3 research outputs found

    The Employment Flows of Higher Vocational Graduates and Effect on Human Resources Allocation——A Case of Higher Vocational Graduates in Fujian

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    人力资源是经济活动中最活跃的因素。一个国家或地区经济的发达程度与这个国家或地区所拥有的人力资源数量和质量密切相关。随着我国经济从劳动密集型产业向技术、资金密集型产业转型,技术应用型人力资源的需求量也将越来越大。因此,技术应用型人力资源配置的合理与否,将直接影响到我国经济的发展和综合国力的提升。高职毕业生是高素质的技术应用型人力资源。但是,在我国区域经济和行业经济发展极不平衡的状况下,技术型人力资源的市场配置状况也不甚理想,高职毕业生的就业分布和流向问题日渐突出。如何优化高职毕业生的就业分布和流向成了政府、社会和高校亟待思考和解决的问题。 依据我国区域经济和行业发展水平差距较大的现状和高职教育...Human resources are the most active factors in economic activities. The quantity and quality of them closely relate to the economic development degree in a country or region. As economic model transfers from labor-intensive industry to capital-intensity and technology-intensive industry in our country, the demand of application-oriented human resources is greater. Therefore, whether application -o...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_教育经济与管理学号:2572007115134


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    On Effects on Graduates' Employment Caused by Error Orientation of Higher Vocational Education

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    20世纪90年代以来,我国高等职业教育得到了较快发展,但与此同时,高职院校毕业生的就业问题十分突出。造成这一问题的主要原因就是高职教育定位不准确。针对高职院校办学层次定位错位、培养目标定位偏离、人才培养模式定位守旧三个问题分析高职教育定位偏差对毕业生就业所产生的影响,提出了改进我国职业教育的建议。Since 1990s,higher vocational education has obtained the quick development.At the same time,their graduates' employment is extremely serious,which is mainly caused by the inaccurate orientation of higher vocational education.This article analyzes influence of error orientation in higher vocational education on graduates' employment,from three following aspects,i.e.the dislocation of level of running school,deviation of cultivating goals and fogyism of talent fostering model.Some suggestions are finally proposed to improve vocational education in China.教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大课题(06JJD880020)