3 research outputs found

    Induction of multiple shoots and proliferation of Acorus macrospadiceus (Yamamoto) F.N.Wei et Y.K.Li

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    摘要 本試驗以茴香菖蒲(Acorus macrospadiceus)之葉片和匍匐莖上側芽為培植材料,經由多芽體的誘導建立快速大量繁殖再生植株的方法。試驗結果摘述如下: 以匍匐莖上側芽為培植體接種於添加1 mg/L TDZ之處理培養基中,可誘導多芽體,每個培植體平均可獲得3個芽體。但以葉片為培植材料,培養於添加不同auxin和cytokinin之16種組合培養基中,均無法誘導多芽體形成。 不同生長調節劑對多芽體增殖之影響,以添加4 mg/l TDZ之處理培養基可獲得最多芽體數,平均為3.5個;BA之處理中以添加8 mg/l BA之處理可得最多芽體數,平均為2.7個;添加BA之處理在多芽體形成率和平均芽體形成數均較TDZ處理低。另外發現,單獨添加TDZ和BA之處理在多芽體増殖效果較NAA和2,4-D組合BA之處理為佳。 基本鹽類濃度方面,以全量MS鹽類對多芽體増殖效果最好,多芽體形成率為100﹪,每個培植體平均可誘導3個芽體。蔗糖濃度則以添加50 g/l 蔗糖之處理可得最多芽體,每個培植體平均可誘導3.4芽體形成,而10 g/l蔗糖之處理則會抑制多芽體形成。胺基酸添加物方面,添加CH之處理對多芽體増殖之效果優於添加peptone之處理,以添加100 mg/l CH培養基有最好的增殖效果,芽體數平均為3.3,但高濃度之CH處理則會抑制芽體形成。 以2和4 mg/L TDZ二種培養基所誘導出之芽體進行連續4次繼代培養後,所誘導芽體數分別介於2.9~ 3.0和3.4 ~ 3.6個,顯示各世代處理間無顯著差異,多芽體在添加TDZ之培養基可穩定增殖。 再生芽體的發根試驗中,添加CH處理之發根率介於83.3~100﹪,而peptone處理之發根率介於76.7~ 96.7﹪,添加50和100 mg/l CH之培養基有最高的發根率(100﹪),優於添加抗壞血酸之培養基(發根率介於56.7~76.7﹪),及添加NAA和IBA之培養基(發根率<45﹪)。Summary The leaves and lateral buds of Acorus macrospadiceus were used as materials in this study to establish the optimal protocol for rapid multiplication through induction of multiple shoot. The results were summarized as follows: However, when leaf explant was used no multiple shoot was induced in all of medium containing different levels of auxin and cytokinin. The lateral bud explants cultured on the media containing 1 mg/L TDZ were induced and averaged 3 shoots per explant. The regenerated shoot cultured on media with 4 mg/L TDZ had highest proliferation efficiency and averaged 3.51 per explant. The optimal concentration of BA to induced and multiply shoot was at 8 mg/L, averaged 2.73 shoots per explant. However addition of TDZ was found to be better than BA in the rate and number of shoot formation. The results also showed that addition of TDZ or BA alone proliferated more shoots than the combined media with NAA or 2, 4-D and BA. The highest proliferation efficiency was found in the medium with full MS salt, reached 100% and averaged 3 shoots per explant . Media containing 50 g /L sucrose produced more multiple shoots, averaged 3.37 shoots per explant when sucrose more than 50 g/L inhibited shoot proliferations. Media containing CH proliferated shoot more than peptone and 100 mg/L CH had the best performance averaged 3.27 shoots per explant. Shoot proliferation was inhibited under high CH concentration level. The averaged shoots induced from shoot explant through four times subculture on media with 2 and 4 mg/L TDZ were ranged 2.86 to 3.03 and ranged 3.43 to 3.56, respectively. The result indicated that shoots can be stable multiplied on medium containing TDZ. Rooting efficiency of media containing CH and peptone were ranged 83.3 to 100﹪and ranged 76.7 to 96.7﹪, respectively. Regenerated shoot cultured on media with 50 and 100 mg/L CH rooted batter than media containing ascorbic acid (56.7 to 76.7﹪) or NAA and IBA (<45%).目 錄 章節 頁次 中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------- i 英文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------- iii 目錄 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------- iv 表目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 圖目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 前言 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 前人研究 -------------------------------------------------------------- 2 材料與方法 ---------------------------------------------------------- 13 結果 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 討論 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------- 7


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    臺灣良質米育種早在民國60年代末期悄悄進行,當時以良質親本選擇與白米 外觀選拔為育種重點,臺中189號、臺農70號與臺南9號可為其中的代表。民國74 年至87年由稻作育種小組主導良質選育,採統一雜交、分區汰選品系的育種方式, 總計育成17個稉稻品種、1個秈稻品種、4個糯稻品種,曾列入良質米推薦品種有9 個,惟其中有9個為小組成立前由各場所選拔者。此時期的良質選育多以糙(白)米 外觀與產量為主,其他米質特性則在穩定世代後檢定。民國87年恢復各場所自行 雜交、選育與命名,總計87~95年間育成的品種有臺農71號、臺東30號等22個品種, 曾列入良質米推薦品種有5個,而在育種小組之下選育者有8個。在此期間各場所 的良質米選拔指標除糙(白)米外觀外,也運用食味計、味度計等相關儀器作為食味 選拔的指標,新品種的白米外觀明顯的優於舊品種,食味也增進中。在良質育種 目標漸傾向地區性的品種與多樣化與營養成份的領域,此種情形在95年水稻品種 納入植物品種及種苗法規範後更為明顯,累計至今已有19個品種申請品種權。調 查試驗改良場所對育種目標的排序,並進行加權平均後,各場所對育種目標的重 視程度分別為食味品質>外觀品質>產量或株型>抗(耐)生物逆境>抗(耐)環境逆 境>貯藏性。 The good-quality rice breeding, was selected good-quality parents for crossing and good rice appearance during breeding process, was started in the late 1970’ decade. Taichung 189, Tainung 70 and Tainan 9 were breeding in this way at that time. The good-quality rice breeding was organized by The Rice Breeding Team, set up according to the policy of Taiwan Province Government, during 1985-1998, was crossed in the Taiwan Research Institute and Taichung District Agricultural Improvement Station and selected in different station during breeding descendants. The yield and rice appearance were the goals of good-quality rice and total 17 japonica, 1 indica, 4 glutinous rice varieties had been released during that time. 9 varieties had been selected by each station before 1985 and 9 varieties had been recommended good-quality rice by government. After 1998, the crossing and selecting of rice breeding are returned to each institutes and stations. Beside rice appearance, the eating quality, detected by AN-800 and MA-30A machines, were the goals of good-quality rice and total 22 rice varieties had been released during that time. 8 varieties had been selected by Taiwan Rice Breeding Team before 1998 and 5 varieties had been recommended good-quality rice by government. The rice appearance and eating quality of new varieties is brtter than that of olds’. After 2006, rice releasing system has been followed The Seeds and Seedlings of Plant Variety Law. The good-quality rice goal is extending to nutrition and alterative utilization. From that time, 19 varieties have been applied in this system. The good-quality rice breeding goals of research institute and stations have been investigated recently. The rank of good-quality rice breeding goals is follow by eating quality > rice appearance > yield or plant type > biological stress tolerance > physiological stress tolerance > storage tolerance