198 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pendampingan Suami terhadap Kecemasan Ibu pada Proses Persalinan Kala I (Fase Laten-Fase Aktif)

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     The longer anxiety that is prolonged by pregnant mothers will be increased alongside the frequency of contractions that appears in such circumstances and it would make the mother less cooperative resulting in prolonged labor and fetal distress occured. The presence of husbands or lover partners is suggested to accompany his wife during labor process, it is because the direct approach can support a pleasant communication between them so they can overcome all fears that matters. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of husband\u27s assistance to maternal anxiety at the first stage of labor process in connecticut .This design of the research used The Pre-Experiment method with approach in Pre-Post Test design that exerted Consecutive Sampling technique with the samples 10 respondents. The data collection was examined through a questionnaire which was then analyzed by using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test.The result showed that influence of husband’sasistence to decreased the level of mother’s anxiety with significant value Ï = 0.02. The husband assistance is needed by pregnant mother in the delivery process because the husband is the maximum assistance can reduce anxiety

    Pengaruh Pendampingan Suami Terhadap Kecemasan Ibu Pada Proses Persalinan Kala I (Fase Laten-Fase Aktif)

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    ABSTRAK Kecemasan yang dialami oleh ibu bersalin semakin lama akan semakin meningkat seiring dengan semakin seringnya kontraksi muncul sehingga keadaan ini akan membuat ibu semakin tidak kooperatif yang berakibat persalinan berlangsung lama dan terjadi fetal distres. Kehadiran suami atau pasangan sangat dianjurkan untuk mendampingi ibu selama persalinan karena pendekatan langsung dapat mendorong komunikasi diantara keduanya sehingga dapat mengatasi semua kekhawatiran. Tujuan dari peneitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh pendampingan suami terhadap kecemasan ibu pada proses persalinan kala I. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pra-Experiment dengan pendekatan Pre-Post Test Design yang menggunakan teknik Consecutive Sampling dengan jumlah sampel 10 responden. Pengambilan data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pendampingan suami terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan dengan nilai Ï = 0,02. Pendampingan suami sangat dibutuhkan ibu pada proses persalinan karena dengan pendampingan suami yang maksimal dapat meurunkan kecemasan.   Kata kunci: tingkat kecemasan ibu, proses persalinan kala i , pendampingan suami. ABSTRACT   The longer anxiety that is prolonged by pregnant mothers will be increased alongside the frequency of contractions that appears in such circumstances and it would make the mother less cooperative resulting in prolonged labor and fetal distress occured. The presence of husbands or lover partners is suggested to accompany his wife during labor process, it is because the direct approach can support a pleasant communication between them so they can overcome all fears that matters. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of husband's assistance to maternal anxiety at the first stage of labor process in connecticut .This design of the research used The Pre-Experiment method with approach in Pre-Post Test design that exerted Consecutive Sampling technique with the samples 10 respondents. The data collection was examined through a questionnaire which was then analyzed by using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test.The result showed that influence of husband’sasistence to decreased the level of mother’s anxiety with significant value Ï = 0.02. The husband assistance is needed by pregnant mother in the delivery process because the husband is the maximum assistance can reduce anxiety. Keywords :anxiety levels mother, delivery process period ,husband accompaniment

    Potensi Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Pengetahuan Personal Hygiene Menstruasi

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    Hygiene at the time of menstruation is important in determining the health of reproductive organs. If not kept clean, it will cause microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses that can interfere with the function of reproductive organs. This study aims to determine the effect of health education on personal knowledge of menstrual hygiene. The design in this research is quasi experimental with pretest posttest control group design. The population in this study were 171 respondents and 108 respondents, using simple random sampling technique. The independent variables of this research are health education and dependent variables are personal hygiene knowledge. The research instrument using questioner, the data were analyzed using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney test with α ≤ 0,05. Wilcoxon test result in treatment group was p = 0.000 and control group p = 0,083. Mann Whitney test results obtained p = 0,000 (p <α). The results of this study indicate that there is an effect of health education on personal knowledge of menstrual hygiene and there is a significant difference in personal knowledge of menstrual hygiene in the treatment group and control group. Effective health education increases personal knowledge of Menstrual Hygiene.Keywords : Health Education, Knowledge, Personal Hygiene, Menstruatio

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kecemasan Menarche Pada Remaja Putri

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    Menarche is an important time for a woman when puberty. Symptoms often occur during puberty is that anxiety and fear. Knowledge and family support are high is one of the forms to reduce the anxiety. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship ofknowledge and family support with anxiety menarche in young women. The design used in this research is descriptive analytic with cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 30 respondents, the independent variable is the knowledge and family support, the dependent variable is the menarche anxiety. Sampling by using purposive sampling. Measuring devices using questionnaires, the data were analyzed using the Spearman rho test with significance level of 5% (α ≤0,05).The research concludes that there is a relationship of knowledge with anxiety menarche in adolescents (P = 0.002; r = - 0.544), family support relationships with anxiety menarche in adolescents (P = 0.002; r = - 0.536) with a negative correlation with the direction of considerable strength.Knowledge and family support the relationship with anxiety menarche. The higher the knowledge and family support of anxiety menarche decreased, and conversely the less than the knowledge and family support of anxiety menarche increased

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Kecemasan Menarche Pada Remaja Putri

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    Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) is often experienced by women who is getting menstruation period and it can bother the daily activities. Non pharmacological treatments of dysmenorrhea are using acupressure in Tai Chong and Guanyuan Point. The purpose of this research was to know the difference between the effect of Tai Chong and Guanyuan Point to reduce the pain of dysmenorrhea intensity. The research design used Quasy Experiment with Pretest-Postest Design approach and the sampling used Purposive Sampling technique. The samples were consisted of 60 respondents of female teenagers in the Islamic Boarding School Dormitory of As’Adiyah Darul 'Ulum Jombang which fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The instrument of measuring pain was using NRS, the data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney with α ≤ 0.05. The research results showed that there was an effect on the Tai Chong Point towards menstrual pain with a significant value of 0,000 (p α). Acupressure at Tai Chong and Guanyuan Points were effective to reduce dysmenorrhea intensity, clinically the reduction of dysmenorrhea intensity was higher with the acupressure of Tai Chong Point. Key words: acupressure, dysmenorrhea, adolescent gir


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    Hygiene at the time of menstruation is important in determining the health of reproductive organs. If not kept clean, it will cause microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses that can interfere with the function of reproductive organs. This study aims to determine the effect of health education on personal knowledge of menstrual hygiene. The design in this research is quasi experimental with pretest posttest control group design. The population in this study were 171 respondents and 108 respondents, using simple random sampling technique. The independent variables of this research are health education and dependent variables are personal hygiene knowledge. The research instrument using questioner, the data were analyzed using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney test with ? ? 0,05. Wilcoxon test result in treatment group was p = 0.000 and control group p = 0,083. Mann Whitney test results obtained p = 0,000 (p &lt;?). The results of this study indicate that there is an effect of health education on personal knowledge of menstrual hygiene and there is a significant difference in personal knowledge of menstrual hygiene in the treatment group and control group. Effective health education increases personal knowledge of Menstrual Hygiene.Keywords : Health Education, Knowledge, Personal Hygiene, Menstruatio
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