314 research outputs found

    Studies on Biology of Early Developmental Stages of Babylonia

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    东风螺(Babylonia)隶属软体动物门(Mollusca)、腹足纲(Gastropoda)、新腹足目(Neogastropoda)、东风螺科(Babyloniidae),分布于中国东海、南海以及东南亚、日本和印度洋沿岸,因肉质鲜美、市场接受度高,而且生长速度快、养殖产量大,被认为是本世纪最具开发前景的优质海产腹足类之一。方斑东风螺和泥东风螺是我国常见的东风螺种类,对于其早期发育阶段的形态学以及多种组学进行研究,不仅在理论研究上具有科学意义,而且在生产实践上也具有重要的指导意义。 本研究采集了海南方斑东风螺、泰国方斑东风螺、海南方斑雌性与泰国方斑雄性杂交种、泰国方斑雌性与海南方斑雄性杂交种...The species in the genus Babylonia (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Neogastropoda, Babyloniidae) are considered to be the most promising economic marine gastropods in the present century, because of their wide distribution along most parts of Asian coastlines, their delicate flavor and their high market reception. Babylonia areolata and B. lutosa are two common species in China, which are good study materia...学位:理学博士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海洋生物学学号:2242010015359

    The Research on the Private Copying in Digital Environment

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    随着复制和传播技术的发展,使得复制的经济属性和技术特点都发生了根本性变化,蔚然成风的私人复制行为给版权人的利益带来巨大冲击,原有利益平衡格局已被打破。本文通过分析私人复制在数字环境下的特点与困境,结合目前对数字环境下的私人复制性质的理论分歧,联系国际条约与相关各国立法现状。重点研究了解决这一困境的两种出路,即技术措施与版权补偿金制度。最后得出的结论是:两种制度可以共存,并且通过发挥各自的制度功能可以更好的实现版权人的专有权与公众的私人复制之间的利益平衡。除结语外,本文主要分为六部分进行论述: 前言主要说明本文研究的背景及选题的意义,还有研究的方法和对象。 第一章是“数字环境下私人复制的特点...Along with the development of copying and spreading technology, the economic attributes and technical characteristics of replication have been fundamentally changed. Common practice for private copying has brought about enormous impingement to the copyright owners, pattern of the original balance of interests has been broken. By analyzing the features and the plight of the private copying in the d...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1362008115083

    Research on the System of Liability Insurance For Independent Directors

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    独立董事在完善公司治理结构,维护上市公司尤其是中小股东的合法权益方面发挥着日益重要的作用。与此同时,各国立法都呈现了独立董事责任严格化的趋势。为有效化解独立董事的法律责任和职业风险,提高独立董事履职的积极性,独立董事责任保险制度应运而生,成为独立董事制度不可或缺的一个重要组成部分。它最早起源于20世纪30年代的美国,20世纪末引入中国但发展缓慢,直至今日,我们沿用的仍是董事责任保险制度。由于独立董事在责权利方面与其他董事存在质的差异,我国现有的董事责任保险制度已明显不能适应独立董事制度发展的需要,因此,建立适合于中国实际情况的独立董事责任保险制度显得尤为重要,也日显迫切。本文从我国面临的上市公...Independent director plays an increasingly important role on improving the corporation governance structure and safeguarding the legal interest of listed company, esp. the minor shareholder. Meanwhile, there is a stricter tendency on the legislation for independent director’s liability in different countries. In order to reduce efficiently the legal responsibility and career risk of independent di...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200512014

    Study on Accounting Regulation of Securities Market in China

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    证券市场和上市公司在我国的发展并不是一帆风顺的,它经历了许多重大的欺诈和舞弊所带来的侵害。从一系列造成严重影响的上市公司违规事件来看,会计信息始终是整个事件的焦点和核心。为了保护投资者利益、维护证券市场的有序运行,就有必要对上市公司的会计行为(特别是会计信息披露行为)进行监管。然而,目前我国证券市场会计监管中仍存在着诸多问题和噩待完善的地方。因此,我国证券市场会计监管问题的研究已显得极为迫切了。在理论和实践的基础上,本文确立了证券市场会计监管的理念。结合经济学有关监管的不同理论,本文又对会计监管有关问题进行了阐述。根据监管主体的不同性质,本文将会计监管的方式分为法律监管、政府行政监管和社会监管...Abstract The development of securities market and public companies in china is not so smooth,which has experienced the bad effects of swindles and irregularities。Accounting information remains the focus and core,in a series of illegal conduct related to public companies which caused serious influence。In order to protect the investor’s interests and keep securities market running in ord...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:X20021102

    Short-term Wind Speed Forecasting by Combination of Masking Signal-based Empirical Mode Decomposition and Extreme Learning Machine

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    针对随空间、时间呈现非平稳、非线性变化的特征,提出基于极限学习机和掩膜经验模态分解的组合短期风速预测方法。首先,风速序列的非平稳性特征对风速预测结果有较大影响,利用掩膜经验模态分解的方法将风速序列分解成对平稳的不同频率的分量,解决其存在的非平稳性问题;其次,为处理极限学习机的输入维数随意性选取问题,对风速序列分解不同频率的分量进行相空间重构;最后,利用ELM神经网络方法对各分量建立预测模型。实验结果表明:该预测方法在短期风速序列预测中取得了理想的预测效果,提高了算法精度,具有先进性和有效性。In view of the wind speed series which changes with the time and space and shows the non-linear and non-stationary characteristics, this paper proposes a short-term combination prediction model of the wind speed by means of the extreme learning machine (ELM) and masking signal-based empirical mode decomposition (MS-EMD). Firstly, because of the non-stationary characteristics of the wind speed series, the wind speed series is decomposed into several components with different frequency bands by the MS-EMD to reduce the non-stationary characteristics. Secondly, in order to avoid the randomness of input dimensionality selection of the ELM, the phase space of each component is reconstructed. Thirdly, the ELM model of each component is established to predict the wind speed series, and the predicted results of each component are added to get the final result. The simulation result verifies that the method is able to acquire great forecasting results in short-term wind speed series forecast, and further improves the method accuracy. It is advanced and effectively.由国家自然科学基金(61273199)资助:“强干扰下高空飞艇载荷平台基于特征模型的智能自适应控制研究”(61603320)资


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    为提升内蒙古西部农牧区被动式住宅室内热环境、降低采暖能耗,对具当地被动式住宅进行调研,选取了影响冬季采暖能耗的因素并进行了量化。采用能耗模拟分析软件De ST-h和正交实验的方法研究了住宅朝向、南向窗墙比、北向窗墙比、透明围护结构材质、保温层厚度、非透明围护结构材质、附加阳光间进深等7个主要因素。通过对18种组合方案的分析,以采暖能耗为评价指标得出优选组合方式。最后建立了内蒙古西部农牧区被动式住宅采暖能耗预测模型,为农牧区被动式住宅设计提供参考。研究结果能提升农牧区被动式住宅的节能设计水平。国家自然科学基金(51668051、51768053);;内蒙古自然科学基金(2016MS0516、2017MS(LH)0532);;西部绿色建筑国家重点实验培育基地开放研究基金(LSKF201803)资

    Residential Thermal Comfort in Western Agricultural and Pastoral Areas of Inner Mongolia in Shoulder Season

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    对内蒙古西部农牧区的81户住宅的过渡季和采暖期初的室内外环境参数进行了现场测试,并以主观问卷调查的方式对居民的着装情况和热感觉等做了统计。经过对; 调查测试的结果进行了统计分析,得出内蒙古西部农牧区的的过渡季和采暖期初的热中性温度为15.6 ℃和15.3 ℃,热期望温度为17.9; ℃和18.6 ℃, 80%居民可接受温度下限为13.1 ℃和14.3 ℃, 90%的热可接受温度范围为15.9 ~ 23.3 ℃和17.5 ~; 21.9 ℃。结果表明处于当地气候条件下和穿衣、适应措施的综合影响下,农牧区居民对偏冷环境的适应性较好。The indoor and outdoor environmental parameters of 81 houses in the; western agricultural and pastoral areas of Inner Mongolia in shoulder; season and heating periods were tested.Questionnaire about the clothing; and thermal sensation was sent to residents in the houses.By analyzing; the survey results,it was found that the acceptable neutral temperature; in shoulder season and heating periods is 15.6 ℃ and 15.5; ℃,respectively; the preferred temperature in shoulder season and heating; periods is 17.9 ℃ and 18.6 ℃,respectively; the lowest temperature that; 80% residents can accept in shoulder season and heating periods is 13.1; ℃ and 14.3 ℃, respectively; and the thermal comfort temperature at which; 90% residents feel satisfied in shoulder season and heating periods; ranges from 15.9 ℃ to 23.3 ℃ and from 17.5 ℃ to 21.9 ℃,respectively.The; results show that the residents in agricultural and pastoral areas are; better adaptable to the cold environment because of the combined; influence of local climate,dressing and adaptation measures.国家自然科学基金资助项目; 内蒙古自然科学基金资助项目; 内蒙古自然科学基金资助项目; 内蒙古研究生教育创新计划资助项

    Two New Compounds Isolated from A Seaweed-associated Fungus, Aspergillus sp. AF044

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    目的:研究海藻真菌 ASPErgIlluS SP. Af044 的化学成分。方法:通过色谱层析柱对提取物进行分离纯化, 并通过波谱解析(一维、二维的核磁共振谱和质谱)确定化合物的结构。结果:分离纯化得到3个化合物, 分别鉴定为6-HydrOXy-5-METHOXy- 3-METHyl-3, 6-dIHydrO-2H-PyrAn-4-CArbOXylIC ACId (1), 8, 9-dIHydrOXy-8, 9-dEOXyASPyrOnE(2) And PEnICIllIC ACId(3)。结论:化合物 1和 2 是首次发现的新化合物。化合物 3 在多种真菌菌株中分离得到。] AIM: To study the chemical constituents of the seaweed fungus Aspergillus sp.AF044.METHODS: The fermentation extract was isolated and purified by column chromatography (MPLC, Sephadex LH-20, normal Si gel).RESULTS: Three compounds (1 - 3) were isolated and determined as 6-hydroxy-5-methoxy-3-methyl-3, 6-dihydro-2H-pyran-4-carboxylic acid (1), 8, 9-dihydroxy-8, 9-deoxyaspyrone (2) and penicillic acid (3) based on their spectral data (1H, 13C, HMQC, HMBC, 1H-1H COSY and NOE).CONCLUSION: 1 and 2 are new compounds; Penicillic acid was isolated from many fungi.ThisprojectwassupportedtheKeyGrantofChineseMinistryofEducation(No.306010)---


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    The Current Situation of Babylonia spp. Farming Industry in Hainan and Prospect Outlook

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    综述了我国海南省东风螺的养殖历史、养殖产业现状以及存在的问题。针对这些问题,提出了推进海南东风螺产业发展的一些建议。The history,current situation and problems in the farming of Babylonia spp.in Hainan Province were reviewed.Aiming at those problems,several suggestions for promoting Babylonia spp.farming industry development in Hainan were put forward.海洋公益专项(201405020); 2015年海南省科研院所技术开发专项——海南省热带海洋生物资源开发利用创新平台; 南海生物资源开发与利用协同创新中心项