20 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Gaya Hidup dan Kepercayaan Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Handphone Samsung Di Kota Purwodadi

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    Mobile brand Samsung is one of the world's famous smart phone brands originating from Korea. This study focuses on consumers who use Samsung brand mobile phones. The type of research is quantitative descriptive method. This study aims to identify: the influence of lifestyle and brand trust together and individually to the decision of purchasing Samsung mobile phone in Purwodadi City. Subjects in this study are Samsung mobile users who are in Purwodadi City. The number of samples in this study 100 respondents. Sampling technique using purposive sampling. Analyzer in this research using multiple linear regression analysis, simultaneous test (F test), partial test (t test) and Test coefficient of determination (R2). Based on the results of research indicate that partially and simultaneously lifestyle and brand trust on Samsung mobile phone purchase decision have positive and significant effect. In the model established lifestyle and brand trust able to explain the purchase decision variable of 47.5% and the remaining 52.5% is still influenced by other variables. Keywords: lifestyle, brand trust, purchasing decision, Samsung

    Analisis Consumer Brand Characteristics Terhadap Brand Loyalty Produk Merek Ella Skincare Di Solo Raya

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of the brand characteristics variable which consists of 3 variables, namely, consumer satisfaction, consumer experience, consumer perceived as an independent variable, on brand loyalty, on Ella skincare brand products. The sample in this study was 100 respondents who were taken through the purposive sampling method. The analytical tools used in this study include the instrument test data path coefficient test, goodness of fit test and hypothesis testing using the SmartPLS program. The results of this study indicate that 1) consumer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on brand loyalty. 2) consumer experience has no positive and significant effect on brand loyalty. 3) consumer perceived satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on brand loyalty

    Analisis Pengaruh Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja, dan Kesehatan Keselamatan Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Studi Kasus pada Karyawan Luwes pasar Raya Purwodadi)

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    This study aims to analyze the effects of compensation, work environment, and occupational safety health on employee job satisfaction. A study conducted at Luwes Pasar Raya Purwodadi. Samples taken in the study were 100 respondents who worked at Luwes Pasar Raya Purwodadi. Analytical methods used are multiple linear regression analysis, validity and reliability test. Based on the results of the analysis found it can be explained that work environment, compensation, and occupational health & safety have a positive and significant impact on employee job satisfaction. In the model established work environment, compensation, and occupational health and safety variables are able to explain employee job satisfaction variable of 21.1% and the remaining 78.9% is still influenced by other variables

    Pengaruh Persepsi Harga dan Citra Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk di UMS Bookstore (Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Progam Studi Manajemen Angkatan 2015 dan 2016 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)

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    The objective of this research is to find out the influence of price perception, brand image and both price perception and brand image at once towards the purchase decision of UMS Bookstore’s products done by the prospective customer. It is done through the case study of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta’s students majoring management study from the year of 2015 and 2016. Practically, this research is beneficial for; 1) giving conceptual contribution for UMS Bookstore’s administrator as marketing strategy reference, 2) giving more knowledge in terms of producing the concept of price perception, brand image and purchase decision, 3) a reference in doing a similar research of which variable is different. This research belongs to survey research, employing questionnaire as its instrument. The population of this research covers all of the 2015 and 2016 management students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. A Requirement of having visit and purchase frequency in UMS Bookstore at least once during their study is applied. Purposive sampling is applied by employing 110 respondents as the samples. The data is obtained through the questionnaire that has been validated and reliably tested. Multiple linear regression has been employed as its analysis technique to assess the hypothesized model statistically. The result shows that there is a positive and significant influence of perception price towards the purchase decision in UMS Bookstore, it is proven by t value = 3,206 with significant value 0,002 (0,002 < 0,05). There is a positive and significant influence of brand image towards purchase decision in UMS Bookstore, proven by t value = 5,71 with significant value 0,000 (0,000 < 0,05). There is also a positive and significant influence of both price perception and brand image towards purchase decision in UMS Bookstore, proven by F statistic value = 28,608 with significant value 0,000 (0,000<0,05)

    Analisis Aplikasi Model Assael Dalam Keputusan Pembelian Produk Fast Food Di Kota Surakarta

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze and discuss the influence of individual, environmental, and marketing stimuli on buying decisions on fast food products in the city of Surakarta. Furthermore, the formulation of the problem in this study is whether the individual, environment and marketing stimulus have a significant effect on buying decisions. This research is a survey research based on a quantitative approach using primary data types through filling out questionnaires which are distributed using Google Form. The data source of this study is a sample of respondents who buy and consume fast food products at KFC and McDonald's in Surakarta City. The population in this study are all consumers who make purchases at KFC and McDonald’s in Surakarta City. The sampling technique in this study was non-probability sampling using purposive sampling, where the number of samples in this study was 200 respondents. The hypothesis in this study is that individuals are presumed of having a significant effect on buying decisions (H1), presumed of having a significant environmental influence on buying decisions (H2), and presumed marketing stimuli having a significant effect on buying decisions (H3). The results showed that individuals have a significant effect on buying decisions, the environment has a significant effect on buying decisions, and marketing stimuli have a significant effect on buying decisions. The conclusion of this study shows that the individual (X1), environment (X2), and marketing stimulus (X3) have a significant effect on buying decisions (Y) for fast food products in Surakarta City. Therefore, the proposed H1, H2, and H3 are proven to be true. The policy implications of KFC and McDonald's fast food managers must always innovate products based on perceived quality, price, and brand trust

    Analisis Variabel Brand Characteristic Terhadap Brand Loyalty Pada Produk UMKM Merek Kak Fiet Di Soloraya

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    This study aims to determine the effect of brand characteristic variables consisting of brand reputation, brand predictability, and brand competence on brand loyalty to MSMEs Kak Fiet brand consumers in Soloraya. The sample in this study was 127 respondents who were taken through purposive sampling method. The analytical tools used in this research include instrument data test, classical assumption test, path coefficient test, goodness of fit test and hypothesis testing using the SmartPLS program. The results of this study indicate that 1) Brand reputation has a positive and significant effect on brand loyalty; 2) Brand predictability has a positive and insignificant effect on brand loyalty; 3) Brand competence has a positive and significant effect on brand loyalty; This means that not all brand characteristic variables will have a significant effect on brand loyalty on MSMEs Kak Fiet brand in Soloraya

    Pengaruh Kesesuaian Harga Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Teh Pucuk Harum (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of prices, and promotion of the decision to purchase Teh Pucuk Harum. Studies conducted at UMS faculty of economics and business management students. The sample taken in the study was 100 respondents who had bought Teh Pucuk Harum. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis, validity and reliability test. Based on the results of the analysis found, it can be explained that prices and promotions have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. In the model formed price and promotion variables are able to explain the purchase decision variable by 24.3% and the remaining 75.7% is still influenced by other variables

    Analisis Pengaruh Pemberdayaan Kepemimpinan terhadap Kreativitas Karyawan dengan Motivasi Belajar dan Kepercayaan Kepada Pemimpin Sebagai Variabel Mediasi (Studi Kasus pada Karyawan Perusahaan Asuransi Sun Life Financial Indonesia Regional 3)

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of Leadership Empowerment on Employee Creativity with Learning Motivation and Trust in Leaders as Mediation Variables for Employees of Sun Life Financial Indonesia Regional 3 Insurance Company. This research is included in quantitative research. The population of this research is the employees of Sun Life Financial Indonesia Regional Insurance Company 3. The samples collected in this study are 100 respondents. The sample selection technique is using purposive sampling where the sample is determined based on certain criteria. The data used is primary data where data is obtained from respondents' answers through a questionnaire that has been given. SmartPLS 3.0 is used in research as an analytical tool. The results of this study indicate that (1) Leadership Empowerment has a positive and significant effect on Employee Creativity. (2) Leadership empowerment has a positive and significant effect on learning motivation. (3) Learning motivation does not have a positive and significant effect on employee creativity. (4) Leadership Empowerment has a positive and significant influence on Trust in leaders. (5) Trust in Leaders has a positive and significant influence on employee creativity. (6) The variable of learning motivation is not able to provide a mediating effect of the leadership empowerment variable on the employee creativity variable. (7) The relationship between the ability to mediate trust in leaders between leadership empowerment and employee creativity has a significant effect

    Pengaruh E-Service Quality Dan Brand Trust Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Jasa Ota Traveloka.Com

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    This study aims to determine and analyze; the effect of E-Service Quality and Brand Trust on the satisfaction and loyalty of Traveloka.com OTA services. This type of research is quantitative research, research data collection uses survey methods. Data analysis is based on primary data obtained from the results of questionnaires circulated regarding the effect of E-Service Quality and Brand Trust on satisfaction and loyalty. and sampling technique using purposive sampling. The study was conducted on OTA Traveloka with a population of 135 respondents from Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta students who had made transactions on the Traveloka application and were at least 18 years old. The research data were analyzed by using the structural equation model (SEM) with partial least square test measurements. Based on the results of the analysis, the research concludes that: that e-service quality has an effect on customer satisfaction at Traveloka. e-service quality has no effect on consumer loyalty at Traveloka, Brand Trust does not affect consumer satisfaction at Traveloka, Brand Trus affects consumer loyalty at Traveloka, consumer satisfaction affects consumer loyalty at Traveloka, and consumer satisfaction does not mediate the e-service quality variable. and brand trust on consumer loyalt

    Dampak Media Periklanan Via Televisi dan Internet Terhadap Perilaku Pembelian Konsumen Pada Traveloka di Kota Surakarta (Studi Kasus Pembelian Tiket Pesawat)

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    PT. Traveloka Indonesia, better known as Traveloka is one of the company operate their business as an online travel search engine with focus on domestic Indonesia and Southeast Asia, with site name Traveloka.com. This study focuses on cunsomers who have booked online airline ticket through Traveloka. This study aims to identify: the impact of Traveloka advertisementon television media and internet media together and individually on purchase decision on online airline ticket through Traveloka. Subjects in this study are users of e-commerce site Traveloka located in the city of Surakarta. The number of sample in this study represented by 104 respondents. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The analysis tools in this study is multiple linear regression analysis, simultaneous test (F test), partial test (t test) and coefficient of determination test (R2). In conclusion, the results of research shows that the influence of Traveloka advertisement on television media and internet media have a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions.Simultaneously advertising on television media and internet media to purchase decisions have a fit model. In the model formed television advertising and internet advertising have the ability to explain the purchase decision of 45.6% and the remaining 54.4% is still influenced by other variables