163 research outputs found

    "Labor Contract Law" dispatch trends - A Case Study of H Company

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    劳动关系是市场经济中极为重要的一个领域,劳动力市场越发展,劳动关系问题越重要。中国劳动关系问题正在成为经济发展过程中不可回避的重大课题和敏感社会问题,劳务派遣等新的用工形式的出现,使中国原来相对单纯的劳动关系更加复杂,本文仅就《劳动合同法》的施行结合劳动关系的雇主方的应对进行实例研究,试图分析出《劳动合同法》的施行对劳务派遣发展进而对中国现今劳动关系的可能影响。 劳务派遣,作为最近几年在我国逐渐兴起的一种新兴的用工形式,因其“用人而不管人”的租用式灵活用工,企业可以借此打破用工终身制、铁饭碗,并灵活应对市场需求,获得了许多企业的青睐。但同时因其属于新生事物,立法规范配套并未及时跟进,因而在现...Labor Relations is an extremely important field in Market Economy, the more development of the labor market, labor relations issues more important. Chinese labor relations issues are becoming the inevitable major topic and sensitive social issues in the economic development process, Labor dispatch, etc. new employment forms appear, making China the original relative simple labor relations more com...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:E2007002

    Term Structure of Interest Rates in Open Economy: Modeling and Applications

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    在以往的文献中,大部分利率期限结构研究建立在封闭经济假设下,对单一经济体的收益率曲线进行研究。随着金融市场的国际化和全球化的不断深入,开放经济下利率期限结构研究的意义和重要性也逐渐突显出来。通过建立开放经济下的利率期限结构模型,可以研究多国间利率的关联和相互影响,分析利率市场和外汇市场的相互关联,以及利率和外汇市场信息背后的宏观经济状况。本文在理论分析和实证研究两方面,对开放经济下的利率期限结构研究进行了丰富和扩展,提出了一个基于无套利框架的模型工具,它改进了以往模型工具中的一些不足之处,并通过模型的实证研究得到了具有现实参考和指导意义的实证结论。 本文首先对目前开放经济下利率期限结构研...In the literature, most interest rate term structure models are built and studied under the closed-economy setting. As globalization and integration of the world economy and financial markets deepens, studies in interest rate term structure models in open-economy becomes an important topic. This dissertation extends the literature of interest rate term structure in open-economy both theoretically ...学位:经济学博士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2772008015047


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    Cross-country Differences and Theory Explanations of the Development of Venture Capital

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    从世界范围来看,许多国家都将风险投资作为促进新企业特别是高科技企业成长的重要手段,并致力于从制度安排上推动风险投资的发展。然而风险投资在各国的发展不尽相同,存在着较大的差异。文章比较了风险投资发展的跨国差异,并从金融体系、组织与治理结构、法律、人力资本、文化等方面对上述差异进行解释。文章认为这些因素具有一定的解释力,通过比较分析并结合我国现状,对我国风险投资的发展提出政策建议。Many countries have developed venture capital industry as an important way to spur the growth of new enterprises,especially high-technology enterprises.In this paper,the authors make a cross-country comparison on the VC industries from the industry size,function mode,and the rate of return,etc.And based on the review of the related literature,they offer theory explanations for these differences from the points of view of financial system,organization and corporate governance,law,human capital and culture.The paper argues that these are reasonable explanations for the cross-country differences,and our government can make effort on the creation of VC exits,legalization,and enterpriser culture to spur the development of venture capital industry in China.教育部人文社科基地重大项目《金融制度设计与经济增长——中国经验和理论创新》(批准号:05JJD790026)的阶段性成果之


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    会期 : 2018年11月10日(土)午前9時~午後4時30分会場 : 國立台湾大學 博雅教學館10

    Yield and Value of Fishery Products of Zhangjiangkou Mangrove Forestry National Nature Reserve

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    2006年全年对福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区红树林主要分布地竹塔村辖区内的海产品类型、产量和价格进行了逐日统计。结果表明:2006年竹塔村滩涂海产品总产量为529956kg(1589.9kg/HM2),远高于一般的红树林。其中缢蛏苗和缢蛏成品的产量最高,分别为312468kg(937.4kg/HM2)和123376kg(370.1kg/HM2),占总产量的59.0%和23.3%。泥蚶、锯缘青蟹成品和泥螺分别占总产量的12.2%、2.3%和2.0%。缢蛏苗以冬季(1月和12月)的产量最高;锯缘青蟹苗年产量为2.59尾/M2,高峰期出现在6月至11月。2006年竹塔村红树林滩涂海产品总产值为1388.0万元(4.17万元/HM2)。研究结果可为红树林生态系统服务功能的评价和红树林的科学管理提供基础数据。Daily investigation of the yield and value of the main fishery products within a mangrove area of Zhuta village in Zhangjiangkou Mangrove National Nature Reserve were surveyed throughout the year of 2006.Results showed that the total yield of fishery products in this area was 529 956 Kg(1589.9kg/hm2) in 2006,much higher than that of the normal mangrove areas.The yields of young and adultSinonovacula constricta were the highest among the fishery products,respectively 312 468 kg(937.4kg/hm2) and 123 376 kg(370.1kg/hm2) ,accounting for 59.0% and 23.3% respectively of the total fishery yields.Tegillarca granosa,adult Scylla serrata and Bullacta exarata were the second important fishery products,accounting for 12.2%,2.3% and 2.0% of the total fishery products respectively.The yield of youngSinonovacula constricta peaked in winter(January and December) and the peak season of young Scylla serrata appeared between June and November.The annual fishery products value was 13.88 million Yuan(41 700 Yuan per hm2) .The results provide a basis for the evaluation of ecological services of mangroves and for its sound management.国家自然科学基金项目(40876046)资

    Research Progress on Luminous Properties of Si-based Ge Epitaxial Films

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    理论和实验研究表明,在一定的应变和掺杂浓度下,SI基外延gE薄膜能实现1.55μM光通信波段的直接带隙发光。讨论了SI基外延gE材料的生长技术及其能带结构,结合本小组近年来在该领域所取得的成果,介绍了国内外各研究机构对gE薄膜发光材料和器件的研究进展,展望了未来的发展趋势。It has been theoretically and experimentally demonstrated that,with proper band structure engineering using in-plain tensile stress and n-type doping,germanium can be used as efficient light emission materials and optical gain can be achieved at near 1550nm.In this paper,epitaxial growth of Ge on Si substrate and modulation of its band structure are summarized.The research progress on light emission of Si-based Ge epilayer is reviewed and the developing trends are discussed.国家“973”计划项目(2007CB613404);国家自然科学基金资助项目(561036003;60837001


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    针对源语言到目标语言缺乏平行语料的情况,提出了一种基于增量式自学习策略的多语言翻译模型,即利用中介语双语语料训练源语言到目标语言的翻译模型.在Transformer架构下,相比于基于中介语和直接在伪平行语料上训练的普通双语翻译模型,使用该方法在第十四届全国机器翻译研讨会(CWMT 2018)多语言翻译评测数据集上的机器双语互译评估(BLEU)值提升了0.98个百分点.在此基础上,还对比了不同的预处理方法、训练策略以及多模型的平均和集成策略,其中多模型集成策略的BLEU值上可在多模型策略的基础上进一步提升0.53个百分点.国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAH14F03);;国家自然科学基金(61573294);;教育部博士点基金(20130121110040);;国家语委委托项目(WT135-10);国家语委甲骨文专项(YWZ-J010