1,057 research outputs found

    Seasonal to inter-annual fluctuations of Kuroshio Path in the East China Sea (ECS) and its impact to the ECS

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    黑潮通过直接入侵和锋面混合等过程,与东海发生着物质与能量的交换,影响着东海的水文、生态、及气候系统。因此,黑潮在东海位置变迁的研究具有重要的海洋学意义和社会价值。利用卫星遥感和浮标轨迹数据以及数值模式的结果,本研究对黑潮流经东海陆架区,黑潮主轴的季节性-年代际变化特征、物理机制以及黑潮入侵对东海陆架的影响开展进一步的研究。黑潮在台湾东北部的入侵是秋冬季黑潮入侵东海陆架的最主要通道,其入侵后可逆风在东海陆架向北最远延伸至30N,近岸50m等深线附近。造成黑潮逆风北向延伸的动力机制为黑潮入侵产生的向南的压力梯度。除了季节尺度,在年际变化尺度上黑潮也会在台湾东北部出现最大幅度的入侵,且年际变化与PT...By directly intrusion and frontal mixing processes, the Kuroshio exchanges the water masses and energies with the East China Sea (ECS) shelf water, which influences the hydrology, ecosystem and climate system in the ECS. Therefore understanding of Kuroshio path variation in the ECS is important and worthy to oceanography and society. Utilizing the data from satellite, buoy and numerical model, the...学位:博士后院系专业:海洋与地球学院_物理海洋学学号:201317008

    Design and Implementation of Library Management Information System for a College

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    随着互联网信息技术的快速发展,图书馆作为高校重要的部门,是一个用来提供大量的信息资源与科研服务的服务和学习机构,在图书馆中有着大量纸质的图书资源信息和电子资源信息,图书馆中存储着非常有价值的文献资源,可以对外提供很多的文献及信息服务。一个学校的图书馆的计算机及计算机网络技术的发展程度直接反映着高校的教学管理水平以及科研专业程度。移动互联网时代的不断发展与进步,高校的图书馆朝着信息化、网络化、数字化、移动化、智能化的方向在不断的发展与转变。 某学院图书馆管理系统是在经过需求分析的基础上,基于B/S开发模式并选用了先进的ASP.NET开发工具和具备强大后台功能的SQLServer数据库工具来进行...With the rapid development of Internet information technology, library, as the important department is a used to provide a lot of information resources and the service of scientific research services and learning facilities, in the library with a lot of paper resource information of the books and electronic resources information, stored in the library this valuable resource file can be externally ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323184

    Theories and Practice Research of Ecological civilization construction planning——A Case Study as Guanshanhu District of Guiyang City

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    作为一种全新的文明形式,生态文明是人类为保护和建设美好生态环境而取得的物质成果、精神成果和制度成果的总和,是贯穿于经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设全过程和各方面的系统工程,反映了一个社会的文明进步状态。建设生态文明,关系到人民福祉,关乎民族未来。2012年,我国第十八次全国代表大会在论述生态文明建设时指出:“建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、关乎民族未来的长远大计。面对资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势,必须树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发...As a new form of civilization, ecological civilization is the sum of material achievements, spiritual achievements and institutional achievements of mankind. It is the result of protecting the ecological environment, reflecting the state of progress of civilization of a society. Ecological civilization construction is related to the welfare of the people and the nation's future.At the mention of t...学位:理学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_生态学学号:3312012115167

    A Study on the System of Company Attribution under the Perspective of Shareholder Derivative Litigation

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    公司归入权是法律赋予公司的一项救济性权利,自1993年被我国《公司法》引进,目前已形成较完备的认定标准体系,但该权利如何行使,法律没有做出规定,这令公司归入权制度失去应有的生命力。反观司法实务,股东作为原告代替公司行使归入权的案件多次出现,司法裁决者也逐渐倾向于允许股东代位行使公司归入权。因此,从股东派生诉讼角度出发,探讨如何完善我国公司归入权制度,这是论文的话题。 除引言和结语部分外,对以上问题的研究本文分四个章节展开。本文第一章主要阐述股东以派生诉讼的方式行使公司归入权的理论依据。先论述公司归入权的概念,由此界定本文论述的公司归入权的范围;再从所得收入的利益返还请求权与损害赔偿请求权的关...Since it was introduced by Chinese company law in 1993,the company's right of incorporation as a relief right granted to the company has formed a more complete identification criteria,but the lack of the right to exercise the provisions of the system makes it lose the due vitality. In the light of judicial practice,the case appears many times, in which Shareholders act as the plaintiff to replace ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362015115095

    The Design and Implementation of FPGA、DSP and MCU based Room-escape Game

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    嵌入式软件是基于嵌入式系统(Embeddedsystem)的应用软件和系统软件,是为特定应用而设计的专用计算机软件。与通用PC软件不同,它带有基于硬件功能的系统编程属性,为执行特定任务而生。随着信息技术的迅猛变革,以及可进化软件技术,计算机视觉与认知技术等概念的提出,基于嵌入式平台的计算信息软件技术开始呈现更强大的应用前景,并显现出通用开发的属性。但复杂应用条件下,多种嵌入式架构难以有效整合的弊端越发凸显。 本文首先重点讨论三种主流的嵌入式系统及编程原理:基于FPGA((FieldProgrammableGateArray)现场可编程门阵列的逻辑架构、基于DSP(digitalsignalp...Embedded software is based on the embedded system application software and system software, is designed for specific applications dedicated computer software and general PC software, it features with the system programming properties based on the hardware system and targets for the implementation of specific tasks . With the rapid development of information technology and the concept of evolutiona...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323130

    The Analysis of D Company's Marketing Strategy in Xiamen

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    中国首饰行业在改革开放后的三十年里随着人民经济收入和奢侈品消费水平的增长有了突飞猛进的发展,逐渐形成一个特色鲜明并且比较完整的产业链。各种档次的专卖店、销售点星罗棋布;各种款式、各种层次的产品满足日益增长的市场需求。其中,时尚饰品是在这个发展过程中从珠宝首饰、工艺礼品中分离出来,逐渐形成的一个细分产业。在中国,时尚饰品行业在沿海发达城市已经逐渐进入快速发展期。严重的产品同质化、廉价产品竞争激烈、缺乏新意的设计、电商对实体销售的冲击等等,都是这个行业目前所面临的主要问题。 本文选取在厦门的一家以销售时尚饰品为主的D公司作为研究对象,通过理论分析、市场调研等方法为该公司在厦门地区制定市场营销策略...In the thirty years after the reform and opening to the outside world, China’s jewelry and accessory industry has gradually formed a distinctive and relatively complete industrial chain with the rapid growth and development of people’s income and luxury consumption. Various levels of stores and products with various styles meet the growing market demand. Among them, fashion accessory is separated ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792012115090

    Study on the Photocatalytic Degradation of Acetaminophen by TiO2/Zeolite compounds

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    对乙酰氨基酚(Acetaminophen,Ace)是最常用的非抗炎解热镇痛药的主要成分,具有潜在的生态毒性,目前尚未找到一种理想而有效的处理方法。研究采用光催化氧化法对其进行光催化降解实验。TiO2以其化学稳定性、无毒性、价格低廉、光催化活性高等优异性能被广泛研究。但因其颗粒过小,易团聚,不易与水分离而受到限制。 研究以具有大表面、高吸附性能的沸石为载体,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备TiO2/沸石复合光催化材料,并借助紫外-可见漫反射(UV-VIS)、X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、傅里叶-红外光谱(FTIR)等分析方法对复合材料进行了性能分析,通过实验研究了复合材料对Ace的光催化降解去...Acetaminophen (Ace) is one of the most widely used pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs), which is a new type environmental pollutants. It is important to find the treatment method which has high removal efficiency for actual use since PPCPs are not biodegradable. In this study, the photocatalysis was used to degrade the Ace. TiO2 is a promising photocatalyst which is inexpensive, ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境工程学号:3312012115163

    Study on the Role and Administration Authority of the Universities in the Employment Agreement

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    毕业生就业协议书作为明确毕业生与用人单位之间权利义务关系的合同,在保护毕业生就业权利过程中发挥着重要作用。但是近年来高校对自身在协议书中角色定位以及职责权利认知不明确,导致高校在特定情况下基于特定目的强制毕业生签订就业协议书或限制毕业生解约,侵犯学生就业权益的情形时有发生。其部分原因在于高校对自身的地位、享有的权利和承担的义务没有清醒的认识。因此高校在就业协议书中的角色定位、职责权利问题亟待关注。 由于协议书的性质将影响高校的角色定位,因此首先需要明确协议书的性质。本文认为就业协议书属于普通民事合同,合同的当事人为用人单位与毕业生,高校并非合同的当事人。因此高校并不能决定协议的成立、变更、解...The graduate employment agreement, as the contract specifying the rights and obligations of the graduates and the employers, plays an important role in protecting the employment rights of the graduates. But in recent years, the events such as the universities forcing the graduates to sign the employment agreement or limiting the graduates to terminate the agreement often happen owing to the univer...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572014115181

    The Effects of Tai Chi on Balance and Proprioceptiol in Elderly with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomizec Controlled Study

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    目的:探讨太极拳规律性锻炼对老年膝骨性关节炎患者本体感觉及平衡的影响。方法:将2014年8月至2015年10月在福建中医药大学附属康复医院骨伤康复科就诊的50例膝骨性关节炎患者随机分为太极拳组和对照组,两组各组25例。太极拳组进行规律性太极拳锻炼,对照组不进行额外健身运动。干预后比较两组的平衡及本体感觉指标。结果:太极拳组在闭眼平衡测试下,A-P方向轨迹长度及M-L方向轨迹长度明显小于对照组(p=0.0001,p=0.002),在睁眼平衡测试下,A-P方向轨迹长度优于对照组(p=0.044)。太极拳组平均错误率指标明显小于对照组(p=0.012)。经过12星期的太极拳训练,太极拳组闭眼A-P方向轨迹长度和项目执行时间明显优于治疗前(p=0.0001,p=0.001)。结论:规律性太极拳练习可改善老年膝骨性关节炎患者的下肢本体感觉及平衡能力。Objective:The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of Tai chi exercise in older adults with knee osteoarthritis(KOA) in terms of balance and proprioeeption. Methods:A randomized single-blind control trial was conducted to test the effectiveness of Tai chi exercise in elderly with KOA. 50 elderly were recruited from Department of Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Subsidiary Rehabilitation Hospital between August 2014 and October 2015. Partici- pants were randomly assigned to a Tai chi group or a con- trol group by balanced randomization method. Tai chi group received regular Tai chi intervention 3 times a week for 12 weeks,and control group did not attend any additional exercise training during study period. Results:There were significant differences between the Tai chi group and control group in average trace error, anterior-posterior po- sition with open eyes, anterior-posterior position and medium-lateral position with closed eyes, p =0. 012,0. 044, 0. 0001,0. 002, respectively. Compared to baseline, there were significant changes in anterior-posterior position with closed eyes and test time execution, p =0. 0001,0. 001, separately. Conclusions:Regular Tai chi exercise had benefits for older population with KOA on improvement of proprioception of knee joint, balance stability compared with non-practicing group.福建省自然科学基金(编号:2014J01347),项目依托于福建省康复产业研究院及福建省康复技术重点实验室