10 research outputs found


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    借鉴国际先进经验 完善我国商业银行管理会计系统

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    在我国银行的商业化进程之中,各商业银行对如何建立适应市场竞争要求的管理会计信息系统尚处于思考和摸索阶段,而国外商业银行在此方面已积累了相当丰富的成功经验,其管理会计系统在战略计划与财务预算、管理信息报告系统、成本与盈利能力报告、业绩考核等方面已经趋于成熟,值得我们借鉴。 一、战略计划与战术计划的制定 战略计划通常被视为业务计划,一般考虑未来三至五年的情况。战术计划通常被视为经营计划,一般只考虑一年的情况。战略和战术计划相结合是十


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    Study on Antitumor Activity of Tachypesin I against Human Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell Line HL 60 from Hemocyte of Horseshoe Crab

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    利用从中国鲎血细胞中提取的鲎素T-1作抗肿瘤活性实验.结果表明,鲎素T-1在体外对人早幼粒白血病Hl-60细胞的增殖有明显抑制作用.急性毒理实验显示,鲎素T-1对正常活体毒性较小,可用于活体实验.荷瘤裸鼠实验统计,鲎素T-1对肿瘤抑制率达42.3%.The antitumor activity of tachyplesin I(T 1) extracted from the hemocytes of horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus for human promyelocytic leukemia cells line HL 60 has been studied.It was demonstrated that tachyplesin I had the remarkable inhibitory activity on proliferation of HL 60 cells in vitro experiment.The result from acute toxicological assay showed that tachyplesin I only had a little toxicity and could be used in intravital research.The rate of tumorous suppression of tachyplesin I reached to 42.3% on HL 60 cells.福建省自然科学基金;厦门市海洋科技计划资助项

    Antibacterial Activity of Tachyplesin from Tachypleus tridentatus Hemocytes

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    中国鲎血细胞经酸提取后,抽取液经SEPHAdEXg-50凝胶与CM-SEPHArOSECl-6b离子交换剂柱层析,分离得到鲎素(TACHyPlESIn).体外(InVITrO)实验表明,鲎素在较低浓度下就可抑制革兰氏阴性菌(大肠杆菌、绿脓杆菌)和革兰氏阳性菌(枯草芽孢杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌)的生长.其中以葡萄球菌对鲎素的反应最为敏感.其最小致死剂量为10μg/Ml.这表明,鲎素具有很强的抗菌活性.它是鲎血细胞用以抵抗入侵微生物的自我防御系统的主要组份.Tachyplesin was isolated from acid extracts of horseshoe crab ( Tachypleus tridentatus ) hemocytes, and then purified by Sephadex G 50 and CM Sepharose CL 6B chromatography.The result of antibacterial activity assay shows that tachyplesin can completely inhibit the growth of Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus allreus, Escherichia coli,Pseudomonas aeruginosa at the concentration 20 μg/mL. S.allreus is the most sensitive to tachyplesin among the four bacteria. Its minimal inhibitory concentration is 10 μg/mL. The results indicate that tachyplesin has strong antibacterial activity.At very low concentration,it can effectively inhibit the growth of gram positive and negative bacteria.福建省自然科学基金;厦门市海洋科技计划资

    Application of artificial neural network to simultaneous determination of four B-group vitamins(人工神经网络应用于维生素B族4组分同时测定)

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    应用人工神经网络原理,采用Levenberg-Marquardt BP算法,对于吸收光谱严重重叠的维生素B1, B2,B6和烟酰胺4组分同时进行含量测定.四者的平均回收率分别为100%, 98%, 96%,100%.该方法用于复合维生素B片剂中B1, B2,B6和烟酰胺的同时测定,获得较满意的结果.实验表明,该方法与现有的算法相比具有训练速度快、预测结果准确度高等特点,有望能成为多组分分析的有效方法之一

    Excavation of Laohudun Prehistoric Site in Jing'an,Jiangxi

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    老虎墩遗址位于江西省靖安县城西北约15公里,在高湖镇中港村邓家自然村东约200米的台地上。2009~2010年,江西省文物考古研究所、厦门大学历史系考古专业、靖安县博物馆联合对遗址进行了发掘,揭示出从史前时期到明代中期的文化内涵。本文主要对老虎墩遗址的史前遗存进行了介绍,分为下层遗存和上层遗存。下层遗存有房址、道路、灰坑等,出土有石器和陶器;上层遗存有墓葬、房址、灰坑,出土器物主要是陶器。下层文化陶器表现出较早的形态,初步推断其年代在距今6000年之前;上层文化可能是江西省一支新的古文化类型,年代距今5000~4500年。The Laohudun Site is situated on a mound about 200 m east of Dengjia Village in Gaohu Town,about 15 km northwest of the Jing'an County seat in Jiangxi Province.From 2009 to 2010,a collaborative archaeological team excavated the site.Rich cultural remains from prehistoric times to the middle of the Ming Dynasty were unearthed.This report focuses on the prehistoric remains,which were divided into lower and upper layers.In the lower layer,there are building and road remains,ash-pits,stone artifacts,and pottery.In the upper layer,there are burials,building remains,and ash-pits,with unearthed objects consisting mainly of pottery.Pottery found in the lower layer presents a relatively early form.Initial analysis suggests the culture of the lower layer dates to about 6000 years BP,and the culture of the upper layer,which may be a newly discovered ancient culture type in Jiangxi Province,dates to about 5000—4500 years BP

    John Fryer and The Translator’s Vade-mecum: the identification of the “Vocabulary of Terms in Naval Architecture"

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    John Fryer was one of the most important foreign translators in China after the Opium Wars. The work that is the final result of his experience at the Jiangnan Arsenal is The Translator’s Vade-mecum. Among the preparatory manuscripts of the glossaries that were published in the Vade-mecum, the author has identified the “Vocabulary of Terms in Naval Architecture.” The purpose of this article is to examine the main features of the Vocabulary, its sources and the peculiarities of the manuscript. In the first and second sections, the Vade-mecum is concisely analysed; providing numerous references and simultaneously sketching an outlook of the production and circulation of knowledge in the period considered, the author presents theoretical discussions concerning the norms of translation applied in the Vade-mecum, its purpose and the patronage of the translation activity. In the third and main section, studying the historical significance and linguistic quality of some of the translated terms annotated in the “Vocabulary,” the author compares its terminology with the concurrent Japanese one and with other Chinese relevant nomenclatures, demonstrating the complicate interaction in the “Vocabulary” between lexical innovation and recovery of existing terms

    Ziprasidone versus other atypical antipsychotics for schizophrenia

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    John Fryer and The Translator’s Vade-mecum

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