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    Study on the Admission and Entrance Examination of Missionary University in Early Modern China

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    招生考试是大学人才培养的首要环节,它反映了大学的办学理念和管理特色。教会大学招生考试是基督教文化和中西方世俗文化融合的产物,具有宗教和教育双重特性。教会大学移植欧美教育理念和大学招考制度,同时受到近代中国高等教育发展现状的制约和中国传统考试文化的影响,在招生考试组织体系、招生模式、评价标准和考生分类等方面形成自身特点,选拔出大批优秀生源,为其成功办学奠定坚实基础。深入研究教会大学招生考试的运作模式、招考特点、教育和社会功能,有利于总结人才选拔经验,加深对高校人才培养规律的认识,对当今高校招生考试改革和创新人才培养具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。本论文以中国近代教会大学招生考试为主题,系统考察教会...Abstract Selecting excellent students through the admission and entrance examination to enter university is the primary and important step in cultivating talents, which reflects the operating ideas and management features of the university. The admission and entrance examination of missionary university (AEEMU) is with the dual characteristics of religion and education because it is itself the pr...学位:教育学博士院系专业:教育研究院_教育史学号:2572009015339


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    Characteristics and Implications of Recommendation System in University Admission in Early Modern China

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    中国近代大学在招生时曾较为普遍地实行推荐制,并形成相对成熟的运行机制,对当时的人才选拔发挥了积极作用。在发展过程中,近代大学招生推荐制逐渐形成了目的明确、标准详细、程序严谨、环境诚信等特点。深入解读近代大学招生推荐制,剖析推荐制与大学自主权、大学性质和大学定位等的关系,能够为当前高校招生推荐制改革提供一些借鉴和启示。Recommendation system was widely used in university admission in early modern China,which played an important role in selecting excellent students for universities at that time.With the development of university admission system,the recommendation system has formed into the following characteristics:clear aims,detailed standards,formal schedules and honesty environment.Analyzing the recommendation system of university admission in early modern China and its relations with university rights,nature of university and the positioning of university will undoubtedly provide us some useful implications on the reform of present college admission system.国家社科基金“十一五”规划教育学2007年度国家重点课题“教育考试与评价制度创新研究”(AFA070005)子课题研究成果之


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    The Characteristics and Enlightenment of Independent Recruitment of Yenching University

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    自主选拔与多元录取,作为燕京大学自主招生最重要的特征,是与其大学自治理念和通才教育模式相吻合的。它沿袭美国学院经典的通识教育理念,形成德、智、体、群、能的人才标准,并受欧美大学自治与学术自由传统的影响,通过承认中学考试、普通入学考试、编级考试、外国学生考试、智力测验等选拔方式,广揽优秀生源,为培养精英人才奠定了坚实基础,产生了广泛的教育影响。其招生理念、运作模式与招考经验,为当今大学自主招生改革留下诸多有益启示。The independent selection and multiple admission,as the most important features of independent recruitment of Yenching University,were accordance with its philosophy of autonomy and general education pattern.Following the classical idea of general education,Yenching University set comprehensive talent criteria including the moral,intelligence,physical situation,sense of cooperation and innovation ability,which also influenced by the tradition of autonomy and academic freedom.Yenching University attracted a lot of excellent students by organizing many types of examinations,such as examination for its affiliated middle school graduates,examination for all graduates,for transfer students,for foreign students,and also intelligence test which laid a solid foundation for cultivating elite talents and produced widely influences.The concept,operation mode and experiences of independent recruitment in Yenching University,left many beneficial enlightenment.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(12JJD880017); 国家社会科学基金(教育学)一般课题(BAA100015

    Integration of Chinese and Western Cultures,Cultivation of Professional Talent :Analysis on Characteristics of Chen Yuan's Thought of Higher Education

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    在中国近现代高等教育史上,陈垣以会通中西文化,造就众多英才而享誉海内外。他在长期的教学、研究和办学实践中,形成自己的育人理念和办学模式。其高等教育思想以国学为根基,汲取西方教育理念和科学方法;在办学宗旨上以育人为本,传承中华文化;认同却不圉于西方学科理念,重视国学教育与研究;主张博学与专门互补,寓教学于研究之中。其正直的教育品格、无私奉献的教育家精神,不拘一格育人才的大家风范,永远激励着学人。Chen Yuan enjoys a high reputation in the history of modern higher education of China for his comprehensive knowledge and great teaching achievements.In the long period of practice in teaching and research,Chen Yuan has formed his own ideas and models on education.His thought of higher education bases on Chinese traditional culture,and learn from western ideas of education and science methods,aiming to cultivate a man of virtue and transmit Chinese culture.He agrees with western concepts on disciplines but is not limited to them.He pays much attention to teaching and research of traditional culture.He also thinks that general education and professional learning are complementary to each other and good teaching activities should be organized together with research activities.Chen Yuan's integrity moral of teaching,spirits of unselfishness and personalities as a teacher and scholar,inspires all the learners for ever.国家社会科学基金“十一五”规划2010年度教育学一般课题“中国近代大学通识教育与创新人才培养”(课题批准号:BAA100015

    Peritectic reaction and solidification path in Ni-Al alloy during rapidly solidificaiton process

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