537 research outputs found

    A company's OA System Analysis and Design

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    为了能更好地管理公司业务,满足公司在线处理各种办公业务的需求,开发了该软件系统——OA协同办公系统。 随着网络的发展,现在的办公也都逐步转向网上在线服务,这样可以很方便地进行各种办公业务的处理。办公自动化(OfficeAutomation,简称OA)是将现代化办公和计算机网络功能结合起来的一种新型的办公方式。企业办公自动化系统在此基础上实现企业的快速运转和交流,进而有效提高企业办公效率。 本系统采用Struts、JSP、JavaBean技术设计开发并采用数据库Mysql完成数据库设计及连接。最终实现一个能够满足企业办公网络化,自动化的管理需求,提高企业内部的管理水平的系统。该系统能全面提升...In order to better manage the company's business, to meet the needs of online processing various kinds of office business, has developed the software system, OA office system together. With the development of the network, the office is now gradually turned to online service, it can be easily for the processing of various kinds of office business. OA (Office Automation, hereinafter referred to as ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323235


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    Research on the financial distress Early Warning Model of Listed Companies in China

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    摘要 财务困境预测是财务学和金融学领域中的一个重要研究课题。自上世纪90年 代以来,企业多元化并购带来的扩张兼并,在互联网泡沫消退之后,在2008金融 危机海啸席卷之后,迎来业务单元紧缩,许多世界级的企业破产问题日益严重。 学者们纷纷试图通过定量分析对企业破产提前做出预测,从多元判别分析等线性 预测模型,到以Logistic回归、神经网络模型为代表的各种非参数预测模型,相 关的研究成果层出不穷。国内企业同样也经历2007年以来资产价格大幅波动、出 口锐减、利润骤降和全球产业结构升级调整带来的冲击。在当下,如何利用国外 现有的研究成果,结合中国的实际对企业陷入财务困境做出准确的预...Abstract Financial distress prediction is an important research in the field of finance. Since the 1990s, more and more enterprises have adopted the diversified M&A to achieve diversification. However, the internet bubble dissipated and after the financial crisis in 2008, many enterprises’ business reduced rapidly. The problem of enterprise bankruptcy becomes more and more serious. Scholars h...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792008115118

    Design of Low Drop-Out Regulator with Low Voltage

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    随着工艺的发展及许多SOC产品及便携式电子产品的工作电压不断下降,省电观念越来越引人注目,对提供电源的芯片要求越来越高。针对供电电源日趋低压化,以及节能环保意识成为各个国家及众多消费者的共识,低电源电压下能工作且具有低功耗成为线性稳压器的发展趋势。本文提出了一种输出电压1.5V,输入电压可以低至1.7V的情况下稳定工作并能提供300mA电流的低压差线性稳压器电路,整个线性稳压器电路的静态电流低于40uA。与传统的低压差线性稳压器相比,本文设计的低压差线性稳压器电路系统提出了利用有源前馈米勒补偿(AFFC)与共源共栅米勒补偿相结合的新颖动态米勒补偿结构,这种补偿结构下的电路系统具有恒定的带宽(1...With the developments of electronics and telecommunication, portable electronical products become more and more popular. The developments of power management technologies and applications are rapidly promoted. A high-accuracy, micro power and low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulator is presented in this paper. A novel compensation structure that using the Active-Feedback Frequency Compensation (AFF...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院电子工程系_仪器仪表工程学号:X20043000


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    企业环境报告是指由企业编制和提供的,供不同利益关系人(内部或外部)使用的有关企业的环境受托责任的履行情况和环境业绩的信息报告。企业环境报告实务自1970年代产生以来,发展较快。然而,企业环境报告的理论研究却明显滞后于企业环境报告实务。由于缺乏一套首尾一贯且结构完整的概念框架,企业环境报告实务难免处于混乱无序的状态。毋庸置疑,一套首尾一贯且结构完整的概念框架对于规范企业环境报告实务和保证企业环境报告的质量具有重要意义。我国目前面临经济发展与环境污染问题并存的局面,可持续发展战略是我国经济发展的唯一选择。随着可持续发展战略的进一步实施和社会公众环保意识的提高,我国信息使用者对于企业环境信息的需求将...Corporate environmental report is referred as to the report prepared by the management to communicate information, for the use of various environmental stakeholders(internal or external ), on the environmental accountability and environmental performance of a company. Corporate environmental reporting practice has been evolved rapidly since 1970s and has become one part of annual financial ...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:B19981100

    Luminous Property Analyses and Testings of the LED Phosphor

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    在LED(LightEmittingDiode)芯片上涂敷荧光粉是目前实现LED白光照明的主要途径,而荧光粉发光性能的优劣是影响白光LED发光特性的直接因素,因此如何准确评价荧光粉发光、深入了解其发光特点是研究LED发光特性必须解决的核心问题。荧光粉应用在普通照明中的关键问题是光效、色度特性和热效应等。通过改变荧光粉粉层的粒度、厚度、形状、距离芯片位置等参数,可调节白光LED光效、颜色参数和空间光强分布等。本文对荧光粉的各种发光特性展开研究,着重开展了白光LED传统荧光粉封装方式和远程荧光粉封装方式的发光特性分析,研究内容包括以下几个方面: 1. 阐述了白光LED荧光粉的分类、发展历史、发光...Coating the LED chips with phosphor constitutes the major method to realize white LED lighting. The performance of LED phosphor directly determine the luminous property of WLED (white-light LED). Therefore, it is the core issue to analyze and evaluate performances of phosphors accurately and excavate lighting properties of those phosphors in depth. In practical daily lightings, the luminous effica...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_凝聚态物理学号:1982011115286

    Energy-aware Resource Allocating Mechanism Based on MAC/PHY for Wireless Network

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    针对无线网络服务能耗较高的问题,提出了一种基于机会主义的能量感知调度方案(OEARS)。首先,该方法将资源分配过程中的能耗和其他自然因素同时考虑; ,采用一种称为MAC/PHY机会主义方法对系统吞吐量进行优化;然后,利用唤醒-休眠模式和信道条件进行实现能耗最小化,并利用物理层信息提高系统容量; ,最大化能量效率。仿真实验结果表明,在保持接近的系统性能的前提下,OEARS的能耗低于现有的其他调度方案。Aimed at the problem of high energy consumption of wireless network; service, an energy-aware resource scheduling scheme-OEARS based on the; opportunism is proposed. Firstly, this method considers the energy; consumption and other natural factors in the process of resource; allocation. An opportunistic approach called MAC/PHY is used to optimize; the system throughput. Then, the energy consumption is minimized by; using the wake-sleep mode and the channel condition, and the physical; layer information is used to improve the system capacity and maximize; the energy efficiency. The simulation results show that the energy; consumption of OEARS is lower than that of other existing scheduling; schemes on the premise of keeping the close system performance.国家自然科学基金面上项目; 广东省教育部科技部中国科学院产学研结合项

    Study on Monetary Policy Rules in the Paradigm of Behavioral Economics

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    20世纪70年代以来关于货币政策规则的理论研究,取得的成果主要可以概括为两点:一是大部分经济学家认为在货币政策操作中,规则优于相机抉择;二是在具体规则中比较推崇通货膨胀目标制与泰勒规则。20世纪80年代以来,包括美联储在内的许多国家的央行开始按上述理论来操作本国的货币政策,并取得了很好的效果,但美国次级债危机的爆发使上述理论受到了严峻挑战,一些学者对格林斯潘时期的美联储货币政策进行了批判。有些经济学家认为这些货币政策规则理论之所以在实践中遇到困难,主要在于它们建立在刚性的理性人基础上,与现实有一定的差距。相反,在行为经济学范式下以异质社会人的假设为基础研究货币政策规则可能会对实际货币政策操作更...Since 1970’s, the main achievements as for the theory of monetary policy rule are summarized as two aspects. On the one hand, most economists consider that monetary policy rule is better than discretion .On the other hand , they think that inflating targeting and Taylor rule are Superior to other rules. From 20th century 80's, including the Federal Reserve more and more central banks began to oper...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562006015306