Study and Practice of Undergraduate Comprehensive Practical Course System Based on Tutorial System


本文提出了建立基于导师制的本科综合性实践教学体系结构,论述了如何在本科综合性实践教学环节中实施导师制,即为高年级本科生配备科研能力较强、具有丰富科技开发实践经验的教师担当指导教师,在本科综合性实践教学的各个环节实施导师负责制。实践表明本课题研究具有良好的教学效果。Abstract :This paper puts fo rw ard the unde rg raduate comprehensive practice course sy stem st ructure based on tuto rial sy stem and expounds how to implement tuto rial sy stem for underg radua te student s on comprehensive practice courses , that is , each high g rade student i s assig ned a teacher w ith scientific research abilities and plenty of experience in scientific development to finish comprehensive practical co urses. The test show s go od teaching result in the system.新世纪广西高等教育改革工程项目;项目代号:桂高教[2003]B1

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