36 research outputs found


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    采用静态箱法对海南东寨港 4个站位的 5个红树林群落的土壤甲烷通量进行了研究 ,结果表明林地土壤平均甲烷通量为 0 .81m g.m- 2 .d- 1 。利用聚乙烯袋密闭法测定了 6种红树植物叶片的甲烷通量 ,发现红树植物叶片具有吸收大气甲烷的效应。通过海莲 (Bruguiera sexangula)红树林的研究还表明 ,林地土壤甲烷通量的日变化与林内潮水淹浸状况有关。海莲林不同滩面土壤甲烷通量的差异与土壤含水量有关。土壤甲烷通量的季节差异因植被类型或土壤性质不同而表现为两种形式Using a static chamber technique,methane fluxes from sediments of five mangrove communities at four sites were studied.An average value of 0.81 mg·m -2 ·d -1 was observed.Using polyethylene bags,methane fluxes through leaves of six mangrove species were also studied.It indicates that mangrove leaves generally absorbed atmospheric methane as an overall effect.Diurnal variations of methane fluxes from sediments of Bruguiera sexangula community at Changning site were related to tidal conditions in the forest while flat variations of methane fluxes from sediments of this community were related to soil water contents.There were two different seasonal patterns of methane flux from soils in the five mangrove communities.国家自然科学基金!( 4 96762 98);; 香港科技大学资

    Hydrophilicity of TiO_2 Thin Films Codoped with Iron and Nitrogen

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    [中文文摘]采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了铁掺杂TiO2(Fe-TiO2)薄膜,将Fe-TiO2薄膜放置氨气气氛中高温处理,形成铁、氮共掺杂TiO2(Fe/N-TiO2)薄膜.通过XRD、XPS、SEM、UV-Vis法进行吸收光谱分析及薄膜表面亲水接触角分析,研究了铁、氮掺杂浓度,热处理温度,膜厚等因素对薄膜亲水性能的影响.结果表明,Fe/N-TiO2(0.5%Fe,摩尔百分数)显示出更佳的亲水性能,在可见光下优势尤为明显.铁掺杂主要作用是降低电子和空(的复合几率,氮掺杂可以增强TiO2薄膜在可见光区的吸收,两种效应相互结合,共同提高了薄膜在可见光下的亲水性能.[英文文摘]TiO2 doped with iron(Fe-TiO2)thin films were synthesized using sol-gel method.TiO2 codoped with iron and nitrogen(Fe/N-TiO2)thin films were prepared by calcining Fe-TiO2 thin films in ammonia atmosphere.The influence of iron and nitrogen doping concentration,heat-treatment temperature and film thickness on the hydrophilicity of the films were studied by XRD,XPS,SEM,UV-Vis spectra and measured water contact angle.The results indicated that Fe/N-TiO2(0.5%Fe,molar percent)films were optimum in hydrophilicity,especially under visible-light irradiation. Doping iron mostly reduced the recombination of electrons and holes, and doping nitrogen in TiO2 enhances photoresponse in visible-light region. The hydrophilicity benefited from both effects.国家自然科学基金(50472057

    Preparation and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO_2 Powder Codoped with Iron and Nitrogen

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    Using TiCl4 as the titanium source, nanoparticles of TiO2 doped with nitrogen(N-TiO2) were synthesized by triethylamine. TiO2 powder codoped with iron and nitrogen(Fe/N-TiO2) were prepared by adsorption-deposition of Fe3+ on N-TiO2 and calcining at 400 ℃ for 2 h. From the XPS results for N1s binding energy at 399.6 eV and 396.6 eV, it is proposed that the partial N atoms as substitution atoms replace for O atoms in TiO2 lattice. The onset of the absorption spectrum of Fe/N-TiO2 has a 45 nm red-shift compared with that of TiO2. The results of photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue solution indicate that Fe/N-TiO2 (0.45% Fe3+) has a higher activity.Its photocatalytic activity is about 2 times as high as that of pure TiO2 under UV-light, and 3 times under sunlight. Doping of nitrogen in TiO2 enhances photoresponse in visible light region and doping of Fe3+ reduces the recombination of electrons and holes. Both of the above effects are beneficial for improving the performances of Fe/N-TiO2 photocatalyst.国家自然科学基金(No.50472057

    Characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus losses from swine production systems in Jiulong River watershed

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    由于对畜禽粪便的处置和管理不当,氮、磷养分随粪便大量流失,不仅带来日益突出的环境问题,还造成了资源的浪费。目前国际上多采用养分平衡方法研究和评价畜牧养殖场养分流失状况及其潜在的环境风险程度。选取福建省九龙江流域92家养猪场,采用养分平衡分析方法研究了该流域养猪场养分流失状况及主要影响因素。结果表明:大部分养猪场的氮磷养分输入量远远大于养分有效输出量,表明养分大量流失,养殖系统的环境风险程度极高;随着养猪场规模的增大,氮、磷的不平衡程度呈下降趋势;生态型养殖模式有利于促进资源综合利用,减少养分流失;加强对粪肥和饲料管理有利于促进畜禽养殖场的氮、磷养分平衡。Huge losses of nitrogen and phosphorus from the livestock production systems are known as the waste of resources and the sources of the environmental quality problems. Nutrient balance at farm level is an important tool to study the environmental problems associated with livestock production. A nutrient balance was constructed for 92 swine production systems of Jiulong River watershed, Fujian Province. The majority of the farms exhibited substantially greater nutrient inputs than nutrient managed outputs and it was in the status of an overaccumulation of nutrients; the nutrient imbalance decreased with farm scales; ecological production was a preferred mode to make better use of resources and decrease the losses of nutrients; management of feed and manure was helpful to balance the nutrients of livestock farms.福建省重大科技项目(2002H009)资

    Preparation and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 powder codoped with iron and nitrogen

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    Using TiCl4 as the titanium source, nanoparticles of TiO2 doped with nitrogen (N-TiO2) were synthesized by triethylamine. TiO2 powder codoped with iron and nitrogen (Fe/N-TiO2) were prepared by adsorption-deposition of Fe3+ on N-TiO2 and calcining at 400 degrees C for 2 h. From the XPS results for N1s binding energy at 399.6 eV and 396.6 eV, it is proposed that the partial N atoms as substitution atoms replace for O atoms in TiO2 lattice. The onset of the absorption spectrum of Fe/N-TiO2 has a 45 nm red-shift compared with that of TiO2. The results of photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue solution indicate that Fe/N-TiO2 (0.45% Fe3+) has a higher activity. Its photocatalytic activity is about 2 times as high as that of pure TiO2 under UV-light, and 3 times under sunlight. Doping of nitrogen in TiO2 enhances photoresponse in visible light region and doping of Fe3+ reduces the recombination of electrons and holes. Both of the above effects are beneficial for improving the performances of Fe/N-TiO2 photocatalyst

    Hydrophilicity of TiO2 thin films codoped with iron and nitrogen

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    TiO2 doped with iron (Fe-TiO2) thin films were synthesized using sol-gel method. TiO2 codoped with iron and nitrogen (Fe/N-TiO2) thin films were prepared by calcining Fe-TiO2 thin films in ammonia atmosphere. The influence of iron and nitrogen doping concentration, heat-treatment temperature and film thickness on the hydrophilicity of the films were studied by XRD, XPS, SEM, UV-Vis spectra and measured water contact angle. The results indicated that Fe/N-TiO2 (0.5%Fe, molar percent) films were optimum in hydrophilicity, especially under visible-light irradiation. Doping iron mostly reduced the recombination of electrons and holes, and doping nitrogen in TiO2 enhances photoresponse in visible-light region. The hydrophilicity benefited from both effects

    广东红树林研究 : 论文选集

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    1994年夏季(6月至9月)和冬季(1994年12月至1995年2月)对香港14片红树林的软体动物作了定性和定量调查。调查期间采到的软体动物已鉴定52种,其中腹足类45种,双壳类7种。采用brAy-CurTIS相似系数和逐步形成分类系统的方法进行聚类分析。基本上可分为4组断面,分别以粗束拟蟹守螺(CErITHIdEAdJAdJArIEnSIS)、奥莱彩螺(ClITHOnOuAlAnIEnSIS)、沟纹笋光螺(TErEbrAlIASulCATA)和红树拟蟹守螺(CErITHIdEArHIzOPHOrAruM)为第一密度优势种。不同底质的红树林区软体动物组成有显著差异。污染可能是造成沙头角红树林区软体动物多样性低的重要环境因子。盐度和潮汐制约一些软体动物的垂直分布和水平分布,纵带滩栖螺(bATIllArIAzOnAlIS)和多形滩栖螺(bATIllArIAMulTIfOrMIS)在红树林区海缘高密度栖息,分别高达120/M--2和240个/M--2。在淡水注入的红树林区常有广盐性软体动物栖息,如中国绿螂(glAuCOnMECHInEnSIS)。Mollusca were investigated quantitatively and qualitatively at Fourteen mangrove stands in Hong Kong in summer (June to September, 1994)and winter (December 1994 to February 1995).Among 52 species of mollusca identiFied, 45 were gastropods,7 were bivalves.Using Bray-Curtis Similarity Index and cluster analysis,all sampling sections were divided into Four groups , which, starting From highest density, were Cerithidea djadjariensis、Tereloralia sulca-ta、Clithon oualaniensis and Cerithidea rhizophorarum.The species composition of mollusca were markedly diFFerence in diFFerent sediment.Pollution might be an important Factor For the low diversity index of mollusca at the Sha Tau Kok mangrove stand.Salinity was a limiting Factor to the horizontal and vertical distribution of mollusca

    Characteristics of Quantitative Distribution and Species Composition of macrozoobenthos in mangrove stands in Eastern Hong Kong

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    1994年夏季和冬季对香港14片红树林的大型底栖动物作了定性和定量调查.调查期间采得的底栖动物73种,其中多毛类2种,软体动物52种,甲壳动物19种.环境因素如底质、盐度和潮汐的不同导致底表动物群落组成的差别.沙头角红树林区底表动物群落多样性指数低与附近丢弃许多垃圾有关.Macrozoobenthos were investigated quantitatively and quanlititatively at fourteen mangrove stands in Hong Kong in summer and in winter 1994, Seventythree species of zoobenthos were identified.Among them, 2 are polychaete, 52 are molluscs and 19 are crustaceans.It is thus clear that difference in environmental factors such as sediment, salinity and tides will result in different compositions of epifaunal community.The diversity of epifaunal community is low in mangrove stands where a lot of rubbish could be descarded.For example, in Sha Tau Kok, the species diversity index was only 0.618