76 research outputs found

    The Preparation and Applications of Novel Solid Phase Microextraxtion Coatings

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    针对目前商品化固相微萃取涂层机械稳定性和热稳定性较差、萃取效率低等不足,本论文制备了稳定性好和萃取性能高的新型固相微萃取涂层。通过物理涂渍制备了稳定性好、对菊酯类农药萃取效率高的石墨烯涂层。通过水热合成和表面硅烷化制备了表面积大、对非极性物质萃取效率高的氧化锌纳米棒-十八烷基涂层。实验还建立了使用新制备的固相微萃取涂层进行实际样品检测的分析方法。论文将按以下四章展开。 1.第一章本章系统地介绍了固相微萃取技术的原理、定量理论、影响因素和SPME涂层的发展,并提出本论文研究工作的基本思路和意义。 2.第二章石墨烯涂层的制备、表征和应用。以石墨粉为原料,通过化学氧化还原的方法制备石墨烯。采用物...To overcome the drawbacks of commercial SPME coatings which contain low extraction efficiency, insufficient mechanical and thermal stabilities, we have developed new SPME coatings with enhanced stability and extraction efficiency. In the first section, we prepared graphene coating using physical deposition, which possesses remarkable stability and high extraction efficiency towards pyrethroid pest...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_分析化学学号:2052008115164


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    高分辨核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR)通常需要高度均匀的强静磁场,然而在活体实验等情况下,样品的磁化率差异将不可避免地导致磁场的不均匀,并且这种不均匀性难以通过匀场等传统方法消除.最近,分子间多量子相干被利用来消除活体等样品中由磁场不均匀引起的谱线增宽以获得高分辨NMR谱.和其他高分辨NMR方法相比,分子间多量子相干方法具有独特的特征与优势,它能同时保留化学位移、峰的裂分模式、偶合常数和相对峰面积等信息.这些信息在传统的一维NMR中通常用于分析和表征分子结构.国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号:20573084,10575085和10774125

    Development of New Coatings for Solid Phase Microextraction

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    作为一种样品前处理方法的固相微萃取(SOlId PHASE MICrOEXTrACTIOn,SPME)技术,具有操作方便、快速、灵敏和无需大量有机溶剂的优点,因此在分离分析方面得到了广泛的应用。涂层是SPME技术的核心部分,其性能决定了SPME的性能和应用范围,因此发展新型涂层一直是SPME研究和应用工作的重点。近年来随着涂层材料制备技术的发展,出现了一些新型涂层。这些新型涂层的出现进一步拓宽了SPME技术的应用范围。本文综述了近三年来SPME涂层的研究进展,并着重介绍新型涂层的制备方法和性质。As a kind of sampling preparation method,solid phase microextraction (SPME) has many advantages such as simplicity,versatility,sensitivity and solvent free.It has gained widespread acceptance in separation and analysis.As the key factor of the SPME technique,coatings on SPME fiber determine the performance and application of SPME technique.Consequently,developing new coatings is the most important work for SPME.With the development of preparation methods of SPME coatings,many new coatings have appeared in recent years,and these new coatings expand the application fields of SPME technique.This review summaries the development of new SPME coatings in the past three years,and mainly focuses on the preparation methods and properties of new SPME coatings.福建省科技重点项目(No.2007Y0032)资


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    Expression of Modified H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus M2 Gene and the Recombinant M2 Protein Immunogenicity Assay

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    禽流感的发生不仅会造成禽类的大量死亡,而且也严重地威胁着人类健康,接种疫苗是控制禽流感发生的主要措施之一.M2基因的保守性使其成为基因工程亚单位疫苗的目标抗原.本研究将M2基因的跨膜区删除后,构建原核表达载体PET32A-△M 2,IPTg诱导后,收获的细菌总蛋白SdS-PAgE电泳结果表明修饰的M2基因在原核表达系统中得到高效表达,表达蛋白以可溶性形式存在,WESTErn杂交和动物免疫结果表明重组蛋白具有抗原性和免疫原性.本研究结果为利用M2重组蛋白开发具有交叉保护作用的禽流感疫苗奠定了基础.The present vaccination is one of main strategy for control of avian influenza virus that critically threatened human health.Recent investigations of subunit component vaccine focused on M2 gene because M2 gene possessed a highly structurally conserved property among influenza viral strain.In this study,the recombinants prokaryotic expression plasmid pET32a-△ M2 harboring the deletion of the transmembrane segment of M2 gene was constructed.SDS-PAGE electrophoresis showed that modified M2 gene was highly expressed as fusion protein in a soluble form after genetic modified E.coli BL21(DE3) bacteria were induced with IPTG.The fusion protein of M2 possessed antigenicity and immunogenicity properties by Western Blotting analysis of fusion protein with standard antibody against M2(H5N1) and mouse vaccination of purified fusion protein respectively.The results laid a foundation of further study on the development of cross-protection avian influenza vaccine.福建省科技厅重点项目(2009N0051);福建省教育厅A类科技项目(JA09168


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    Application of nuclear magnetic resonance in the study of marine fish

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    核磁共振(nuClEAr MAgnETIC rESOnAnCE,nMr)以其精确性、选择性和无创性成为最有用和最普遍的谱学分析方法之一。从复杂的生物分子到各种材料,从活的有机体到纳米分子,nMr谱提供了许多宝贵的信息。鱼肉和鱼卵富含动物蛋白质、不饱和脂肪酸和磷脂质等物质,易被人体消化吸收,对人类体力和智力的发展具有重大作用,因此对经济鱼类和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2010121008); 国家自然科学基金(21203155和11174239

    Study on Tomato Transformation with Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor-1

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    人角质细胞生长因子在组织的损伤修复中起着重要的作用.以番茄子叶为外植体,通过根癌农杆菌介导法,将人kgf-1导入番茄中,共获得12株独立的抗性转化植株,PCr和dnA斑点杂交结果表明:kgf-1基因整合入番茄基因组中,为获得植物源表达的kgf-1蛋白打下了基础.Keratinocyte growth factor plays an important role in the tissue damage repair.Using sterile tomato cotyledons as explants,the human KGF-1 gene had been introduced into the tomato genome by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method.As a result,a total of 12 independent putative transgenic tomato plantlets were obtained.The results of PCR and DNA dot-blot hybridization showed that KGF-1 gene was integrated into the tomato genome.This work has laid a foundation for further studies on the development of KGF-1 proteins expressed in tomatoes.福建省自然科学基金(2010J01240

    Development of New Coatings for Solid Phase Microextraction

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    As a kind of sampling preparation method, solid phase microextraction (SPME) has many advantages such as simplicity, versatility, sensitivity and solvent free. It has gained widespread acceptance in separation and analysis. As the key factor of the SPME technique, coatings on SPME fiber determine the performance and application of SPME technique. Consequently, developing new coatings is the most important work for SPME. With the development of preparation methods of SPME coatings, many new coatings have appeared in recent years, and these new coatings expand the application fields of SPME technique. This review summaries the development of new SPME coatings in the past three years, and mainly focuses on the preparation methods and properties of new SPME coatings