hard working attitude, diligent and tenacious in to farm. Furthermore, the results showed that Sukadi motivated to build a guava orchard as seen from a technical standpoint (how cultivation) guava can already be done and in terms of economic (profit) that guava is profitable and able to meet the economic needs of the family. Moreover, in terms of the social that Sukadi want to raise the name of the Air Kumbang Bakti Village with guava orchard that he try

    A Reconstruction of the Thinking of Primary School Civics Education Teaching as Yadnya in the Realization of Dharma Agama and Dharma Negara

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    This research was aimed at testing the effectiveness of primary school Civics Education teaching when it was taken as a yadnya in affecting learning achievement in the aspects of civic knowledge, value orientation, and behavior both simultaneously and partially. The study was done as classroom action research and quasi-experimental study using the post test only control group design. The data were obtained from teachers selected purposively and from students selected using the multistage random sampling. The data were collected using the Civics knowledge test, value inventory, and the self evaluation format. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate variance analysis (MANOVA). The results showed: (1) descriptively, Civics Education as yadnya Teaching Model caused the students to obtain learning achievement falling into the medium category in civic knowledge, the high category in civic value orientation, and the medium category in civic behavior; (2) the implementation of Civics Education teaching as yadnya had a significant effect on Civics Education learning achievement in the aspects of civic knowledge, value orientation, and behavior both simultaneously and partially

    Pengembangan Potensi Pariwisata Spiritual Berbasis Masyarakat Lokal di Bali

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    Bali memiliki daya tarik wisata yang beragam. Wisata spiritual belum banyak dikembangkan oleh masyarakat lokal Bali. Tujuan penelitian tahun pertama ini adalah mengidentifikasi potensi pariwisata spiritual di Bali dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan serta pemasaran pariwisata spiritual di Bali. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan etnografi di tiga Kabuapten di Bali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pura Lempuyang Luhur, Pura Penegil Dharma, Pura Negara Gambur Anglayang, Pura Ponjok Batu, Pura Pulaki, dan Pura Perancak dengan segala aktivitas spiritualnya sangat cocok dikembangkan sebagai objek wisata spiritual di Bali. Ini karena seluruh pura dapat memberikan pengalaman nilai-nilai historis, sosial budaya, dan nilai-nilai spiritual kepada wisatawan yang datang. Strategi pengembangan dan pemasaran yang masih harus dilakukan antara lain adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal pengempon pura, koordinasi dengan pemkab dan pihak-pihak terkait, penataan lingkungan pura yang lebih baik, penyediaan sarana pendukung yang lebih baik, kegiatan inventarisasi dan dokumentasi, sosialisasi melalui media TIK, sosialisasi melalui kerja sama dengan asosiasi perhotelan dan jasa wisata lainnya, sosialisasi melalui desa pakraman, sekolah dan perguruan tinggi, dunia kerja dan industri, masyarakat transmigran Bali, dan masyarakat Hindu Nusantara


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    Currently, the whole world is experiencing economic problems as a result of the convicted-19 pandemic. Small and medium enterprises were at the forefront of economic shocks. This is also felt by the cracker craftsmen Tiara Jambee, who experienced problems in marketing their cracker products during the convicted-19 pandemic. The things that affect this marketing problem start from the absence of product characteristics, attractive packaging forms, and practical marketing methods. To get the characteristic of the cracker product, one of the things that were raised was the processing of crackers without oil. The packaging form here is designed as attractive as possible and includes a PIRT permit. The marketing method chosen according to current conditions is the online marketing model through social media Instagram and the e-commerce site Shope

    Pembuatan Peta Online Obyek Wisata dengan Google My Maps

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    This research is motivated by current technological advances, especially information technology which has been able to change people's habits in their daily activities. Starting from business information processing activities, education, to the process of fulfilling daily needs that can be met with internet technology. In this study, an online map of tourist objects was created with Google My Maps with sample data, namely tourist objects in Pacitan Regency. The results of this study are an online map of tourist objects in Pacitan Regency which can be used as a promotional medium in accordance with current technological advances, and also with this Online Map it is hoped that it can increase the number of tourist visits to Pacitan Regency which will increase local revenue. from the tourism secto


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    Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan menjelaskan pola hubungan antara konteks sosial budaya masyarakat Bali (baik pada lingkup kehidupan masyarakat lokal, nasional, maupun lingkup kehidupan pariwisata globalnyal) dan penyelenggaraan program Pendidikan IPS pada SMU Negeri 1 Ubud yang berbasis ideologi Tri Hita Karana, serta dampaknya terhadap pencapaian tujuan Pendidikan IPS dalam rangka pembentukan generasi muda siswa modern berwatak Bali. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian etnografi pendidikan pada kasus di SMU Negeri 1 Ubud. Subjek penelitian ini melibatkan informan kepala sekolah, beberapa orang guru dan siswa, ketua komite sekolah, dan beberapa partisipan masyarakat yang dipilih secara purpossive dan dengan teknik snowball. Responden siswa juga dipilih untuk kepentingan pengukuran hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan teknik stratified proportional random sampling. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi partisipasi, wawancara mendalam, diksusi kelompok dan kelas, penyebaran inventori nilai, pemberian tes, dan pemberian angket. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konteks sosial budaya masyarakat Bali dalam lingkup kehidupan masyarakat lokal, lingkup kehidupan berbangsa, dan lingkup kehidupan pariwisata global memberikan landasan dalam pengembangan visi, misi, dan pelaksanaan program Pendidikan IPS di SMU Negeri Ubud berbasis idelogi Tri Hita Karana. Ini menunjukkan bahwa konteks sosial budaya masyarakat Bali memberikan basis bagi proses reproduksi budaya dalam penyelenggaraan program Pendidikan IPS yang lebih dimaknai guru-guru dan siswa sebagai proses pemberdayaan peserta didik yang memungkinkan mereka memiliki dan mengembangkan pengetahuan dan wawasan, nilai-nilai dan sikap, serta keterampilan sosial secara partisipatif dalam pembelajaran terhadap kehidupan sosial budaya lokal, nasional, dan global. Pendidikan IPS seperti ini diyakini telah menghasilkan generasi muda modern berwatak Bali, yang antara lain diindikasikan oleh orientasi nilai modern siswa yang cukup, pemahaman sosial budaya dan agama Hindu yang cukup baik, pemahaman konsep Tri Hita Karana yang cukup, orentasi nilai Tri Hita Karana yang tinggi, praktik kehidupan Tri Hita Karana yang cukup tinggi, serta kecenderungan minat siswa melanjutkan studi ke perguruan tinggi dan menjadi wiraswastawan setelah tamat setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan. Ada indikasi pula bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam orientasi nilai modern dan nilai Tri Hita Karana siswa berdasarkan klasifikasi gender. Sesuai dengan hasil penelitian di atas diajukanlah rekomendasi kebijakan, antara lain: perlunya mengembangkan kurikulum Pendidikan IPS menggunakan pendekatan rekonstruksi sosial, mengembangkan iklim lingkungan belajar berbasis ajaran dan tradisi Hindu dan penerapan kepemimpinan demokratis; dan kebutuhan mengembangkan model belajar dan pembelajaran kontekstual, sumber dan media belajar Pendidikan IPS, dan asesmen autentik
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