457 research outputs found

    Media and other construction——An anthropological analysis of China's image in New York Times

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    本论文研究的主题为人类学视野下的媒介与“他者”建构,具体来说,是美国主流媒体呈现出的中国“他者”形象问题。为便于探讨,论者在文中选取了2003-2007年间美国《纽约时报》的相关涉华报道,以窥一个西方主流媒体是如何呈现中国的。通过对《纽约时报》近5年来相关涉华报道的分析,论者得出的结论是:中国的整体图像在此基本被歪曲了。透过该报纸,我们看到一个遥远的中国“他者”图像在该报纸连篇累牍的页间晃动,这个国家的经济大步向前,政治却专横极权;国度里的人民没有人权与自由,公众媒介常日面临着审查与报复;社会的基本面阴暗丑陋、法制不公、内部动荡不安;此外,该国的环境污染严重、产品安全问题突出、普通劳工权利缺失...The theme of this thesis is media and “others” construction in perspective of anthropology, specifically china’s image presented by America’s mainstream media. For convenience, the author chooses the New York Times to observe how china’s image was presented by western mainstream news media from the year of 2003 to 2007. Based on the analysis of news report about China on the New York Times in five...学位:法学硕士院系专业:人文学院人类学研究所_人类学学号:2882006115285


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    陈元光籍贯窥探 肖 林 陈元光是建置漳州,开发闽南的第一位杰出的历史人物,但他的籍贯至今尚无定论。归纳起来,大概有五种说法,现分别探讨之


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    Clinical observation on treating 36 cases of insomnia by Maixian therapy

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    目的:探讨以穴位埋线于背俞穴治疗失眠症的疗效与机理。方法:将66例患者分为治疗组36例,对照组30例。治疗组采用背俞穴穴位埋线治疗,对照组口服艾司唑仑,治疗4周。结果:失眠症的临床疗效,治疗组总有效率为86.1%,高于对照组的63.3%,两组比较(P<0.05);两组匹兹堡睡眠指数积分存在显著性差异,治疗组优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:背俞穴穴位埋线疗法治疗失眠症疗效肯定。Objective: To investigate the catgut implantation at acupoint on Beishu point in the treatment of insomnia curative effect and the mechanism.Methods :66 patients were divided into treatment group 36 cases, control group 30 cases.Treatment group was using Beishu point embedding acupoint therapy, while the control group was given oral estazolam, all were treated for 4 weeks.Results: The curative effect of insomnia, the total effective rate of treatment group was 86.1%, higher than that of the control group 63.3%.The comparison between the two groups(P<0.05); there was significant difference between the pittsburgh sleep quality index of two groups, the treatment group better than the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion: Beishu point catgut embedding therapy for treatment of insomnia


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    机遇是一种具有重大价值的客观存在,对这种客观存在我们有必要从哲学的角度加以研究。从哲学的角度看,机遇是指在事物发展过程中,偶然出现的却能促使事物向着有利于特定主体方向发展的事件或条件。作为客观事件或条件的机遇具客观性,偶然性,价值性,时效性等特征。机遇的价值属性表明,无论在科学研究和发现中,还是在社会历史发展中,机遇都起着重大作用。因此,我们要及时捕捉和利用好机遇。Opportunities are a kind of objective existence of great value, hence, worthwhile of philosophical studies. From the philosophical point of views, opportunities refer to the accidental events or conditions which can promote the things to develop in a favorable way for certain subject. Opportunities are featured as being objective, accidental, valuable, practical and so on.They play an important role in scientific researches and the development of social histories as well. So, it's important for us to grasp the opportunities


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    Taxonomic diversity of fish community in the waters surrounding the Taishan Islands of Fujian Province

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    根据2012年~2013年在台山列岛周边海域进行的4个航次底拖网调查资料,并结合该海域的历史资料系统整理了台山列岛周边海域鱼类总名录,使用PRIMER 5.0软件计算了该海域鱼类的分类多样性指数,研究了分类多样性指数的季节变化。结果显示,台山列岛周边海域共记录鱼类2纲20目81科150属208种,以鲈形目种类占绝对优势;2012年~2013年调查记录到鱼类2纲11目40科63属77种。台山列岛周边海域鱼类的平均分类差异指数(△~+)和分类差异变异指数(∧~+)的理论平均值分别为63.14和378.4。鱼类分类多样性指数(△)秋季最高,春、夏季次之,冬季最低;鱼类分类差异指数(△~*)秋季最高,春季次之,夏、冬季较低。研究结果表明,春季鱼类种类数最多,夏、秋季次之,冬季最少,水温和饵料决定了研究海域鱼类种类组成。According to the data collected from four seasonal trawling surveys between 2012 and 2013 in the waters surrounding the Taishan Islands,we made a list of fish species in this area and calculated its taxonomic diversity by PRIMER 5. 0. We identified 208 fish species including 2 classes,20 orders,81 families and 150 genera in the waters around Taishan Islands,with Perciformes being the major order. According to the survey data from 2012 to 2013,77 fish species including 2 classes,11 orders,40 families and 63 genera were identified. The average taxonomic distinctness( △~+) and variation in taxonomic distinctness( ∧~+) of fish species listed in that area were 63. 14 and 378. 4,respectively. The taxonomic diversity( △) and taxonomic distinctness( △~*) were higher in autumn and spring than in summer and winter. It is concluded that the species in spring was more than that in summer and autumn,and was the least in winter. Water temperature and food were the main factors which affect fish species composition.国家自然科学基金项目(41106073);; 福建省科技计划项目(2012Y0072);; 福建省海洋与渔业厅科技项目[(2012)013号

    Development of the Molecule Statistical Thermodynamics (MST) Parallel Simulation Package

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    固体力学的发展逐渐深入到了微纳米尺度,为了研究微纳米尺度材料的力学行为,除了传统的理论分析和实验测量手段外,发展可靠而又高效的计算方法成为了当前微纳米力学研究的热点之一。分子统计热力学方法(Molecule Statistical Thermodynamics,简称MST)是一种新的基于原子表象的分子模拟方法。与传统的基于牛顿运动方程的分子动力学方法(MolecularDynamics,简称MD)相比,MST基于对体系Helmholtz自由能的极小化,适用于分析材料在有限温度下的准静态行为,具有更高的计算效率。本文介绍了MST方法的理论基础,以及由此而开发的MST并行计算软件。在此基础上,采用MST程序模拟了单晶纳米铜体系,显示其计算时间随体系原子数目成线性关系,并对MST并行程序的计算效率进行了讨论