15 research outputs found

    Experimental Tuition Problem for the Materials Analysis Technology

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    X射线与扫描电子显微镜、能谱分析是通用的材料性能表征手段,文章通过一些实例,扩展了教科书的内容,阐述了在进行X射线分析和能谱分析需要注意的一些问题,指出正确的实验方法.X-ray diffraction(XRD)and Scan Electron Microprobe(SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer(EDS) are the fundamental methods to character the properties of Materials.In this paper,several examples were demonstrated to clarify the problem confused the student in the use of XRD and SEM/EDS.Moreover,the right analysis methods were also presented in this article

    Remote Control and Alarming Circuit Based on DTMF IC Chip

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    Interface reaction and wettability of the Sn--Zn based lead--free solder alloys

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    总结了近年来Sn-Zn基与不同成分基板的界面反应的研究现状,概括了界面反映的主要生成物是Cu6Sn5和Cu5(Zn,Sn)两种化合物.同时总结了提高Sn-Zn基无铅焊料润湿性能所作的工作,指出在添加剂中加入金属有机物可能会成为提高焊料润湿性能的一个途径.Interface reaction between Sn--Zn based lead--free solders and Cu substrate was Discussed, Cu6Sn5 and CuS(Zn, Sn)compound was revealed to formed in the Interface for most Sn--Zn based lead--free solders. Work on the improving the wettability of the Sn--Zn based lead--free solders was summary , and that flux adding metal--organic addition was addressed to be a way improving the wettability of the solder广西科学基金资助项目(0448022


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    A Brief Discussion on Application of Multimedia Technology on College Science Experimental Teaching

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    多媒体技术已经成为高校理科教学的重要手段之一,本文就当前理科实验教学设计中存在的问题,谈谈多媒体技术在高校理科实验教学中运用的方法。Multimedia technology is an important method on college science teaching.Methods of how to use multimedia technology on college science experimental teaching were discussed in this paper,based on problems existed on the design of the current science experiment teaching.广西民族大学引进人才项目(2011QD021)资

    Rietveld Refinement of the Crystal Structure of. the HoNiSb

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    利用Rietveld修正方法 ,从X射线粉末衍射数据对HoNiSb的晶体结构进行了精修 ,该化合物属立方晶系 ,空间群为F 43m ,a =0 .6 2 86 5 (1)nm ,精修的可靠性因子Rp =0 .0 94,Rwp =0 .13,给出了修正后的原子间

    The Composition Range and the Crystal Structure of Ternary Compound (ZrNb) 2 Fe in the Zr-Nb-Fe Alloys

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    为了研究更低温度下Zr-Nb-Fe三元系中(ZrNb)2Fe相存在的成分范围,熔炼了3个合金样品,其中Fe的含量保持为33.3 at.%,Nb的含量分别为5 at.%,10 at.%和15 at.%.经700℃均匀化退火720 h后,采用X射线衍射、带能谱的扫描电镜对合金进行物相及成分分析.结果表明700℃时,Nb在(ZrNb)2Fe相中的含量处于5.0at.%-13.79 at.%间;文章还给出了(ZrNb)2Fe相的晶体结构数据.To study the composition range of (ZrNb)2Fe phase at low temperatures, three samples with constant Fe content at 33.3 at. % and varied Nb content of 5 at. %, 10 at. %, 15 at. % were melted. The alloys were annealed at 700 ℃ for 720 h and then quenched into water. Phase identification and phase composition were analyzed by using X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy as well as Energy Disperse Spectroscopy for the alloys. (ZrNb)zFe was found to exist in the composition range from (5 - 13.79) at. % Nb with the Fe fixed at 33.3 at. % at 700℃. In addition, data of the crystal structure for (ZrNb)2Fe phase were presented in the current work.广西自然科学基金(2011GXNSFA018030);广西高校优秀人才资助计划项目;广西教育厅科研项目(2011LX140);广西民族大学科学基金(2010ZD012,2011QD019,2011MDQN046);广西有色金属及特色材料加工重点实验宝开放课题(GXKFJ11-19

    Research progress on poly-anionic borate cathode materials for lithium ion batteries

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    综述聚阴离子型硼酸盐锂离子电池正极材料的结构、特点、合成及其电化学性能,讨论目前在制备硼酸盐正极材料中存在的难点及改善其电化学性能的方式方法,认为进一步展开LiMBO3及其复合材料研究可获得电化学性能优异的新型正极材料。The structure, character, synthesis and electrochemical performance of poly-anionic borate cathode materials for lithium ion batteries were summarized. The present difficulties in preparation borate cathode materials and the method to improve the electrochemical performance were discussed. It is believed that the electrochemical properties of LIMB03 and its composite will be improved greatly after further research.广西高校科学技术研究项目(2013YB078

    Study and Practice of Undergraduate Comprehensive Practical Course System Based on Tutorial System

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    本文提出了建立基于导师制的本科综合性实践教学体系结构,论述了如何在本科综合性实践教学环节中实施导师制,即为高年级本科生配备科研能力较强、具有丰富科技开发实践经验的教师担当指导教师,在本科综合性实践教学的各个环节实施导师负责制。实践表明本课题研究具有良好的教学效果。Abstract :This paper puts fo rw ard the unde rg raduate comprehensive practice course sy stem st ructure based on tuto rial sy stem and expounds how to implement tuto rial sy stem for underg radua te student s on comprehensive practice courses , that is , each high g rade student i s assig ned a teacher w ith scientific research abilities and plenty of experience in scientific development to finish comprehensive practical co urses. The test show s go od teaching result in the system.新世纪广西高等教育改革工程项目;项目代号:桂高教[2003]B1


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    采用 DTA及膨胀法测量新锆合金 N18及 N36合金的相变温度。测试结果表明 ,N18合金的α→ (α+β)的相变温度在 776~ 785℃间 ,其 (α+β)→ β的相变温度在 930~ 987℃间。在 5 80℃左右 ,有第二相析出。对 N36合金 ,其α→ (α+β)相变温度约为 72 5℃ ,(α+β)→β的相变温度约为 910℃。核燃料与材料国家级重点实验室基金项目资助 (编号 :0 0 JS85 .9.1G× 0 10 1