171 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Telecom Customer Relationship Management System

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    当今互联网技术飞速发展,经济发展进入了互联网经济时代,每家企业都在进行着大改革,能否搭上这一改革的浪潮,是每家企业的经营者都应该去深刻思考的。互联网经济,是一个新的时代,以客户为核心,新的时代对企业提出了客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement,CRM)的要求。CRM的优势就在于吸引维系高价值的客户。CRM是一种以用户为核心的企业管理策略,将这一策略代入企业的日常经营活动,能够高效处理企业与客户之间所有的联系。CRM把“以客户为中心”在整个客户生命期中体现贯穿,这也体现了CRM系统是把客户视为企业运作的核心。 中国电信企业信息化的战略目标是面向企业转型和聚焦...Nowadays, with the rapid development of the Internet technology, economic development has moved into the era of the Internet economy. On this situation, all enterprises should think deeply that how to catch up with the tide of the Internet reform. Internet economy, a new era with the customer as the core, requires the enterprise to meet the demand of the CRM (Customer Relationship Management,CRM),...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323199

    Design and Implementation of Scholarship Evaluation System for Guangxi University

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    目前,随着我国高校招生规模的进一步扩大,传统的学生管理工作已经不能满足高校学生管理工作的实际需要。以高校奖学金评定系统为例,传统的高校奖学金评定由于学生规模较少,相关操作与信息计算的难度并不大,但是随着学生数量的增加,为了保证奖学金公平合理的发放,考评必不可少。奖学金工作的信息化管理可以使从事学校教学质量管理工作的人员从繁重的劳动中解脱出来,奖学金系统的信息化管理可以轻松快捷地完成奖学金的评定管理任务,使评定工作更加高效和系统。基于此,奖学金系统的开发能够实现对学生档案管理、学生成绩管理、奖学金管理的自动化与规范化。 系统的技术框架是基于.NET平台的三层架构技术,前台开发采用的是ASP.N...With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, the application of computer in various fields of the society is becoming more and more extensive. Take the university scholarship evaluation system as an example, the traditional university scholarship evaluation as a result of the student scale is small, the correlation operation and the information computation difficulty...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223071

    Proteomic Analysis of Differentially Expression Proteins in both Digestive Gland and Kidney of Scallops Exposed to Methyl Parathion

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    甲基对硫磷(methylparathion,MP)是我国生产和使用量最大的有机磷农药(OPP)之一,影响范围广,毒性高,是极具代表性的有机磷污染物。MP的过量使用,已对水生生物的生存乃至人类健康构成了一定威胁。目前,对于OPP的毒性机制研究还主要侧重于对少数几种酶的研究,研究方法更多还是采用传统的终点法,而在蛋白质组水平上进行OPP毒理学研究的报道还相对较少。本论文以虾夷扇贝为研究对象,以急性和慢性浓度的MP为途径胁迫扇贝,研究其肾组织和消化腺的差异表达蛋白质。 为了建立急性和慢性MP胁迫的分析模型,我们对96h半致死浓度(LC50)、扇贝的SOD活性、AchE活性以及MP残留等传统指标进行...Methy parathion (MP) is one of the most widely used organophosphorus pesticide (OPP) in our country. It has become a considerable threat to aquatic organisms and human beings due to its high toxicity, environmental persistence and over usage. Currently, the studies on OPP toxicology are mainly focusing on several enzymes, and are primarily dependent on classical endpoint methods. However, there ar...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2172009115205

    The Preparation of the porous nanostructure of conducting polymer and its application in the field of biomedical science

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    具备纳米结构的导电高分子以其独特的物理、化学性能,在生物医学、超级电容器和纳米器件等领域有广泛的应用前景,近年来受到越来越多的关注。因此,如何控制导电高分子纳米材料的形貌,使其按照一定的规律进行组装、复合,对于深入研究材料形貌与物性间的关系,合成具有特殊形貌和功能的纳米结构,最终实现按照人们的意愿设计和组件功能纳米材料具有非常重要的意义。制备导电高分子纳米结构的方法主要有以下两类:模板法和无模板法,目前出现一种利用纳米结构的无机氧化剂作为一种自牺牲模板来合成导电高分子的纳米结构的新方法,通过制备不同形貌的无机物可以实现对导电高分子形貌的控制,具有简单、高效和无污染等特点。FeCl3作为一种常见...Conducting polymer nanostructures are attracting more and more attention because they exhibit unique physical, chemical and other properties, which have great potential applications in biomedicine, supercapacitor, nanoscale devices etc. Therefore, controlled fabrication of conducting polymer, such as hierarchical structures with junctions and branches, nanowires with well order or with ultra-high ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:材料学院_生物医学工程学号:3142010115012

    Media supervision and the course of justice

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    在我国,司法与媒体往往是亦友亦敌的关系,司法公正需要媒体监督,而媒体滥用监督权又会损害司法公正的实现。通过媒体监督与司法公正的内涵,媒体监督对司法公正的影响,以及正确处理两者的关系等问题的探讨,探求媒体与司法良性互动的途径,以达保障司法公正的目的。In China,the judiciary and the media is often the relationship between the friend and enemy,justice requires media monitoring,media abuse of supervisory authority will damage the course of justice.The connotation of media monitoring and the course of justice,the media watchdog of justice,and correctly handle the relationship between the two other issues of ways to explore the positive interaction of media and judicial,in order to ensure judicial impartiality

    Joint Decisions by Contracting Parties of Investment Treaties and the Proper Control of Treaty Interpretations by Tribunals: A Study of Article 30(3) of the 2012 U.S. Model BIT

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    随着国际投资实践的发展,国际投资法的发展呈现出新的复杂性、不确定性和扩展性。尤其是近年来,国际投资条约仲裁案件数量的攀升,投资条约的诸多不足也暴露出来。有关实体法的模糊或缺失、程序法的缺陷等等,不仅使得东道国的主权面临挑战,也带来了投资条约仲裁的“正当性危机”。围绕着改造投资仲裁机制的学术讨论以及具体的条约改革实践正在进行当中。 在此过程之中,投资仲裁制度无疑成为关注的焦点。规定以仲裁方式解决投资纠纷已然成为各国双边投资协定中极为重要的组成部分。实践中,往往会出现不同仲裁庭就同一条款解释不一的情况。为保证条约适用的统一性,美国《2012年双边投资条约(BIT)范本》沿用了《2004年BIT范...Investment Treaties are concluded by States. Where investment treaties refer to Investor-State arbitration, arbitral tribunals interpret treaty provisions in the context of the dispute settlement. Some of these interpretations have raised concerns, because of a perceived lack of consistency, predictability and quality. The concerns have resulted in a confidence even legitimacy crisis in the arbitr...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_国际法学(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)学号:1362010115015

    The Dilemma of the Practice of Environmental Litigation of Public Interest——In the View of Inadequate Cases of Environmental Protection Courts

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    二十世纪以来,随着经济的转型升级和民众环保意识的觉醒,保护生态遏制污染的重要性日益凸显。环境公益诉讼逐渐成为世界各国解决环境纠纷、强化生态保护的重要工具。我国于2012年《民事诉讼法》修法时确立了公益诉讼制度,但在实践中并没有发生公益诉讼井喷的现象,更没有出现立法者所担心的“滥诉”问题;恰恰相反,大部分的环保法庭均遭遇了公益诉讼“低受案率”甚至“零受案率”的窘境。通过考察目前环保法庭所面临的“低受案率”困境,从原告资格的限制、激励机制的缺乏、环保法庭的设置及司法体制的缺陷等方面探讨造成该困境的成因,并就立法规范和司法实践两个层面提出相应的解决之道,以期提高环境公益诉讼的适用性,推动该制度的完善...In the 1900s, the economic transition and awakening of environmental protection awareness trigger the public attention to ecological protection. In this context, environmental litigation of public interest has played an important role in handling the environmental disputes. In China, the provisions of the public interest litigation system in this amendment of the civil procedure law haven`t result...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_诉讼法学学号:1362013115019

    Experimental Study On Mass-spun Nanofibers Via Tip-induced Electrospinning

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    纳米纤维在生物医学、能源、空气及水体过滤等领域有着极大的潜在应用价值,近年来成为纳米科学领域的关注热点,实现纳米纤维的批量化制造是其获得工业化应用的关键。静电纺丝是生产纳米纤维的重要方法,以其结构简单,工艺可控性好,制备成本低廉等优势,成为最具工业化生产潜力的纳米纤维制造技术之一。本文通过介绍近年来的批量电纺方法和典型批量静电纺丝商业化设备的发展现状,对比分析了各电纺方法存在的优缺点以及制约纳米纤维批量制造设备发展的重要因素,提出需基于多针尖诱导批量电纺方法,研发出具有自主知识产权且具备工业化发展潜力的纳米纤维批量制造系统。 设计研发一套多种电纺参数可调的多针尖诱导批量电纺系统,在该系统上进...Due to theirs great potentials in biomedicine, energy, air/water filtering, etc., nanofibers have been an intensive focus, and theirs mass production therefore is meaningful. Electrospinning is a good technique to produce nanofibers because of its simplicity, good controllability, and low cost. This technique has been regarded as one of the most potential way for nanofiber industrialization. In th...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_机械工程学号:1992010115272


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    The Strategic Study of Nice World Chemical Industry(Xiamen) Co., Ltd

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    世佳化工(厦门)有限公司是一家成立于1995年的外资独资化工企业。企业成立至今,终于走上了稳定生产的正常轨道。但是企业面临的环境却越来越险恶,竞争对手多而强大;产品市场日趋饱和;客户谈判能力增强;原料始终是供不应求;世界原油价格波动幅度大;世佳化工本身产品结构单一,除了生产中产生的副产物顺酐外,公司的最主要产品就是苯酐,产业结构的单一使得企业抗击风险的能力大大削弱。世佳化工的发展正处在一个关键的时期。怎样调整发展战略来迎接挑战,抓住机遇,在竞争中立于不败之地,已经成为一个严峻的课题。本文力图通过对世佳化工内外环境和竞争能力的分析,为世佳化工找到切实可行的发展战略及实施办法。全文结构如下: ...Established in 1995, Nice World Chemical Industry (Xiamen) Co., Ltd is a enterprise of wholly foreign-owned venture. She has gone to the normal orbit of steady production. But the environment that the enterprise faces is more and more dangerous. There are many strong rivals. The product market saturates day by day with the customers negotiation ability strengthening. The main raw material is in sh...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20031509