10 research outputs found


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    HORTICULTURE NCHU, 30(1):089-100)Influences of Different Plantings on Buildings' Cooling Effect

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    本研究之主要目的在探討不同綠化方式及植栽對建築物隔熱效果之影響。藉由模擬建築物之方式,測量植物特性對建築物內部溫度、外牆溫度之影響,以作為未來利用植物進行建築物綠化時之參考。不同綠化方式對建築物內部溫度的影響之試驗,為比較「屋頂綠化」及「壁面綠化」兩種綠化方式,對建築物內部溫、溼度之影響。而在攀緣植物特性對建築物內部溫、溼度之影響試驗中,是測量「植栽覆蓋率」、「植栽層厚度」、「葉色」、「蒸散速率」等變項對建築物內部溫度的影響。研究得到的主要結輪如下: 1.在本研究所使用的試驗方法測量下,壁面綠化較屋頂綠化之隔熱效果佳。 2.由壁面綠化對外牆表面溫度及室內溫度影響的兩組試驗結果,得知植栽特性中影響隔熱效果最大的因子為「植栽層厚度」,其次是「植栽覆蓋率」,再者是「蒸散速率上而「葉色」對隔熱效果則沒有顯著的影響。 3.試驗結果發現綠化植栽的「葉片密度」會影響建築物之隔熱效果。The major purpose of this study is to discuss the influences of greening methods and different plantings on building's cooling effect. It is expected that the study results provide guidelines for designers when using plants as major elements in greening buildings. In order to achieve the study purpose, this study creates the simulated buildings to obtain the temoeratire of outer wall surface and internal temoerature of the simulated buildings. In the part of different greening methods, this study measures differences of building's internal temperature and humidity between roof greening method (using turf as a greening material) and outer wall greening method (using climbing plants as a greening materials). In the part of different plantings, this study measure the influences of planting cover rate, thickness of planting's layer, leave color, and transpiration rate on building's thternal temperature/humidity. Through statistical analyses, such as descriptive analysis, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and correlation analysis. This study has obtained the following conclusions: 1.Outer wall greening method has a better cooling effect than that of roof greening method. 2.In the influence of wall greening on the temperature of outer wall surface and building's internal temperature, the most effective factor is the thickness of planting's layer followed by planting cover rate and transpiration rate. While, the factor of leave color has no significant effect on temperature change. 3.The leave density has an influence on building's cooling effect


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    The purpose of this study was to discuss situations of developing ecotourism in Dongsha Marine National Park. The study reviewed the related ecotourism concepts and theory of carrying capacity that formed the bases for guiding development direction for the future. By adapting secondary data collection, on-site survey and analysis, depth interview, and content analysis, the study pointed out that Dongsha Marine National Park has unique potentials, such as precious ecological resources and mysterious martial atmosphere, which will definitely attract general publics to visit. However, because the precious resource in Dongsha is easy to be impacted by tourism development and limitations like accessibility, not having enough food, water, and lodging supply, the study suggested that the positioning of Dongsha focus on the development of international marine research center and the base for cultivating conservation seeds for the future. By considering the carrying capacity concept from different perspectives, including ecological, physical, social, and facility dimensions, the study proposed a range of suitable visitor volume for Dongsha. Based upon the overall considerations, the study proposed a feasible and comprehensive ecotourism development plan and management strategies for Marine National Park Headquarter.東沙環礁國家公園成立至今,在海洋國家公園管理處持續不斷地進行保育工作下周圍生態系統已漸漸復甦。由於東沙環礁國家公園資源之獨特性及稀有性,因此其未來發展方向及方式宜有審慎的考量。本研究係針對東沙環礁公園未來發展生態旅遊進行規劃,初步透過生態旅遊、承載量及國內外案例之相關文獻蒐集及分析,進而利用 LNT(Leave No Trace)及承載量之發展理念考量各項發展限制因子,在強調保育的前提之下,規劃合適的生態旅遊發展方案。在環境限制因子方面受到交通、住宿、水資源、軍事管制及政策法令之影響甚鉅,造成東沙的可及性相對較低,加上東沙環礁國家公園係以環境保育為首要目標,因此在生態旅遊發展規劃方案中,近程發展仍以持續進行保育工作為主,並為長程目標之國際研究站作準備,暫不開放生態旅遊。此期間需積極充實各類研究、基礎服務設備,及累積環境調查資料,作為後續發展之依歸。待各類基礎服務設備較為完善後,可開放以環境教育活動為主之生態旅遊遊客進入,同時在考量東沙珊瑚環礁的資源脆弱性應針對各指標物種及環境指標作嚴格之監控,比對遊客進入前後的生長狀況,適時評估及調整遊客人數,以作為後續生態旅遊發展之經營管理依據


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    The purpose of this study was to discuss situations of developing ecotourism in Dongsha Marine National Park. The study reviewed the related ecotourism concepts and theory of carrying capacity that formed the bases for guiding development direction for the future. By adapting secondary data collection, on-site survey and analysis, depth interview, and content analysis, the study pointed out that Dongsha Marine National Park has unique potentials, such as precious ecological resources and mysterious martial atmosphere, which will definitely attract general publics to visit. However, because the precious resource in Dongsha is easy to be impacted by tourism development and limitations like accessibility, not having enough food, water, and lodging supply, the study suggested that the positioning of Dongsha focus on the development of international marine research center and the base for cultivating conservation seeds for the future. By considering the carrying capacity concept from different perspectives, including ecological, physical, social, and facility dimensions, the study proposed a range of suitable visitor volume for Dongsha. Based upon the overall considerations, the study proposed a feasible and comprehensive ecotourism development plan and management strategies for Marine National Park Headquarter.東沙環礁國家公園成立至今,在海洋國家公園管理處持續不斷地進行保育工作下周圍生態系統已漸漸復甦。由於東沙環礁國家公園資源之獨特性及稀有性,因此其未來發展方向及方式宜有審慎的考量。本研究係針對東沙環礁公園未來發展生態旅遊進行規劃,初步透過生態旅遊、承載量及國內外案例之相關文獻蒐集及分析,進而利用 LNT(Leave No Trace)及承載量之發展理念考量各項發展限制因子,在強調保育的前提之下,規劃合適的生態旅遊發展方案。在環境限制因子方面受到交通、住宿、水資源、軍事管制及政策法令之影響甚鉅,造成東沙的可及性相對較低,加上東沙環礁國家公園係以環境保育為首要目標,因此在生態旅遊發展規劃方案中,近程發展仍以持續進行保育工作為主,並為長程目標之國際研究站作準備,暫不開放生態旅遊。此期間需積極充實各類研究、基礎服務設備,及累積環境調查資料,作為後續發展之依歸。待各類基礎服務設備較為完善後,可開放以環境教育活動為主之生態旅遊遊客進入,同時在考量東沙珊瑚環礁的資源脆弱性應針對各指標物種及環境指標作嚴格之監控,比對遊客進入前後的生長狀況,適時評估及調整遊客人數,以作為後續生態旅遊發展之經營管理依據

    Literaturverzeichnis und Anhang

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    Han and Xiongnu a Reexamination of Cultural and Political Relations (I)

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