10 research outputs found


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    The Fundamental EFFects of Triethanolamine in the Electrodeposition of Metals

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    用微分电容法、极谱法、原位表面增强拉曼光谱法和微盘电极法研究了碱性溶液中存在和不存在zn-(2+)、Cd-(2+)、Cu-(2+)、nI-(2+)、fE-(3+)和Sn-(4+)等离子时三乙醇胺(TElA)在电极/溶液界面上的电化学行为。结果表明,TElA以平卧方式吸附,符合fruMkIn吸附等温线。在碱性溶液中TElA与zn-(2+)、Cd-(2+)、Cu-(2+)、nI-(2+)和fE-(3+)等离子生成具有表面活性的混合配体配合物,其吸附性较TElA的强。TElA不同程度地影响上述金属离子的电还原过程,根据实验结果提出TElA对锌电沉积的阻化作用机制及其基本效应。The behaviour of triethanolamine(TELA) at electrode/solution interFace in alkaline solution with and without Zn2+、Cd2+、Cu2+、Fe3+ and Sn4+ ions has been studied by means of diFFerential capacity,polarography,in-situ surFace-enhanced Raman spectroscopy(SERS)and microdisc electrodes.The inFluence of TELA on the discharging process of above ions and the inhibition of TELA on the electrodeposition of zinc have been studied.The results are summarized as Follows:TELA has a stronger adsorptivity at the Hg(or Ag)/solution interFace and adsorbs with·lat" orientation on Ag electrode at the potential of maximum adsorption(~-0.60 V).TELA adsorption on Hg electrode obeys the Frumkin isotherm and possesses a linear relationship between(Ep-Em)2 and lgCTELA.Mixed ligand coordination compounds of metallic ions(such as Zn2+,Cd2+,Cu2+,Ni2+ and Fe3+) with TELA and OH- ions are Formed,and these coordination compounds are surFace-active.Their adsoption activities on Hg electrode are Ni(Ⅱ)>Fe(Ⅲ),Cu(Ⅱ)>Zn(Ⅱ)>Cd(Ⅱ).TELA aFFects the electroreduction of t he above metallic ions in diFFerent degree.The inFluences of TELA are the same in the sequence as adsoption activities corresponding to mixed ligand coordination compounds,The Free energy of TELA adsorption in the presence of zinc ion has a more negative value than that in the absence of zinc ion.The interaction of adsorbed TELA molecular changes From weak repellant to weak attraction in the presence of zinc ion.The observed rate constants For zinc electrodepositon(at-1.400 V)reduce according to the increase of TELA concentration,and its inhibitive mechanism can be expressed by ks=k0(1-θ)+k1θ国家自然科学基

    Analytical Application of Linear Scan Voltammetry in Electroplating

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    介绍线性扫描伏安法的定量分析原理和电镀工业分析中的应用,利用dd系列电镀参数测试仪中的“极谱”功能进行线性扫描伏安法分析,提供电镀方面定量分析实例。The principles of quantitative analysis by linear scan voltammetry and their analytical application in electroplating were discussed.The quantitative analysis by Linear scan voltammetry was perFormed using "polarography" Function in a series of DD multi-purpose instruments For electroplater some practical examples For quantitative analysis in electroplating had been supplied

    The preparation and characteristics of the lead-crystal electrode

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    简述了铅晶电极的制备工艺,研究了铅晶电极的性能.结果表明,与涂膏式电极相比,铅晶电极具有活性物质的晶粒较小、比表面积较大、不容易硫酸盐化和充放电性能较好等优点.: The technical conditions For preparing the lead-crystal electrode were given.The characteristics of the lead-crystal electrode were investigated.It was shown that the crystal size of the lead-crystal electrode was smaller, but the speciFic area was greater than that of the pasted electrode.Compared with the pasted etectrode, the lead-crystal electrode possessed the Features of lower sulphation and better charge-discharge properties

    Pb-Zn Alloys Electrodeposition Technology

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    研究了Pb-zn合金的电沉积方法,讨论了电解液浓度、温度、PH值、电流密度等因素对镀层组成的影响.选择适当的条件,可获得含8%~90%(WT)zn的平整致密的Pb-zn合金镀层,以适用于不同的需要.The electrodeposition of Ph-Zn alloys was investigated,and the eFFects of electrolyte concentrations,additives,tempersture,pH value and cathod current densities were also discussed.Pb-Zn deposits comtaining 8~90 wt% Zn can be obtained by controlling appropriate condltions.福建省自然科学基金资助项

    Studies on the Bright Zinc-Nickel Alloy Palting in Alkaline Baths

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    在总结镀液的电化学特性和锌镍合金镀层的晶体结构与性能等实验结果的基础上,提出碱性电镀光亮锌镍合金的工艺规范和直接把锌酸盐镀锌液转化为碱性电镀光亮锌镍合金镀液的方法。生产实践证明,该工艺稳定,镀层光亮、耐腐性好、硬度较高、无氢脆,镍含量可在9~20wt%范围内随意控制。The electrochemical properties of the Zn-Ni plating baths and the structure andperformance of the obtained deposits were investigated.The results show that the nickel content of theobtained deposits is incereased with decreasing of Zn ̄(2+)/Ni ̄(2+) ratio in the baths and with increasing ofcathodic current density;The cathode current efficiency is increased with increasing of Zn [Ⅱ]content in the bath and with decreasing of cathodic current density.The ZN-11 additive used is thereaction product of heterocyclic compound and polyamines with epichlorohydrin,it has a higheradsorptivity on Hg-electrede at potential between -0.16~-1.68 V (vs. Hg/HgO,1 mol·L ̄(-1)KOH). It is found that zinc and nickel are codeposited anomalously due to the inhibition effect ofZN-11 additive on nickel deposition and the catalytic effect of the used complexing agent on zincdeposition.The results of X-ray diffraction analysis show that zinc-nickel alloy deposits with nickel content>10.6 wt%possess γ phase alone with preferred orientation of (330)+(411) of complex cubic.The zinc-nickel alloy deposits are bright with hard ness 220 to 270 Hv.The corrcoion experimence in5% NaCl solution shows that zinc-nickel alloy deposit with nickel content about 13 wt% behavesmaximum protection to steel.The zinc-nickel alloy deposit with nickel content作者联系地址:厦门大学化学系Author's Address: Dept. of Chem., Xiamen Univ.,Xiamen 36100

    Composition, Structure and Morphology of Ph-Zn Alloy Electrodeposit

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    采用X-射线衍射(Xrd)、金相显微镜技术及电化学方法研究了铅锌合金电沉积层和zn经阳极溶出后的镀层结构、组成和表面形态。结果表明,Pb-zn合金电沉积层不能形成固溶体。Xrd图仅出现与铅面心立方结构以及与锌密集六方结构相对应的各品面衍射线,其中较低Pb含量的Pb-zn合金中Pb基本上为无序取向的晶体,而zn则为(002)晶面择优,但择优度不高。沉积层经控电位阳极溶出后,其Xrd图仍存在铅晶体的各晶面衍射线,而锌晶休各晶面衍射线消失;同时也出现表征正棱形PbSO4晶体的各晶面衍射线。金相实验结果表明:铅锌电沉积层表面由排列整齐的棱锥状晶粒构成;随镀层中zn含量的增大,沉积层表面逐渐平整,棱锥状晶粒变小,最终形成团粒状态。锌溶出后的铅晶电极表面由原来的凹凸不平变成平整,且晶粒显著细小。The Composition, structure and morphology of Pb-Zn alloy electrodeposit and the one in which zinc was anodically dissolved were investigated by XRD and OM.The experimental results showed that the Pb-Zn alloy deposit could not be formed in solid solution.There were only diffraction peaks of different crystal planes corresponding to lead FCC and zinc HCP structures.Lead crystals in Pb-Zn alloy with lower Pb content were mainly with random orientation, whereas zinc crystals were with (002) plane preferred orientation.After the deposits were anodically dissolved, the diffraction peaks of lead crystals still existed but that of zinc crystals disappeared, and the diffraction peaks of orthorhombic PbSO.crystals emerged instead.PbZn alloy deposits consisted of taper grains in a regular but tough arrangement.As the zinc content increased the surfaces of deposits gradually become smooth, the taper grains smaller and in granular groups.福建省自然科学基