13 research outputs found


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    南厦 0 60是南平市农科所从厦大生物系育种组提供的株系中系统选育而成的优质、丰产、较抗稻瘟病的早籼新品种。 2 0 0 0年通过福建省品种审定委员会审定福建省“九五”水稻育种攻关项


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    对优质早籼稻“佳禾早占”连续 3a和异地栽培的早晚季稻米品质的分析结果表明 :“佳禾早占”的早季稻米品质符合部颁二级标准 ;晚季稻米品质符合部颁一级标准。“佳禾早占”稻米品质性状具有很强的遗传稳定性 ,极具应用价值。稻米品质性状是由品种的基因型和环境因素互作的结果。在水稻黄熟期前 ,尤其是在扬花后 ,有 10d左右的日最高气温大于 30℃ ,或日平均气温 2 8℃ ,稻米品质变差。在各品质性状中 ,整精米率最容易受影响 ,年度间可相差几十个百分点。选育耐高温的品种 ,是使早稻米品质达到较高水平的保证


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    Genetic Analysis of Mutant Progenies Derived From thr Rice Pollen Irradiated by γ Ray

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    本研究建立了一套简便、行之有效的水稻成熟花粉辐照诱变技术的工作程序 ,解决了水稻成熟花粉保鲜的技术难关 ,提出了水稻成花粉适宜诱变剂量为 4 6Gy左右 ,确认了辐照花粉杂交后代以产生数量性状突变为主 ,第三代较第二代出现更多的突变性状 ,扩大了突变幅度 ,而且随着世代的递增 ,突变性状有累加的现象 ,大部分株系在第五代即可稳定。利用本项技术获得了一批熟期提早或推迟 15天以上 ,株高变矮或增高 10cm以上、稻谷增长 5mm ,米长增加 4 4mm ,长宽比最大达 4 5 ,千粒重较起始种增减 10 2 3g等特殊性状的一批新种质。本研究初步认为水稻成熟花粉辐照诱变主要是诱发DNA位点的突变 ,同时存在隐性突变 ,在水稻及其它作物育种中具有应用前景。The rice sexual hybridization procedures using rice mature pollen irradiated by γ ray has been established, techniques for reserving rice mature pollen more than two hours has also been developed. The best dose for irradiating rice mature pollen is about 46Gy, which will generate lots of mutants. There are more mutant traits of third mutant progenies than that of second, furthermore the additive effects of mutant traits has been observed with the increase of generation, most of mutant lines could be stable in fifth generations. Definitely the mutant loci generated byγray irradiation do belong to quantitative trait locus mutagenesis, dominant and recessive genetic locus mutations will take place, resulting in the variations of traits in the mutants especially of panicles. Using the techniques of mutation breeding by irradiation on rice mature pollen, plenty of mutants has been obtained, which has superior traits of good quality, high yield, and better resistance, especially the traits of grain appearance, such as long grain,big grain and long panicle, have been gotten. Also new cultivar of early indica rice, named Jiahezaozhan, with good quality and high yield has been developed and approved, and another variety called Jiafuzhan with the traits of good quality, high resistances, high yield and high 1000 grain weight has been released recently. The results of this research have been showed that the techniques was one of the best choice to enrich the rice genetic germplasm bank, it is also the suitable solutions for generating the mutants to do functional hene identification


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    用60COγ射线辐照水稻保持系V20b成熟花穗,在不育系V20A上授粉,观察雄配子体双受精行为的辐照剂量效应。结果表明,雄配子体双受精进程所需时间随辐照剂量增大而延长,且主要表现在雌雄配子体核仁融合时间延长。0.186kgy以下剂量组,其延长时间在13H以下,0.279kgy以上剂量组,其延长时间达15H以上。同时,产生多种形态的畸形胚细胞和胚乳核。The mature panicles of rice were treated with 60Coγ-rays in the range of 0~0.372 kGy.The male sterile line used as the Female plants were Fertilized with γ-irradiated pollen manu-ally.The dose eFFect of the irradiated pollen on double Fertilization was investigated.It wasFound that double Fertilization of the irradiated pollen was suppressed to diFFerent degrees ascompared with the control.The eFFect was noticeable as that the Fuslon time of the male nu-cleolus with the Female one was delayed with the increasing of γ-radiation dose.The delayedtime was less than 13 hours when the dose was below 0.186 kGy and it was more than 15hours when the dose was above 0.279 kGy.Furthermore, several types of deFormed embry-onic cells and endosperm nuclei were observed.国家和福建省自然科学基


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    采用有性杂交和水稻成熟花粉辐照诱变育种技术相结合,选育出福建省第一个优质早籼稻品种“佳禾早占”。其产量水平 400~450 kg/667m 2,高的 500 kg/667 m2以上;稻米品质符合部颁优质食用米标准,经济效益好,是福建省主要推广的优质早稻新品种。福建省自然科学基金;; 农业科技项目资