164 research outputs found

    A Study on Quantitative Assessment of the value of Business Model Innovation Programs Based on Meta-synthesis Method

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    继技术创新之后,商务模式创新成为企业价值创造的又一重要源泉。如何评估商务模式创新方案的价值,降低其采纳风险,正受到企业越来越多的关注。本文在介观商务模式理论及综合集成方法的基础上,视商务模式创新方案价值的定量评估为一个复杂系统,对其进行研究。 本文分理论研究和应用分析两个阶段,全面展示了商务模式创新方案价值定量评估体系的构建及应用过程。理论研究阶段,重点解决了价值评估体系是什么以及如何构建的问题。关于评估体系的内容,笔者先由商务模式创新方案价值的概念界定入手,明确评估原则及标准,构建完整的价值评估框架;然后基于模块化与流程化的混合视角,提出反映商务模式创新方案价值创造逻辑的模型和工具,并通过...Following the technological innovation, business model innovation has become another important source of value creation. Enterprises are paying more attention on the assessment of business model innovation scheme and the way to reduce the risk when adopts it. Based on Meta-synthesis, this thesis studies the quantitative assessment of the value of business model innovation scheme, which is also con...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_技术经济及管理学号:1772010115106


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    The Theory of China’s Sovereign Wealth Funds Development

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    从世界范围来看,主权财富基金作为不同于私人资本组织形式的国际投资力量,其规模和影响在金融危机爆发之后呈现出不断增长的趋势,而与此同时其发展问题也成为各国及主要国际组织关注的焦点。2007年中国投资有限责任公司的挂牌成立,宣告着我国主权财富基金的正式设立,这不仅是外汇储备管理改革的重要举措,对于处于后危机时代背景下,以调整经济结构为目标的我国未来发展战略而言具有同样重要的意义。然而从目前我国主权财富基金的运行情况来看,暴露出许多现实问题亟待解决;而国内相关理论与对策又存在着过于零散、缺乏足够理论支撑等问题。基于上述背景,本文选择我国主权财富基金的发展问题作为核心论题,在现有国内外研究的基础上,发...From a global perspective, after the financial crisis,sovereign wealth funds as a different international investment organization from the private capital, its development has become the focus of many countries and the major international organizations. In 2007, China Investment Company was set up, declaring an official establishment of sovereign wealth funds. It is not only an important measure o...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院金融系_投资学学号:1562008015028

    Hepatitis B virus X protein and endoplasmic reticulum stress

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    乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV)感染与持续性肝损伤和原发性肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)关系密切.我国是HBV感染的高流行区,给人群带来的健康威胁和损害是关注的热点问题.HBV感染是HCC的主要病原学因素之一,但其诱导肿瘤形成潜在的分子机制依然存在争议.其中HBV的X蛋白(HBV X protein,HBx)在HBV致肝细胞损伤、诱导肝细胞恶性转化、与环境因素暴露协同诱导肝致癌作用等过程中所起的作用都是研究的焦点.HBx作为多功能调控蛋白调控大量细胞信号转导通路,包括内质网(endoplasmic reticulum,ER)应激反应,值得关注的是近几年已有文献报道HBx表达对肝细胞ER应激的诱导作用,但对调控的分子机制的认识还不明确.因此,本文综述了HBx影响肝细胞ER应激的研究进展,为HBV感染诱导肝损伤和疾病的分子机制提供线索.Persistent hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection is closely related to chronic hepatitis,cirrhosis and liver cancer.China is a country with a high prevalence of HBV infection,where the infection rate is up to 60%-70%,bringing great threat and harm to public health.What's worse is that HBV infection is the main etiology factor of primary hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).However,the underlying mechanisms of virus-induced tumor formation remain controversial.Numerous studies indicate that HBV X protein(HBx) plays a prominent role in HBV-induced liver cell damage,hepatitis,liver fibrosis and malignant transformation,and is related to liver cancer induced by environmental exposure factors.As a multifunctional regulatory protein,HBx regulates a variety of cell signal transduction pathways,including the endoplasmic reticulum(ER) stress response.ER stress refers to the dysfunction of the ER,and misfolded or unfolded proteins gather in the ER.It is noteworthy that the expression of HBx can induce or effect ER stress,although the molecular mechanism remains unclear.This review summarizes the role of HBx in ER stress pathways,providing clues for the liver injury induced by HBV infection.国家自然科学基金资助项目,Nos.81172705,81472997,81573181 973;; 计划前期研究专项基金资助项目,No.2014CB560710;; 福建省自然科学基金资助项目,Nos.2014J01372,2015J01344~

    The Research of Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) Based on the Condition of Present Market

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    房地产投资信托基金(RealEstateInvestmentTrusts,REITs)近些年来在亚洲国家迅速发展,作为一种房地产金融产品,REITs不但能够解决房地产发展中的投融资问题,而且增加了资本市场上的投资品种。目前我国的房地产行业正处于从单一依靠银行融资转向多元化融资,但是资本市场上可供企业选择的融资产品却十分有限。从政策方面来看,由于商品房价格持续快速上涨,为了应对资产泡沫的产生,各项调控措施陆续出台或相继落实。这些政策的出台,对企业直接融资产生了一定负面影响。本文正是基于这个现实,通过对美国和亚洲主要市场的历史研究和制度对比,研究在我国发展REITs的必要性和可行性,并提出了相应的...Recently, a tool of the financial innovation in the real estate industry called “REITs” (the abbreviation of the Real Estate Investment Trusts) has been quickly developed in Asia country. REITs has not only retained the high-yield character of the real estate investments, but also has enhanced the mobility of the real estate investment assets. REITs has offered a financing channel for the real est...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_投资学学号:2005130100

    The Role of Quality Control Circle in Shortening the Waiting Time of the First Infusion to the Clinical Department

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    目的探索品管圈在缩短静配中心首批输液送到临床科室等候时间中的作用,提高静配中心工作效率,提高临床科室和患者满意度,提高药学服务质量。方法成立品管圈小组,选定品管圈主题,依据品管圈基本方法开展品管圈活动。对静配中心首批输液送到临床科室等候时间长进行原因分析,找出影响因素,制定并实施对策,分析活动持续改进后的效果。结果开展品管圈活动后,有形成果中改进流程前后对比,平均每袋输液配置的时间缩短了0.2分钟。规范医嘱,利用信息技术输液批次系统上线前后对比,准时出科的科室数量比例提高了28.65%。优化物流,增加人员配送,平均每天的物流时间缩短了20.5分钟。无形成果中在患者满意度、输液及时准确性、临床投诉次数、药师责任心、团队合作能力等都有正向提高,显著缩短首批输液送到临床科室的等候时间。结论品管圈促进了输液质量的持续改进,提高了静配中心全体员工的合作能力,对静配中心的管理具有重大意义。Objective To explore the role of quality control circle in shortening the waiting time of the first infusion to the clinical department and improve the work efficiency of static allocation center, the satisfaction of clinical departments and patients as well as the quality of pharmaceutical care. Methods A quality control circle group was set up, the subject of quality control circle was select and quality control circle activities according to the basic method of quality control circle was carried out. The reasons for the long waiting time of the first infusion to the clinical department were analyzed, the influencing factors were found, and the countermeasures were formulated and analyzed, and the effect of continuous improvement was analyzed. Results After carrying out the quality control circle activities, the improvement process of tangible results was compared with before and the average time of each bag infusion configuration was shortened by 0.2 minutes. With the standard physician order,after the use of information technology and infusion batch system, the proportion of punctual delivery to departments wasincreased by 28.65%. The hospital had optimized the logistics and increased the delivery personnel so that the average daily logistics time had been shortened by 20.5 minutes.In the intangible achievement,the degree of patient satisfaction, timely and accurate transfusion, the number of clinical complaints, pharmacists' sense of responsibility and team cooperation ability were positively improved which significantly shortened the waiting time of the first infusion to the clinical department. Conclusion Quality control circle promotes the continuous improvement of infusion quality, improves the cooperationability of all personnel in static distribution center and is of great significance to the management of static distribution center


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