649 research outputs found

    Modern Chinese Literature

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    Achieving Three States of Harmony Relishing Three Styles of Flavour ——Research on Tv Series Screenwriting in China

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    中国电视剧编剧课题研究的重要性与迫切性,可从以下两个方面见出: 从实践上看。据相关数据显示,近几年,我国每年约有20%的电视剧在摄制完成后因质量、题材等原因无电视台采购而被市场淘汰。导致这一现象的主要原因是精品剧稀缺,而导致精品剧稀缺的直接原因则是优秀编剧稀缺。 从理论上看。目前国内研究电视剧编剧的学术成果不是很多,现有论著以期刊文章为主,系统性的理论专著较少。 基于以上原因,本文将中国电视剧编剧作为研究对象。 我们将“编剧”这一概念定义为既是从事剧本创作的人——剧作者,也是一种剧本创作活动。二者构成了“编剧”的一体两面,分别对应本文的“升阶三美”与“出入三味”。“升阶三美”重点研究作...The importance and urgency of the research topic of screenwriter in Chinese TV series can be seen from the following two aspects: Data shows that in 2013 and 2014, about 20% of the TV drama was eliminated because of quality, subject matter and other reasons after the completion of the shoot, without purchased by the market.The scarcity of fine plays is the main cause of this phenomenon. The lack ...学位:艺术学博士院系专业:人文学院_戏剧与影视学学号:1022014015416

    Research On Laws of Stock Exchange System of China

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    在早年的公司经营模式中,其多以单体的模式运行,对于并购方面的法律并无较多需求。随着公司制度的发展来到20世纪末期,其集团化势头迅猛,公司的规模也不仅仅局限于以股东对本公司直接投资的形式为限,更多是通过公司之间的重组并购来实现自身扩张。 而我国由于多方面原因致使企业并购业务起步较晚,这也使得企业在并购方法的选择上较为单一。虽然近年来我国企业对股份交换制度的探索在实践中不断前行,并已初现端倪,然而在现阶段下,股份交换制度要想在我国完全确立还面临着许多阻力,尤其是并购法律制度的不完善,更为其推行增加了难度。 随着我国经济体制的改革与发展以及经济全球化浪潮所带来的影响,构建我国的股份交换制度已刻不...Earlier companies run individually and have no much requirement on the law of acquisition. However, with the development of the company system, the end of the 20th century sees the trend of collectivization. The scale of a company is affected not only by the direct investment from shareholders,but more by the merger and acquisition among companies. In China, merger and acquisition appears compar...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:1302012115023


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    权责不对等使得董秘处于尴尬境地,为此监管层试点推行实权高管兼任董秘。本文从股价崩盘风险视角检验该制度的有效性。研究发现,相比其它上市公司,兼任董秘所在公司的股价崩盘风险更高。兼任董秘对股价崩盘的影响仅存在民营企业、机构投资者持股比例低和分析师跟踪人数少的企业。机制检验发现,兼任董秘对股价崩盘风险的影响随董秘持股比例的提高而增大。本研究拓展了相关领域研究范畴,并为监管部门政策制定提供证据支持。The non-equivalence between power and responsibility makes the Secretary of the Board in an awkward position. In order to reverse the situation, regulators required powerful executives in some listed companies serve concurrently as the Secretaries. We study the effectiveness of the rule from the perspective of crash risk. The results show that, compared with other firms, the crash risk of those whose powerful executive serve concurrently as the Secretary of the Board are higher. Further, the effect of dual Secretary of the Board only exists in companies of private owned and those with lower proportion of institutional investors and fewer analysts' coverage. Through mechanism test, we find that the effect of dual Secretary of the Board on crash risk increases with the growth of shareholding ratio of the Secretary. Our paper expands relative research areas and provides empirical evidence for supervisors when making policies

    Design and Implementation of the Public Opinion Information Processing System

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    如今,互联网飞速发展,移动时代已经到来。移动媒体、互联网平台渐渐的融入到人们的生活中,越来越多的人通过互联网平台来表述的自己的思想、见解和感情。由于不同人的人对同一个事物的看法存在不一致性,那么在互联网上就会有积极向上的思想,也会有消极负面的看法。当前互联网仍然在快速发展,网络接触的人群面更加广泛,从学生到青年以及中老年人,互联网舆论对人们的思想和行为的影响越来越重要。因此,对于网上很多舆论信息进行监测分析,及时有效地维护社会稳定,具有重要的现实意义。 本文将首先对网络舆情的特性进行介绍,针对其特点设计实现了相应的解决方案。通过该网络舆情信息处理系统对网络上的热点敏感文本信息实施监测和预警。...With Today, the rapid development of the Internet , mobile era has arrived. Removable media, the Internet platform gradually integrated into people's lives , more and more people through the Internet platform to express their own thoughts, opinions and feelings. Due to the different people who inconsistency on the same view of things , then they would have positive thoughts on the internet , there...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201023043

    “La guanxi”and “Dan zeren”:the Logic of Small Vanadium Company's Action A Sociological Study on Environmental-pollution Enterprises in Rural Areas

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    随着工业化进程的进一步推进,“污染下乡”已经引发了不少的环境抗争事件,乡村工业污染问题已经成为我国转型期的一个亟待关注和解决的环境问题。在这一背景下,本文关注乡村污染企业生存的逻辑问题。在与以往采用关系网络的解释框架对话的基础上,本文提出“拉关系”与“担责任”的解释框架,着重强调企业承担社会责任与企业建构关系网络同样重要。 本文采用个案分析法,以江西界水钒厂和广西红渡钒厂为个案比较分析了小钒厂在生存过程中拉关系的方向和手段选择;担责任的方式选择。针对小钒厂行动的复杂性,从正式制度、非正式制度和社会资本的角度探讨了影响小钒厂行动的结构性因素。在此基础上,笔者在结论部分进一步厘清了拉关系与担责任...As the process of industrialization moves forward, “pollution in the rural areas” has brought a huge number of incidents of environmental protest. The issue of the Environmental-pollution in rural areas caused by industry has gotten great attention, and intense action needs to be taken to tackle it during the process of the transformation in China. In this context, we concerned about the logic of ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院社会学系_社会学学号:1402006115075

    The Research on Embeded MicrocomputerProtection device based on μCOS-II

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    伴随着我国经济的飞速发展,各行业对电力的需求也日益增大,并且对供电质量的要求也越来越高。通过加强对电力系统的监控,达到改善供电质量的要求变得刻不容缓。微机保护技术对于电力系统的监控意义重大。尤其是近几年来计算机领域的软硬件技术的快速发展,更是给微机保护技术带来了新的活力。微机保护技术是指通过实时的监控被保护对象的电压电流值,根据相应的算法判据得出被保护对象是否发生电力故障,再根据故障的类型做出相应的保护动作,以此达到保护对象的目的。以往的微机保护装置的软件设计因要特别考虑实时性,大都使用汇编程序编写,代码维护困难。本装置通过采用汇编语言与C语言混合编程以及将μCOS-II嵌入式操作系统引入到微...With the rapid development of economy of our country, the requirement of the electric power increase quickly in all enterprises, and the demanding of the electric quality is becoming more and more at the same time. So it becomes a serial problem for improving the electric quality by enhancing the controlling and scouting the electric power system. The technology of the protecting by microcomputer ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_控制理论与控制工程学号:20043100


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    Research On Context Sensitive Personalized Information Retrieval Technology

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    搜索引擎是互联网用户最常用的信息查询工具。目前主流的搜索引擎并没有明确区分不同用户的查询意图,而不同用户即使输入相同的查询词,其查询需求也是有差别的。个性化信息检索技术就是针对以上问题提出的。个性化信息检索通过收集和分析个人信息和查询的上下文,而不是仅仅依靠检索词来判断用户的真实需求,因而能够根据用户的不同需求而返回个性化的检索结果以提高检索精度 本文在对个性化信息检索相关技术进行了较为全面、深入的分析基础上,分别研究短期上下文和长期上下文的个性化信息,以及如何根据基于上下文的个性化信息进行个性化模型建模,从而改善信息检索系统查询性能。最后搭建了一个基于上下文的个性化检索原型系统。 在研究...Search Engine is a popular tool for information retrieval (IR) nowadays. However, the traditional search engine dose not do a job in identifying the individual’s unique search goal, while it only returns the retrieval results associating with the query user provides. In order to overcome the problem, there have been many attempts to improve retrieval accuracy based on personalized information retr...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_计算机软件与理论学号:2432006115264