72 research outputs found

    Cost and Value Measurement of Creative Activities in Creative Industries: Case Research on Network Geam Industry

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    本文以度量创意产业中创意活动所花费成本和所创造价值为主线。首先回顾了创意产业的相关文献,以及已有的成本管理和价值管理理论,从而对创意产业、成本和价值度量有整体认识;其次对创意创造价值的过程即创意价值链进行研究,从而明晰创意价值链中的成本投入和价值创造;再次,借鉴作业成本法和平衡记分卡的度量思路,结合创意价值链中的成本投入和价值创造,分析创意活动的成本构成、成本动因和价值驱动因素,进而构建创意活动成本和价值的度量模型;最后结合网络游戏产业进行案例分析,对网游产业中创意活动的成本和价值进行度量。 在创意活动成本度量方面,本文将创意产业中创意活动的成本界定为创意价值链各个环节资源投入的总和,并根据...This thesis is focused on how to measure the costing and the value of creative activities in Creative Industries. At the beginning, we got the general idea on creative industry, costing and value management by reviewing the existed literatures. By studying the process of value production in the creative value chain, the content of the cost and value created of value chain in Creative Industries is...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752006115119

    Simulation Design of a Terminal Short-Circuit Type Inter-Digital Band Pass Filter

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    基于悬置线交指滤波器通带内插入损耗比较小,具有很高的选择性和很大的带外衰减,常应用于无线电收、发接收机以及雷达通信系统中。将综合设计法和微波电路仿真软件AdS(AdVAnCEd dESIgn SySTEM)相结合,设计悬置线终端短路式交指带通滤波器。根据交指滤波器的理论得到每个杆的归一化单位长自电容和两相邻杆的归一化单位长互电容,得到滤波器的最初尺寸。并利用AdS软件建模、仿真、优化调整,最后得到该滤波器的几何参数尺寸终值。该设计方法简单,适合工程应用。Inter-digital band-pass filters based on overhanging lines are often used in wireless transceivers and radar communication systems due to their low pass-band inserting attenuation,precise selectivity and high outer-band attenuation.The combination of traditional calculation method and microwave ADS(Advanced Design System) software is used to design a filter of this type.The normalized self-capacitor,mutual capacitor of unit length and the initial value of the geometry parameters of the filter are obtained in accordance with the theory of inter-digital band-pass filter.ADS software is utilized to build model,make simulation and optimizing adjustments.This method is simple and suitable for designing filter in practice.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2006J0410);福建省科技计划项目(2008H0032

    Simulation design of terminal open-circuit type interdigital band-pass filter

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    基于悬置线交指带通滤波器通带内插入损耗比较小,具有很高的选择性和很大的带外衰减,常应用于无线电收、发接收机以及雷达通信系统中.将综合设计法和微波电路仿真软件AdS相结合,设计悬置线终端开路式交指带通滤波器.根据交指滤波器的理论得到每个杆的归一化单位长自电容和两相邻杆的归一化单位长互电容,得到滤波器的最初尺寸.利用AdS软件建模、仿真、优化调整,最后得到该滤波器的几何参数尺寸终值.该设计方法简单,适合工程应用.The interdigital band-pass filter based on suspended line with low pass-band insertion,precise selective and high out-band attenuation,which is often used in wireless transceiver and radar communication system.In order to design band-pass filter which hangs to place the open-circuit type of the line terminal,the traditional calculate method is combined with the microwave ADS software,the self-capacitor,mutual capacitor and the initial value of the geometry parameter of the interdigital band-pass filter are obtained according to the exact design theory of the interdigital band-pass filter.by building model,simulation,and optimization adjustment,the final value of the geometry parameter for the filter is gotten.The method is simple in designing filter and easily available for engineering applications.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2006J0410);福建省科技计划项目(2008H0032

    磁场效应下分子发光行为的研究 Ⅰ.用磁场效应抑制溶剂散射光的波动

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    △同步荧光法可使荧光谱带窄化而达到提高荧光分析法的选择性。通常在进行同步扫描时采用较小的△λ值(λ_(em)-λ_(ex)),这时溶剂散射光的干扰严重。广义地,散射光可分为两部分:一是散射光的总水平;一是散射光的波动。二者抑制其一均可提高同步荧光法的检测灵敏度。我们曾用偏振技术抑制散射光总水平。但散时光波动的抑制技术尚未见报道。本文提出用磁场效应(Magnctic field Effects.MFE)抑制共振同步荧光扫描(△λ=0)中溶剂散射光波动。结果表明,该技术简便可行。如对乙醇散射光的波动可抑制到原来的2%


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    Effect of Formalin Treatment on the Monogenean Pseudorhabdosynochus epinepheli (Monogenea) and the Fish Epinephelus coioides

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    20 0 0年 4月研究了斜带石斑 Epinepheluscoioides寄生拟合片盘虫Pseudorhabdosynochusepinepheli的防治方法。海水福尔马林对拟合盘虫的作用表现为 :2 5min处理的半致死浓度为 2 5 0× 10 - 6 ,5 0min处理的半致死浓度为 5 0× 10 - 6 。淡水福尔马林的效果为 :3min的半致死浓度为 83× 10 - 6 ,纯淡水处理的半致死时间为 2 1min。海水福尔马林对斜带石斑的毒性表现为 :30min和 4 5min的半致死浓度分别为 94 0× 10 - 6 和 6 4 5× 10 - 6 。淡水福尔马林对斜带石斑的毒性表现为 :5min和 10min的半致死浓度分别为 130 0× 10 - 6 和 5 0 0× 10 - 6 。福尔马林处理海水中的斜带石斑半致死浓度介于 6 0 0× 10 - 6 ~ 10 0 0× 10 - 6 ,淡水处理对斜带石斑半致死浓度介于 95× 10 - 6 ~ 115×10 - 6 。淡水中斜带石斑的半麻醉和半致死时间分别为 95min和 115min。以上结果表明 :海水和淡水福尔马林对石斑拟合片盘虫的致死浓度 ,处于斜带石斑的安全范围之内。Prophylactic methods against Pseudorhabdosynochus epinepheli (Monogenea) infection on the fish Epinephelus coioides were investigated in April 2000.The effect of formalin in seawater on P epinepheli was that the semi_lethal concentration is 250×10 -6 for 25 min,and 50×10 -6 for 50 min.The effect of formalin in freshwater on P epinepheli is reported as:the semi_lethal concentration was 83×10 -6 for 3 min.The semi_lethal time for freshwater alone was 21 min.The toxicity of formalin in seawater to E coioides was assessed:the semi_anaesthetic concentration was 940×10 -6 in 30 min and 645×10 -6 in 45 min.The toxicity of formalin in freshwater to E coioides was as follows:the semi_anaesthetic concentration was 1 300×10 -6 in 5 min and 500×10 -6 in 10 min.The semi_lethal formalin concentration to E coioides in seawater was between 600×10 -6 and 1 000×10 -6 ,and in freshwater was between 250×10 -6 and 500×10 -6 .The semi_anaesthetic and semi_lethal time of E coioides in freshwater were 95 min and 115 min respectively.These results demonstrated that the lethal formalin concentrations for P epinepheli in both seawater and freshwater fell in a safe range for E.coioides.国家 8 6 3资助项目 (2 0 0 1AA6 2 10 10 ) ;; 广东省自然科学基金资助项目 (0 2 16 81

    Suppressing the Undulation of Solvent Scattering Light by Constant Magnetic Field

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    Synchronous fluorometry can cause a band-narrowing effect to improving the fluorometric selectivity (Fig. 1). However, since the △λ value selected is usually small (generally about 0—5 nm) in synchronous scanning, the interference of solvents scattering light (mainly Rayleigh scattering light) is so serious that the sensitivity and the detection limit are harmed greatly. Generall


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    泛素家族包括泛素及类泛素蛋白,约20种成员蛋白.近年来,泛素家族领域取得了迅猛发展,并已与生物学及医学研究的各个领域相互交叉.泛素家族介导的蛋白质降解和细胞自噬机制的发现分别于2004和2016年获得诺贝尔奖.但是,类泛素蛋白并没有统一规范的中文译名. 2018年4月9日在苏州召开的《泛素家族介导的蛋白质降解和细胞自噬》专著的编委会上,部分作者讨论了类泛素蛋白的中文命名问题,并在随后的\"泛素家族、自噬与疾病\"(Ubiquitinfamily,autophagy anddiseases)苏州会议上提出了类泛素蛋白中文翻译草案,此草案在参加该会议的国内学者及海外华人学者间取得了高度共识.冷泉港亚洲\"泛素家族、自噬与疾病\"苏州会议是由美国冷泉港实验室主办、两年一度、面向全球的英文会议.该会议在海内外华人学者中具有广泛影响,因此,参会华人学者的意见具有一定的代表性.本文介绍了10个类别的类泛素蛋白的中文命名,系统总结了它们的结构特点,并比较了参与各种类泛素化修饰的酶和它们的生物学功能.文章由45名从事该领域研究的专家合作撰写,其中包括中国工程院院士1名,相关学者4名,长江学者3名,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者18名和美国知名高校华人教授4名.他们绝大多数是参加编写即将由科学出版社出版的专著《泛素家族介导的蛋白质降解和细胞自噬》的专家


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    本文对于代位权诉讼中债权人提起诉讼的条件、债权人、债务人、次债务人的诉讼权利义务等作简要的探讨 ,在指出目前法律存在的问题的同时 ,提出了一些立法和司法建议