6 research outputs found

    An Image Authentication Scheme Using Merkle Tree Mechanisms

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    [[abstract]]Research on digital image processing has become quite popular and rapid in recent years, and scholars have proposed various image verification mechanisms. Similarly , blockchain technology has also become very popular in recent years. This paper proposes a new image verification mechanism based on the Merkle tree technique in the blockchain. The Merkle tree root in the blockchain mechanism provides a reliable environment for storage of image features. In image verification, the verification of each image can be performed by the Merkle tree mechanism to obtain the hash value of the Merkle tree node on the path. In addition, the method combines the Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS) to improve the availability of images. The main purpose of this paper is to achieve the goal of image integrity verification. The proposed method can not only verify the integrity of the image but also restore the tampered area in the case of image tampering. Since the proposed method employs the blockchain mechanism, the image verification mechanism does not need third party resources . The verification method is performed by each node in the blockchain network. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method successfully achieved the goal of image authentication and tampered area restoration

    An Image Authentication Scheme Using Merkle Tree Mechanism

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    [[abstract]]數位影像處理的研究在近年來變得相當頻繁而且進展快速,學者們提出各種不同的影像驗證機制,另一方面,區塊鏈技術在近期也非常熱門,由於區塊鏈機制中的Merkle tree 樹根為記憶圖像特徵提供了可靠的環境,IPFS(Inter-Planetary File System)協議提供了分散的存儲系統,本篇提出一個新的影像驗證機制,基於區塊鏈中的Merkle tree技術來進行驗證。在影像驗證上每個影像的驗證可以藉由Merkle tree的機制取得路徑上分支點的Hash值即可驗證影像的正確性,並且結合分散式儲存系統IPFS提高取得影像的可用性。本影像驗證之方法為分散式的架構,驗證的過程於區塊鏈網路節點中,是不需仰賴第三方,對於資安上層面,比起集中式的驗證管理系統更佳可靠。本篇論文方法除了可以驗證影像之完整性,也能在影像被竄改之情況下進行復原,由於驗證機制使用Hash值來比對,因此能辨別出影像上的些微更動,相對的對於影像遭旋轉、平移的篡改,本研究方法效果較不明顯。 Research in the digital image processing field has received significant attention and has advanced rapidly in recent years. Image tampering and misattribution have become real concerns in the open environment of the worldwide web, and scholars have proposed various image verification mechanisms to detect and mitigate image tampering. Likewise, blockchain technology has become very popular in recent years. This study proposes a novel image verification mechanism based on the Merkle tree, a fundamental component of blockchains that underpin their functionality. The Merkle tree root in the blockchain mechanism provides a reliable environment for storage of image features. The verification of images to detect tampering can be performed by the Merkle tree mechanism to obtain the hash values of the Merkle tree nodes. In addition, the proposed method combined with the Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS) to improve the availability of images. The primary purpose of this study is to achieve the goal of image integrity verification. The proposed method can not only verify the integrity of an image, but can also repair the tampered area if the image has been altered. Because the proposed method employs the blockchain mechanism, third party is not needed for image verification. The verification method is performed by each node in the blockchain network. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method successfully achieves the goal of image authentication and tampered area restoration. Since the verification mechanism uses the hash values for change detection, it can recognize the slightest alterations in the image. However, the tampering of the rotation and translation is less obvious


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    [[abstract]]工具機為製造各種機器設備的加工機器,有「機械之母」之稱,是一種利用動力驅動且無法以人攜帶的設備,因而又被稱為「工作母機」。 隨著時代進步工具機也跟著日漸成長,現在凡事講求高精密化且並同時要求低磨耗甚至發展出兩用複合式工具機這樣在工時方面能夠更快速及方便,而線切割放電加工機而言切割線是非常重要的工具,它對於加工效率及工件表面粗細度和加工後尺寸都有明顯的影響,利用這極微銅線通電切割我們所需的加工物。 線切割機是模具工業中,製作精密不可缺少的械械之一。製作模具中有些細小的孔或內孔,因製作需要不可破壞物體外面本身,或因孔徑太小而無合乎之鑽頭,應可使用線切割機。 線切割最常用在樣板、凸輪、成形刀具、精密細小零件、半導體產業、醫療器材、微機械元件及沖壓模上的銅泊,機械模具、航空、等工業


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    [[abstract]]夜市,是台灣人夜晚休閒不可不去一次的地方,也能成為外地遊玩的觀光客必逛的旅遊行程,然而每個夜市的小吃也有代表著該夜市的必吃排隊美食,從中蒐集夜市的相關研究,從歷史來認識夜市,本研究動機以夜市的銷售人氣攤販為主要研究主軸,本研究先設計問卷給逛夜市的客人來做填寫,從問卷後的分析選出旱溪夜市人氣前三名的攤販的經營理念及成本的考量還有攤販如何去銷售該攤位的產品,從中了解旱溪夜市是屬於哪種型態經營,探討人氣店家是如何去經營銷售。 本研究發現所選的三家人氣攤販,各個攤販都有自己的經營方式及經營策略,就唯獨衛生來講,是三家攤販一致表示不可少的,做吃的更要為顧客有所把關,才能為自己的攤販創立好口碑,另外也發現攤販不太會宣傳自己店家的產品,都是靠顧客自行發現,還有攤販一天生意結束後如果有所剩的原料一般都是倒掉,一週的旱溪夜市最多的人潮落在週六,服務處會為攤販申請相關的補助,都是去訪談後知道的結果


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    [[abstract]]本研究以手機座製造為例,專題內容、以及現在中小型製造業較多使用電腦輔助設計製圖與電腦輔助製造軟體完成製出成品。將利用SolidWorks進行實體設計,再搭配IMOLD for SolidWorks的附加程式完成模具設計,最後完整的模具模型配合PowerMILL定義刀具參數、切削模擬轉入刀具程式碼後直接傳輸進CAN切削中心機完成模具實體製造,並使用公母模組合灌料做出產品實體成品。 模具為製造業不可或缺的重要產品,舉凡傳統的工業產品及高科技產品,都需要藉由模具,才能快速精準與自動化大量生產。模具產業特性為產品差異化大、技術成次高及客戶穩定性強。國內模具業早期發展以塑膠製品、家電產品所需模具為重心,隨後台灣汽車零組件外銷成長,大量轉往以汽車鈑金零件等運輸工具類模具為主,如今資訊電子業發達,模具業也隨之轉型,漸以通訊電子等3C產業以及機械產業模具為主,產品未來則以精密模具為研發重點

    Content Analysis on Women's Epee Event in Fencing at 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games

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    [[abstract]]  本研究之目的在探討2010年廣州亞運會女子銳劍攻擊之內容分析研究,主要以2010年亞運會參賽女子銳劍選手為研究對象。由廣州亞運會擊劍項目之競賽組所提供賽事影片資料蒐集。分析比較各國選手在不同部位得分、不同攻擊動作得分以及不同場地得分之研究。結果發現:一、在不同部位得分,分析顯示女子銳劍比賽中以攻擊軀幹為主;二、在不同攻擊動作得分,分析顯示女子銳劍比賽中攻擊動作部分以直接攻擊為主,防守動作部分以八分為防守為主,時間差得分部分以同時攻擊為主。就整體比賽中得分動作分析以時間差得分為最多。根據研究結果可以推論出,擊劍是一項開放及對抗性強的運動,比賽中雙方選手對峙攻擊性高,女子銳劍選手,所攻擊的部位以軀幹為主,因軀幹為攻擊面積相對大的部位,故在訓練上應加強爆發力以及岀劍速度。在得分動作的訓練上,應提昇攻擊技術、時間差技術的果決度。   The purpose of this study was to analyze video content of the attacking moves of participants in the women's epee event in fencing at the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games; participating epee fencers were the subject of this study that analyzed scored body areas, and attacking posts and locations, with game videos provided by the participating teams. The results revealed: 1) scoring by target area-the torso was the main target area; 2) scoring by attacking post-direct attacks were the main attacking post, eight-point defenses were the main defending post, and simultaneous hits were the main scoring type for the time difference. During the entire game, most of the hits were scored by time difference. From the results, several conclusions can be drawn: 1) fencing is an open and confrontational sport, and during the game, both players were fierce in their attacks. For female fencers, they preferred to attack their opponent's torso as it was the relatively largest target area and thus, during training, players should focus on enhancing their explosive power and attacking speed; 2) in terms of scoring by post, players should focus on enhancing attacking techniques and the determination to manipulate time differences