98 research outputs found

    Job analysis, which should not be ignored ---The analysis of LM company case

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    人力资源管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,而工作分析则是人力资源管理的基础工作,只有做好工作分析,顺理企业各部门、各岗位的职责和工作内容,才能有效开展岗位招聘选拨、职业生涯发展规划、绩效考核奖惩及薪酬收入分配制度建设等人力资源管理活动。 本文的研究对象LM公司是一家从事移动通讯产品研发、生产、销售运营的公司。该公司自03年成立以来,其业绩经历了小幅增长、快速增长、遭遇瓶颈、陷入困境的抛物线发展过程。公司管理层已认识到,LM公司后期的遭遇,在很大程度上系由于该公司岗位职责不清,工作内容不明,进而使公司在内部沟通、业务协作及执行等方面效率的低下所致,并下决心进行变革,在全公司范围进行了所有部门、岗位...Human resources management is an important part of enterprise management, and job analysis is the foundation work of human resources management, we should pay more attention to job analysis and sort out the responsibility and work contents of the whole enterprise departments and posts, can we effectively develop post recruitment, career development planning, performance appraisal rewards and punis...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792007115043


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    网络经济大潮下的网络公司到底价值几何?这是评估领域新的课题与难点。由于网络经济的历史较短,目前对网络公司价值评估尚没有公认的有效的方法。本文主要针对网络内容服务公司与电子商务公司这两类网络公司的价值评估进行探讨。 本文共分六个部分: 第一部分 分析网络经济的发展状况和网络经济的价值源泉。 第二部分 回顾了网络公司及其价值评估的发展阶段,并通过Amazon.com与Barnes&Noble两家公司的对比介绍网络公司优势与发展的特点。 第三部分 介绍网络公司价值评估的特点与原则。分析了公司价值评估的一般特点和需要遵循的一般原则,并提出网络公司价值评估所独具的特点和所需要遵循的特殊原则。 ...How to value internet company in the tide of network economy? It is a new difficult problem in valuation domain. Due to short history of network economy, publicly accepted evaluation methods on internet company has not come out. This article will mainly discuss the valuation of network companies in the category of Internet Content Provider and E-business. This article is divided into six parts: ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:19991507

    Denitrification, ANAMMOX and nitrous oxide emissions from river-estuary ecosystem of the Jiulong River

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    我国东南地区农业具有高输入和高输出的现代农业特征,氮肥的施用导致河流-河口系统氮(N)素负荷显著上升,影响流域内N素在水生生态系统内的迁移、转化,并对水生生态系统健康构成威胁。本研究结合同位素示踪法、现场静态箱培养和实验室模拟等方法对九龙江干流、支流、水电站库区和河口四类代表性水生生态系统的营养盐浓度、反硝化速率、厌氧氨氧化(AAO)速率、氮气(N2)与氧化亚氮(N2O)的产生速率等进行测定和分析。重点对河流-河口系统N去除过程中水体活性N素转化为N2和N2O的机制和数量进行探讨,以揭示农业河流-河口系统反硝化与AAO过程在水生生态系统中N去除中的作用,定量分析两者在系统N永久性去除中的速率和...The modern agriculture in southeast of China is characterized by high input and high output. The excessive nitrogen (N) from agricultural catchments might accumulate in river-estuaries ecosystems, and stimulate the processes of N transport and transformation, furthermore, pose a threat on health of aquatic ecosystems. By using the nitrogen isotope pairing method, floating chamber method, in-lab an...学位:理学博士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境管理学号:2262011015363

    Design and Implementation of Vehicle Sales System Based on MVC

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    如今人类社会已处于信息化时代,各类信息成为了当下十分珍贵有用的资源。信息资源和其他物质资源一样,是推动人类社会发展的重要源泉。随着我国改革开放的深入发展,企业对信息的要求已由过去的可有可无的阶段发展到今天对信息的渴求阶段。可以说谁获取的行业信息最完整,谁就掌握了主动,就最有可能在激烈的竞争之中立于不败之地。 随着人们生活水平的日益提高,人们的消费领域已涉足到汽车这样的高档消费品,私家车的普及率越来越高。汽车制造企业为适应市场需求,也迅速的在全国各地设有自己的销售和维修网点,这给汽车行业的管理提出了更新更高的要求。汽车进销存系统是专门为汽车销售企业定制的管理信息系统。管理信息系统从宏观出发,实...Today, human society has been in the information age, all kinds of information has become a very precious moment useful resources. Information resources and other material resources, are an important source to promote the development of human society. With the deep development of reform and opening-up of our country, enterprises demand for information has been from the past to today not essential ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323011


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    Characterizing Nitrogen Saturation of the Wuchuan Headwater Stream in the Southeast of China

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    以九龙江流域典型的农业源头溪流——五川溪为研究区域,开展每月一次共2年的nO3-采样用于溪流氮饱和特征的研究.结果表明,2005年和2007年溪流的nO3-浓度分别为35.5~319.5μEQl-1和5.0~353.6μEQl-1,根据STOddArd和TrAAEn提出的氮饱和划分准则,五川流域分别处于氮饱和阶段2/3和阶段2,接近氮饱和.氮饱和阶段随着nO3-浓度的增加而上升,五川溪流的氮饱和阶段存在着时间上的变化.河流生态系统中氮负荷增加,使河流达到氮饱和状态,并最终改变溪流系统硝化和反硝化等氮的生物地球化学循环过程.随着nO3-浓度的增加,五川源头溪流已成为流域内重要的nO3-源.NO3-concentrations sampled monthly in the Wuchuan stream,which is a small agricultural headwater stream in the southeast of China,within two years,were used to study the stream′s nitrogen saturation characteristics.Results showed that NO3-concentrations varied from 35.5 to 319.5 μeqL-1 in 2005 and from 5.0 to 353.6 μeqL-1 in 2007.And,according to the criteria proposed by Stoddard and Traaen,the nitrogen saturation status of the stream was at stage 2 or 3,and stage 2,respectively.Both stages were closed to saturation.It was found that the saturation stage would increase with the NO3-concentration,which caused the change of nitrogen saturation stage in the Wuchuan stream over time.The increasing of nitrogen loadings has led to the stream nitrogen saturation and eventually can alter nitrification,denitrification and other nitrogen biogeochemical cycles in the stream ecosystem.国家自然科学基金资助项目(41175130);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计


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    导电高聚物是发展迅速风应用广泛的重要电极材料,由于大多数电化学反应发生在导电高聚物/金属和导电高聚物/溶液界面,如果能获得其界面结构的信息,将对导电高聚物表面所发生的电化学反应以及导电高聚物的聚合、降解的机理研究有极大的帮助.但无论是常规电化学技术还是一般光谱电化学技术都难于得到有关界面结构的信息,因为通常情况下较强的导电高聚物膜本体的信号(图1(A)将“淹没”来自界面的信号.所幸的是表面增强拉曼散射(SErS)效应能极大地增强来自紧邻金属和溶液的聚合物单层的信号,因而适合于导电高聚物/金属和导电高聚物/溶液的界面结构的特殊要求.只要导电高聚物膜的厚度不致于影响到来自于高聚物/金属界面的SErS信号,就可以利用其研究高聚物/金属界面的结构,见图1(b).例如,人们已现场研究了经SErS活化的金电极上吡咯和苯胺的电化学初聚过程 ̄[1,2].但据我们所知,由于难于在导电高聚物/溶液界面诱导出SErS效应,目前还没有关于其界面结构SErS研究的正式报导.guI和dEVInE ̄[3]通过在铁电极上沉积一层不连续的银岛膜的方法成功地获得了极薄的铁钝化膜(1~3nM)的SErS谱图.本文简要报道利用类似的方法,尝试在诸

    Effect of Flue-gas Cleaning Devices on Mercury Emission From Coal-fired Boiler

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    为研究燃煤锅炉烟气净化设施对汞排放特性的影响,采用Ontario-Hydro方法,对设有催化脱硝、静电除尘、海水脱硫的300MW燃煤锅炉排放烟气中汞的含量与形态进行分析,同时测定锅炉的煤、底渣、飞灰等固体样品以及脱硫塔前后、曝气之后海水样品中的汞含量。实验结果为:烟气中的气态汞占总汞的79.1%以上,脱硝催化剂对汞的价态具有强烈的转化作用,烟气中83.4%的气态Hg0被氧化成气态Hg2+;静电除尘对颗粒态汞的去除率几乎达到100%;在脱硫塔中,海水对烟气中汞的洗脱率高达73.6%,曝气后排放前的海水中含汞量是新鲜海水的5.5倍。研究表明锅炉烟气净化设施对汞的排放特性有着重要的影响。In order to study the effect of flue-gas cleaning devices on mercury emission from coal-fired boiler, Ontario-Hydro method had been applied to determine the mercury concentration and speciation in the flue-gas emitted from a 300MW coal-fired boiler, which was equipped with various pollution control devices, including selective catalyst reduction (SCR) De-NOx system, electrostatic precipitator (ESP), and flue-gas seawater De-SO2 system (FGD). Mercury concentration in raw coal, bottom ash and fly ash of the boiler, seawater at the inlet and outlet of SO2 absorption reactor and the drainage of aeration sink, were also analyzed. The results indicate that the percentage of gaseous mercury in total mercury discharged is more than 79.1%. De-NOx catalyst strongly affects the mercury speciation transformation, showing a conversion rate of 83.4% for Hg0 to Hg2+. The removal efficiency of particulate mercury by ESP is close to 100%. With seawater FGD, the removal efficiency of mercury is as high as 73.6%. The mercury concentration in the seawater of drainage from aeration sink is 5.5 times higher than that in fresh seawater. The study shows that the flue-gas cleaning devices in coal-fired power plant play an important role on mercury emission characterization


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