1,246 research outputs found

    Study on attribution principle of criminal compensations in china

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    刑事赔偿的归责原则,为从法律价值上判断国家对刑事司法侵权造成损害应否承担法律责任提供了最根本的依据和标准,对于确定刑事赔偿责任的构成及免责条件、举证责任的负担以及承担责任的范围具有重大意义。特定的归责原则,只能在特定的具体的社会条件下才存在,它是随着社会生活的发展而不断变化的。刑事赔偿归责原则的确定,不仅体现了国家刑事赔偿的立法政策和价值取向,同时还受到本国的法律传统、民情国力等诸多因素的影响。因此,世界主要国家和地区,对于刑事赔偿的归责原则的选择不尽相同,有违法原则、无过错原则、过错加违法原则等。由于我国的政治、社会、经济环境还处于不断完善之中,刑事赔偿制度起步晚,执法经验不足,学术界、实务...ABSTRACTAttribution principles of criminal compensations provide the most fundamental basis and criterion to determine against the value of law whether the state should assume compensation liabilities for injuries caused by criminal judicial torts and have great significance for fixation of composition of criminal compensation liabilities and exemption conditions, burden of proof and the scope of ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X20010808

    A Research on Family Hotel Marketing Strategy-Taking An Example of A Family Hotel in Xiamen

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    本文基于营销相关理论与方法的基础上,介绍A家庭旅馆所处的行业和自身情况,并定性的找出其营销方面存在的问题;其次,分析其面临的内外部营销环境,分析其面临的优劣势、机遇与威胁,并给出其营销战略;然后基于这些定性分析下,总结家庭旅馆的细分市场,并通过调查问卷的定量分析,选择适合A家庭旅馆发展的细分市场,并予以定位;最后给出A家庭旅馆的4P营销策略,提出实施营销策略的保障措施。 本文主要的研究结论:1、为A家庭旅馆选择的细分市场因素为:价格、服务、装修风格和附加服务。2、A家庭旅馆营销市场整体定位:轻松、安心家庭旅游必选住所;具体定位策略:从房间特色、价格层次、服务层次三方面,凸显差异化服务。3、4...On the basis of this article is based on the theories and methods of marketing, introduce A hotel of the family and their own situation, and qualitatively identify the marketing problems; Secondly, analyzes the facing internal and external marketing environment, analyzes its advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats, and gives its marketing strategies; Then based on these qualitative...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792010115081


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    本文分析了校准方法兴起的背景,基于方法论的角度厘清了校准方法与估计方法之间的逻辑关系,探讨了校准方法与估计方法争论的本质及其融合发展的趋势。分析表明,校准方法和估计方法的出发点是完全背离的,二者对模型优劣的评判标准和对模型现实性的看法大不相同。校准和估计方法各有其优缺点,也面对共同的难题。校准和估计方法都在努力寻找支配经济现象背后的运行规律,但从方法论的角度看,正是对经济运行规律寻求方式的不同导致它们之间存在着本质的差异。从发展趋势上看,校准和估计方法将在动态随机一般均衡的分析框架下获得更为深入的融合发展。教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(项目批准号13JZD010); 福建省社会科学规划一般项目(项目批准号:2013B181); 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(项目号:T2013221017); 厦门大学国际经济与贸易系教育发展基金(项目号:201112106

    Study on the characteristics of Syzygium cumini L. pigment

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    以海南蒲桃成熟果实为原料提取天然色素,并对其理化性质进行了分析研究。同时比较了D-072、D-401、D-301-G、D-101、D-110、DF01六种树脂对该色素的静态吸附情况及不同极性解吸剂对吸附色素的树脂洗脱的效果,从中选择吸附和解吸附效果最好的树脂以及适合的解吸剂。研究表明:该色素在酸性条件下对热、金属离子和常用食品添加剂均具有较好的稳定性,对光稳定性稍差;D-072大孔吸附树脂对海南蒲桃色素吸附效果最好,色素吸附率达90.7%;解吸剂用含0.2%三氟乙酸的50%酸化乙醇,色素可被充分洗脱下来。此研究结果为以海南蒲桃成熟果实为原料来生产食用色素提供了理论依据。The stability of pigment which was extracted from the fruit of Syzygium cumini was studied. In addition, absorbing and separating Syzygium cumini pingment with macroreticular resin was also studied. Static absorption capacity of six resins(D-072, D-401, D-301-G, D-101, D-110, DF01) for the pigment was compared. From these resins, the one with the best absorpting and desorpting effect was elected. The results showed that this kind of pigment has a better stability toward heat, metal ion and common food additives under acidic condition, and it is more tolerable of heat than light. The adsorption ability of D-072 resin was the best and the adsorptive rate of pigment reached 90.7%. When 50% ethanol contained 0.2% TFA was used as desorptive solvent, the pigment could be sufficiently desorpted and the effect of desorption would be better. It has a great prospect in the exploration and application in food industry to produce the food pigment from the fruit of Syzygium cumini.国家自然科学基金项目(30671646

    Contents and Structure Analysis of Tannins in Leaves of Three Cultivars of Camellia sinensis

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    测定了本山、黄旦和铁观音三个品种茶树成熟叶片的总酚及可溶缩合单宁含量,并通过基质辅助激光解吸附飞行时间质谱(MAldI-TOfMS)研究了茶叶缩合单宁的基本结构。结果显示,三种茶叶均具有较高的总酚含量,大约为200Mg/g;三种茶叶的缩合单宁是以(表)儿茶素(EC/C)和(表)棓儿茶素(EgC/gC)为基本结构单元的均聚物和杂聚物,且大部分聚合物的结构单元之间存在A型和b型两种连接方式,其中本山和黄旦缩合单宁的最高聚合度要大于铁观音。The contents of total polyphenols and extractable condensed tannins in leaves of three types of Camellia sinensis (Benshan,Huangdan and Tieguanyin) were determined.In addition,the structures of condensed tannins were characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-Tof MS).Three types of tea leaves have total phenolic contents as high as 200 mg/g.The majority of condensed tannins in the three types of C.sinensis are identified as the mixtures of procyanidins and prodelphinidins with a medium level of galloylation through the linkage of A-type and B-type interflavan bonds.Meanwhile the degree of polymerizations is higher in Benshan and Huangdan than in Tieguanyin.国家自然科学基金项目(40376026;30671646

    Study on antioxidant activity of polyphenols from Canarium album fruits

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    开发利用天然抗氧化剂是当前食品科技发展的趋势,橄榄果实中富含各种多酚类物质,是理想的天然抗氧化剂。本文对橄榄中的多酚含量进行了测定,用二苯基苦基苯肼自由基(DPPH.)和铁离子还原/抗氧化能力测定(FRAP)法,研究了橄榄多酚提取物的自由基清除能力及抗氧化活性。结果表明:橄榄中多酚含量高达572.30±39.71mg/g干重;橄榄多酚提取物具有较高的自由基清除能力(IC50为40.14μg/mL)及较强的抗氧化能力(4.271mmol/LAAE/g)。Exploitalion and applieation natural is trend for development food technology,there are abundant of polyphenols which are the perfect natural antioxidant.Polyphenols content of Canarium album(Lour) Rauesch fruits were determined.In addition,the effects of polyphenols from C.album fruits on free radical-scavenging and antioxidant activity were determined by using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryhydrazyl(DPPH·) radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing/antioxidant power(FRAP) model systems.The results showed as follows:polyphenols content were 572.30 ± 39.71mg/g DW;polyphenols extracted from C.album fruits showed a very good DPPH· radical scavenging activity(IC_ 50 of 40.14μg/mL) and ferric reducing/antioxidant power(4.271mmol/L AAE/g).The DPPH· radical scavenging activities were well proved with the ferric reducing/antioxidant capacity of the studied polyphenols.国家自然科学基金资助项目(40376026,30671646

    Content and Structure of Tannins in Different Parts of Bayberry (Myrica rubra (Lour.) Sieb. et Zucc.)

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    对杨梅的叶、枝和树皮的总酚含量与可溶缩合单宁含量进行了测定,并利用基质辅助激光解吸附飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOFMS)详细研究了不同部位中缩合单宁的类型、聚合度及聚合物的分布情况。结果表明:树皮的总酚含量最高(43.56%),叶次之(34.69%),枝最低(18.53%);树叶的可溶缩合单宁含量最高(25.67%),皮次之(17.93%),枝最低(8.01%);3组分的缩合单宁都以(表)棓儿茶素-3-O-棓酸酯(EGCG/GCG)为基本结构单元的原翠雀定,且大部分聚合物的结构单元之间存在A型和B型两种连接方式,但其中叶和枝缩合单宁的聚合度要大于树皮。Contents of total phenolics and extractable condensed tannins in leaves,branches and bark of Myrica rubra(Lour.)Sieb.et Zucc.were determined.In addition,type of condensed tannins,degree of polymerization and distribution of polymer were characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF MS).The results were showed as follows:total phenolics content was the highest in bark(43.56 %),followed by leaves(34.69 %),and then branches(18.53 %);while extractable condensed tannins content was the highest in leaves(25.67 %),followed by bark(17.93 %),and then branches(8.01 %).Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate was invariably the basic unit occurring in the three condensed tannins.A-type and B-type linkages were the common types among the structural units of polymers.Meanwhile tannins in leaves and branches had the larger highest polymerization degree than bark.国家自然科学基金(40376026;30671646);; 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-07-0725

    Vegetation of Mangroves: Spatial and Temporal Pattern of its Dominant Populations in Futian National Nature Reserve

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    The community characteristics of mangroves in the Futian Nature Reserve, Shenzhen, China are given based on surveying of 33 quadrats in 4 transects which stretch from the higher tidal zone to the lower tidal zone. The results show that there are 6 community types in this area: Kandelia candel association, Avicennia marina association, Aegiceras corniculatum association, Kandelia candel + Aegiceras corniculatum association, Aegiceras corniculatum + Kandelia candel association and Acanthus ilicifolius association. Kandelia candel, Aegiceras corniculatum and Avicennia marina dominate the typical quadrats. Kandelia candel can be seen at almost all quadrats, Aegiceras corniculatum distributes mostly toward the estuary and the higher tidal zone, Avicennia marina distributes mostly toward the bay and the lower tidal zone, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza occasionally occurs toward the Estuary with one or several individuals, Acanthus ilicifolius was common toward the higher tidal zone, as an accompanying speci..