117 research outputs found

    (チャペル講話 経済と人間)

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    ナンキョクカイ ノ フユウ センモウチュウ ルイ

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    宗谷第三次航海で,福島横浜市大助教授によってケープタン以南において航行中表面水を約70本のビール瓶に採水固定された材料の寄与を受けた.瓶中のミクロプランクトンを調べ今回はそのうちの浮游繊毛虫類について報告する.水温20℃以下を南極海域とみなしこの水域から採集されたプランクトンを研究の対象とした.この海域からは次の8種の繊毛虫が検出された.Didinium gargantua MEUNIER,Tiarina fusus(CLAPAREDE & LACHMANN),Stenosemella nivalis(MEUNIER),S. avellana(MEUNIER),Helicostomella antarctica n. sp.,Protocymatoculis pseudoconia n, sp.,Cymatocylis parva(LAACKMANN),Metacylis corbula KOFDID & CAMPBELL.このうちで最初の2種は全毛虫類Holotrichaに属し,その他は有鐘繊毛虫類Tintinnoineaの種である.Tintinnoinea中には北極系のParafavella,Ptycocylis属,南極系のLaakmanniella,Protocymatocylis,Cymatocylis属の如く南北両冷水域で各々独立した属がみられる.従ってこの繊毛虫類については分布に関する完全な両極性Bipolarityは認められない.この事実をこの研究で確かめることができた.なお20℃以上の暖水域の材料からは次の有鐘繊毛虫を見出した.Tintinnopsis gracilis KOFOID & CAMPBELL,Stenosemella nivalis(MEUNIER),Rhabdnella elegans JORGENSEN,R. quantula KOFOID & CAMPBELL,Tintinnus lusus-undae ENTZ

    Research on the History of Sword Dance before the Tang Dynasty

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    剑舞是一种以剑为道具的舞蹈,其起源颇早,最初应为楚地祀神的舞蹈,为神巫通灵所凭。其后变为军中之舞,兼具格斗动作的演练与娱乐性的表演。一直至汉代,军中仍流行此类剑舞。而随着社会上"百戏"的兴起,剑舞动作的实战性大大减弱,而表演性则获得提高,出现了杂技类的剑舞。唐代时,随着胡乐在中华的流行,融合了武术与杂技,以技巧性为特征的剑舞得到空前发展,并与乐曲相配,形成了配乐表演的套路。随着剑舞形式的进一步丰富,其内容也开始由单人舞向多人舞,由展示剑术向敷演故事演化,形成了类似于后代舞台剧的表演形式。The sword dance was a dance with sword as the props. It appeared very early. It used to be a dance performed in the ceremony of worshiping Gods in the country of Chu.Later it was turned into a dance of the army, with both the movements of combat and recreational performance. The sword dance was quite popular in the army of Han Dynasty. Following the rise of the different operas, the practicality of using sword dance movements in combat was weakened and the performing practice was improved. There even appeared an acrobatic sword dance. In Tang Dynasty, in the wake of the popularity of Hu music in China, a sword dance characterized by the skill of wushu and acrobatics developed quickly. And matched with the music, it formed a routine of music performance. With the further rich forms of sword dance, its content changed from solo dance to group dance and evolved from fencing show to acting out stories. Thus a style of sword dance, which was similar to the later stage performance, gradually came into being