24 research outputs found

    FTIR-ATR Spectrometry of BSA Adsorption on Hydroxyapatite

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    采用傅里叶变换红外衰减全反射(FTIR-ATR)光谱法对牛血清白蛋白(BSA)在羟磷灰石(HA)[Ca_(10)(OH)_2(PO_4)_6]表面不同时间的相互吸附作用进行了表征。在BSA溶液作用下,羟磷灰石表面的Ca~(2+)、PO_4~(3-)和OH~-离子初始的溶解和再沉淀使得BSA与HA相互作用层层叠加,在HA表面形成从表层到次表层分子都包含有吸附的BSA的覆盖层,从而加深两者之间的相互作用。经红外差谱法处理过的相关ATR数据表明,BSA与HA之间的相互作用是快速的,并随时间变化进一步加强;来自HA上PO_4~(3-)的P=O基团对蛋白质肽键的酰胺Ⅱ带(-CNH)、多肽链的甲基(-CH_3)和亚甲基(-CH_2)上氢的吸附作用要比P-O快速而且强烈。Ca~(2+)在该吸附过程中起了极其重要的作用,其快速与蛋白质肽键的羰基氧发生作用,并诱导该蛋白质二级结构由β-折叠向α-螺旋和β-转角构象转变;伴随着这一构象变化,蛋白质多肽链上大多数肽键的-C=O和H-N-活性基团从链间氢键交联中释放出来,带动众多的氢分别参与同HA表面的Ca~(2+)、PO_4~(3-)和OH~-离子的相互吸附作用,并牢牢地结合于HA表面;这对硬组织的再生起着重要作用,促进了HA的生物矿化过程。The microcosmic process of bovine serum albumin(BSA) adsorbing onto hydroxyapatite(HA) for different time intervals was investigated by Fourier transform infrared attenuated total internal reflectance(FTIRATR) spectrometry.The initial dissolution and re-precipitation of PO_4~(3-),Ca~(2+),and OH~- ions from the HA coating led to the occurrence of the coating including adsorbed BSA on the HA from surface-to subsurface-molecular layers and to in-depth interaction between BSA and HA.The subtraction results gained in the adsorption regions of HA and BSA reveal that the binding of P=O,from the phosphate(PO_4~(3-)),to the hydrogen of amide Ⅱ,methyl and methene of the BSA appears to be considerably more rapid and stronger than that of the P—O group.In addition,it is very likely that Ca~(2+) plays an important role in the interaction of BSA with HA.It appears that the binding of Ca~(2+) to the carbonyl-oxygen of the peptide bond in BSA caused a significant,molecular,conformational rearrangement of polypeptide backbones from β-pleated sheet to helical circles of α-helix and β-turn.This change appears to have been followed by much hydrogen of polypeptides being driven to bind PO_4~(3-) and OH~-effectively and much-C=O and H-N- groups of the peptide bond being freed from inter-chain hydrogenbonding to act on Ca~(2+) and combine strongly with the HA surface.This might reasonably be expected to promote hard tissue regeneration.BSA seems to be activated by the inductive effect of Ca~(2+) via the molecular rearrangement of polypeptide backbones from pleated sheet to helical circles and in turn reacts strongly on the HA,resulting in profound effects on the course of biomineralization.国家自然科学基金(51571169)资助项目~

    Nekton species composition and biodiversity in Taiwan Strait

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    根据2006-2007年在台湾海峡进行的四个季度航次定点底拖网调查资料,分析了台湾海峡游泳动物的种类组成、数量分布、优势种和多样性等特征。结果表明,调查海域共鉴定出游泳动物373种,其中鱼类273种,甲壳类81种,头足类19种;渔获物组成以鱼类为主,占渔获物总重量的65.6%,其次为甲壳类和头足类,分别占21.1%和13.3%,所有调查站位游泳动物的年平均生物量密度指数为24.91kg/H,主要优势种类为带鱼(TrICHIuruS JAPOnI-CuS)、拥剑梭子蟹(POrTunuS HAAnII)、二长棘鲷(PArArgyrOPS EdITA)、龙头鱼(HArPAdOn nEHErEuS)、竹筴鱼(TrACHuruS JAPOnICuS)、火枪乌贼(lOlIgO bEkA)等。对多样性的分析显示,台湾海峡游泳动物物种多样性指数(H′)变化范围为1.45-3.21,平均为2.47,其中秋季最高,夏季最低,且呈现南高北低的特点。与历史资料相比,目前台湾海峡游泳动物种类数明显减少,尤其是闽东和闽南—台湾浅滩海域表现最为突出;优势种类个体呈现小型化和低龄化趋势,表明台湾海峡游泳动物资源衰退明显。Based on four bottom trawl surveys(2006-2007) in the Taiwan Strait,nekton species composition,biomass and density distribution,dominant species,and community characteristics were analyzed.We re-corded 373 nektonic species including 273 fish species,81 crustaceans and 19 cephalopods.The mean bio-mass density index of the study area was estimated to be 24.91 kg/h with fish species,crustacean species and cephalopod species accounting for 65.6%,21.1% and 13.3% of the total,respectively.Dominant species in-cluded Trichiurus japonicus,Portunus haanii,Parargyrops edita,Harpadon nehereus,Trachurus japonicus and Loligo beka.Shannon-Wiener diversity indices(H') ranged from 1.45 to 3.21,with an average of 2.47 and were higher in autumn and winter than in spring and summer.Compared with historical data,nekton resources are obviously declining,with species richness decreasing especially in the Minnan-Taiwan Bank area.Domi-nant species also exhibited a preponderance of smaller size and age classes compared to historical data.国家海洋专项资助项目(908-02-01-02;908-02-04-01);国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(海三科2010016


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    目的 调查广东省平远县棘隙吸虫及其他鱼源性吸虫混合感染情况。方法 对鱼类宿主取鱼鳃和鱼肉等组织 ,镜检囊蚴 ;用水洗过筛沉淀法粪检虫卵 ,部分虫卵阳性动物解剖检查。采用DNA -RAPD技术 ,比较福建棘隙吸虫广东株与福建株。结果 查出华支睾吸虫 (Clonorchissinensis)、东方次睾吸虫 (Metorchisorientalis)、福建棘隙吸虫 (Echinochasmusfujianensis)、日本棘隙吸虫 (E japonicus)、抱茎棘隙吸虫 (E perfoliatus)和钩棘单睾吸虫 (Haplorchispumilio) 6种。第二中间宿主为麦穗鱼等 11种 ,感染率 48 3% (182 / 377) ,有 92 4%的阳性鱼混合感染 2种以上吸虫囊蚴。保虫宿主狗、猫感染率 79 2 % (19/ 2 4) ,每只阳性动物均有 2种以上吸虫混合感染。 15个引物在福建棘隙吸虫广东株与福建株两者共获DNA片段 185个 ,共享度 (F) =0 984,遗传距离 (D) =0 0 16。结论 当地为人兽共患的多种鱼源性吸虫混合感染区。形态学观察和分子生物学检测结果相印证 ,福建棘隙吸虫广东株与福建棘隙吸虫福建株为同一虫种。Aim To seek the possible existence of mixed infections of Echinochasmus fujianensis and other fish-borne tremtodes in Pinyuan county,Guangdong.Methods Metacercariae of trematodes were detected from gills,muscles and some other tissues of freshwater fish and examintd under microscopy Sedimentation pocedures were used to observe parasite ova in stool Adult worms were obtained from definitive animal hosts upon dissection Experimental animal infection were performed from metacercariae of E fujianensis strains in Fujian and Guangdong,and it's DNA analysis Random amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD).Results Six species of trematodes were found,including Clonorchis sinensis,Metorchis orientalis,E fujanensis, E japonicus,E perfoliatus and Haplorchis pumilio Eleven species of freshwater fish comprising Pseudorasbora parve were identified as the second intermediate hosts,with an average positive rate of 48 33%(182/377) The overall mixed infection animal were contracted with 2 or more species Dogs and cats were detected to be reservoir hosts,the total infection rate being 79 2%(19/24).92 4% of infecded fish were contracted with 2 or 6 speies of the metacercariae of trematodes 185 DNA fragments were obtained by 15 primers,F=0 894 and D=0 016 between E fujianensis Guandong and Fujian strain Conclusion There are six species of fish-borne trematodes which may cause infections in human and animal in the regions E fujianensis Guangdong stain and Fujian strain are the same species福建省科技计划基金!资助项目 (No 98-Z - 1 56);; 福建省“百千万人才”人选培养资