32 research outputs found

    Relationship of Chronic Endometritis With Chronic Deciduitis in Cases of Miscarriage.

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    Background: The presence of chronic deciduitis (CD) was determined in patients diagnosed with or without chronic endometritis (CE) before pregnancy.Objective: To study the effect of CE on decidua in cases of miscarriage.Methods:Decidual tissue was obtained from the patients who miscarried at the first pregnancy within a year after the diagnosis of the presence or absence of CE. The number and distribution pattern of plasma cells stained with CD138 in decidual tissue in 10 high-power fields (HPFs) was examined. The prevalence of CD diagnosed with four different grade; grade 0, no plasma cell in 10 HPFs, thus Non-CD;grade 1, rare single plasma cells; grade 2, rare clusters or more than 5 single cells total; and grade 3, many plasma cells with more than 5 clusters, were examined and compared between Non-CE and CE.Results:The incidence rate of CD of grade2 + 3 was significantly higher in CE than Non-CE (53.8%; 7/13 vs. 0%; 0/13, P < 0.01). Presence of clusters or a number of plasma cells in 10 HPFs of decidua showed a sensitivity of 53.8%, a specificity of 100%, a positive predictive value of 100%, and a negative predictive value of 68.4% for the diagnosis of CE.Conclusion:Presence of clusters of plasma cells or five or more of plasma cells in decidua was found in more than half of CE, but not found in Non-CE. When CD with cluster or five or more of plasma cells is confirmed histologically in miscarriage decidual tissue, the presence of CE before the pregnancy should be suspected

    Study on Soil Erosion in Typical Regions of Loess Plateau

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    本文对黄土高原典型地区土壤侵蚀以往的研究结论进行了综合分析 ,结果表明 :(1)影响土壤侵蚀的主要因素为降雨、地形及土地利用 ;(2 )土壤侵蚀主要类型为水蚀及重力侵蚀 ;(3)土壤侵蚀主要集中在汛期 ;(4 )土壤侵蚀具有垂直分带性 ;(5)在研究的四个典型地区中 :绥德地区侵蚀严重 ,天水地区侵蚀相对较轻微 ,安塞地区侵蚀典型 ,西峰地区侵蚀特殊


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    SiO回音壁模式(whispering gallery mode,WGM)的光学谐振腔具有品质因子Q值高、模式体积小、制作简单等优点,在腔量子电动力学、生物传感器、滤波器、非线性光学等领域具有非常好的应用前景.采用热氧化生长SiO、光刻图形化、磁控溅射生长Cr掩膜、HF缓冲液湿法腐蚀SiO、KOH溶液湿法腐蚀Si并去除Cr掩膜等工艺,得到了周期化、尺寸不同的SiO微盘腔,其直径分别为20,40和60μm.利用原子力显微镜表征微盘腔表面的粗糙度,均方根表面粗糙度仅为0.469nm.在未经任何表面处理或者激光处理的情况下,利用连续波长可调激光器,通过光纤锥与微盘腔耦合,透射谱测量得到微盘腔的自由光谱范围(free spectrum range,FSR)为λFSR=9.6nm,Q值约为1×10.中航工业产学研项目(CXY2011XD24);中国博士后科学基金(2015M582041)