820 research outputs found

    Research on Managerial Process Design of Company A

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    随着A公司规模的不断扩大,A公司的流程已经不能适应其发展的需要,因此需要对业务流程进行优化设计。 本文将流程管理理论与研究调查方法相结合,主要对A公司核心流程的现状进行细致的分析,通过分析法诊断、发现存在的问题,根据客户服务与业务发展的需要重新设计核心流程。在设计流程过程中,本人在初步了解A公司的基础上对其进行深入调查,并对其存在的问题进行对比研究,分析出问题形成的根本原因,并根据问题原因进行流程优化设计。在得到较为完善的业务流程图之后,进行流程规范,并同时根据业务流程相应地调整公司的组织结构,使其更加适应现在的流程管理。另外本文又按照标准化的原则对优化后的流程建立了流程评估体系,对业务流程...The process of Company A has been unable to adapt to the needs of its rapid development as its scale expands continuously. Thus we need to optimize the business process. This paper mainly analyzes the current situation of its core process by combining the theory of process management with the method of research. We find the potential problems through the analysis of diagnosis and redesign a core ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201315608


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    伴随着政治统治合法性的变迁 ,中国高等教育的合法性从清末至今 ,大致经历了如下几个阶段的变迁 :“国家化———近代化———政治化———经济化”四个阶段。进入 2 0世纪 90年代以后 ,中国高等教育又开始了新的合法性诉求 ,高等教育大众化、产业化等可望成为中国高等教育未来合法性的主要支柱

    Comments on The Modernization of Idea of Higher Education Idea in China

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    高等教育近代化是一个世界性的课题 ,以往学术界也多有研究。中国高等教育从产生那天起也就面临着这样一个课题。值得肯定的是 ,经过清末到民国 ,我国已基本上完成了高等教育近代化 ,但这只是就“内容层面”和“制度层面”而言 ,而“理念层面”的近代化却相对较少引起人们的注意。中国大学要想获得根本性的发展 ,其理念近代化的完成 ,即大学自治、学术自由在大学里相对充分的实现 ,将是其发展中一个不可超越的阶段Modernization of higher education was a problem all over the world,previously more attention had been paid to it.Chinese higher education also faced it from the day of engender. Firmly speaking,through Qing dynasty to the Republic of China, in view of the stratum of content and the stratum of system,the modernization of higher education had been basically accomplished in China,but the stratum of idea had been taken less notice of. Chinese universities will make greater progress when our ideas have been modernized, namely, university autonomy and academic freedom realized sufficiently, which should be an unavoidable phase in the process of development


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    On Tuition Level of Private and Public Universities in China

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     采用实证方法对中国公私立高等学校学费水平的现状及其相关因素进行考察的结果是:与私立高校相比,中国公立高校学费水平过高,而且已经带来负面影响。另一方面,由于中国城乡差距过大,公立高校学费上涨已到极限。与公立高校相比,中国私立高校还有很大的发展空间,但受中国经济发展水平的影响,学费上浮的空间也已不大。未来,中国私立高校要想实现可持续发展,除进一步提高管理效率外,拓宽资金来源将是一项十分紧迫的任务。This paper explores tuition level of private and public universities in China and other relevant factors by demonstration method. It points out that compared with the private universities the tuition level of public universities is too high for most students from countryside to afford, which has resulted in negative effects. On the other hand, the tuition of public universities cannot be raised any more because of the wide gap between the city and countryside. At the same time, private universities in China still have a prosperous future, but the rising space of tuition level is not large due to the level of economic development. Therefore, if the private universities in our country want to gain a sustainable development, expanding the source of fund will be of great emergency in the years to come besides the further improvement of the management efficienc

    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Management of national defense student

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    科学、规范的国防生管理是全面提高国防生人才培养质量的关键,是保证依托培养事业健康有序发展的前提条件。与美、俄、英、日等世界军事强国相比,我国依托国民教育培养国防人才起步较晚,国防生教育与管理经验相对还比较缺乏。如何提升国防生管理水平,达到国防生培养的预期目标已成为摆在国防生管理者面前的一个重大课题。 福建省于2001年与南京军区签订依托培养协议,招收国防生院校共有2所,分别是厦门大学、集美大学。十几年来,这两所签约高校的国防生管理体制不断完善,为军队输送了近1100名新型军事人才。为进一步深入推进依托培养事业的发展,本文从国防生管理的基本概念出发,结合福建省签约高校国防生管理取得的成绩及所存...Relying on an important part of the national education and training of defense personnel, is the objective requirements of today's high-tech application and development of the world's military and also a new revolution in military affairs. Compared with the world's military powers of the United States,Russia, Britain, Japan, China is relying on national education train defense personnel late start...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:体育教学部_高等教育学学号:X200729001

    The Introduction to Higher Education and Social Capital

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     社会资本是近年来学术界的一个前沿热点问题,研究范围十分广泛,其中偶尔也有涉及到教育的命题。但是将社会资本与高等教育放在一起进行的深入研究并不多见。事实上,相比与普通教育,高等教育与社会资本之间存有更为广泛的联系。一方面高等教育可以通过生产社会资本,促进社会的发展与人的阶层流动,另一方面一个国家社会资本的发达程度也会影响整个高等教育的改革与发展。Recently,social capital is becoming a hot problem,many researches have been made on,Among which invole in educational problems once in a while,but few people who research on the relationship between social capital and higher education.ln fact, there are more relevance between higher education and social capital than general education. On one hand higher education can produce social capital, on the other hand social capital can influence the reform and development of higher education

    Multi-disciplinary research and disciplinary construction of higher education

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    学科是高等教育研究领域的重要范畴 ,但高等教育学本身却不是一门成熟的学科。在这种情况下 ,高等教育研究面临着学科建设的重任。在整个社会科学界大声疾呼“开放社会科学”、“重建社会科学”的今天 ,高等教育学学科建设的取向至关重要。展望未来 ,将高等教育学建设成为一个真正的多学科研究领域 ,将是高等教育学学科建设走向成熟的第一步Discipline is an important realm in higher education, but higher education itself is not a rather mature discipline. So the research of higher education has to carry out disciplinary construction. In the time of opening and reconstructing Liberal Arts, it is very crucial for higher education to make it tropism in disciplinary construction. Looking into the future, the very first step for higher education to maturity is to be a multi\|disciplinary research area


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    从社会心理角度切入 ,分别论证了“支撑精英高等教育的社会心理条件的丧失”、“中国高等教育大众化的心理动力与心理阻力”。通过对动力与阻力的对比、分析 ,论证了中国高等教育从精英向大众转变是历史的必然。还提出 :这种转变在新世纪初的头几年里能否实现将成为中国高等教育在中国现代化建设第三步战略目标实现过程中能否做出重大贡献的关