
A company's OA System Analysis and Design


为了能更好地管理公司业务,满足公司在线处理各种办公业务的需求,开发了该软件系统——OA协同办公系统。 随着网络的发展,现在的办公也都逐步转向网上在线服务,这样可以很方便地进行各种办公业务的处理。办公自动化(OfficeAutomation,简称OA)是将现代化办公和计算机网络功能结合起来的一种新型的办公方式。企业办公自动化系统在此基础上实现企业的快速运转和交流,进而有效提高企业办公效率。 本系统采用Struts、JSP、JavaBean技术设计开发并采用数据库Mysql完成数据库设计及连接。最终实现一个能够满足企业办公网络化,自动化的管理需求,提高企业内部的管理水平的系统。该系统能全面提升...In order to better manage the company's business, to meet the needs of online processing various kinds of office business, has developed the software system, OA office system together. With the development of the network, the office is now gradually turned to online service, it can be easily for the processing of various kinds of office business. OA (Office Automation, hereinafter referred to as ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323235

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