14 research outputs found


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    Internal Control quality and Bank Capital Adequacy Ratio——Evidence from Chinese Listed Banks

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    陈汉文,厦门大学管理学院教授、博士生导师,对外经济贸易大学国际商学院教授;杨增生,厦门大学管理学院博士研究生。【中文摘要】银行在国民经济中占据重要位置,但现有实证文献鲜有检验内部控制在银行业企业财务与经营决策中的作用及效果。从风险管理的视角出发,以2007—2014年我国16家上市银行为样本,考察了内部控制对银行资本充足率的影响。研究结果表明,高质量的内部控制可有效降低银行资本充足率,且该结果主要存在于资本充足率高于监管底限的样本。因此,加强银行系統内部控制建设对促进银行稳健经营、維持金融系统安全稳定以及提升金融系統整体效率都具有重要。 【Abstract】There are few empirical studies on the role of internal control in the operation and management decisions in the banking industry. This study has investigated the effect of internal control quality on bank capital adequacy ratio. Sampling from Chinese listed banks from 2007 to 2014,we find that high internal control quality can reduce the bank capital adequacy ratio. Further,the effect of internal control quality on the bank capital adequacy ratio mainly exists in the banks with a capital adequacy ratio above the minimum regulatory standards. Specifically,the reducing effect of internal control quality on the bank capital adequacy ratio is much more pronounced in privately-owned banks and the banks of a lower marketizing level. In addition to theoretical contribution,our findings have material implications for bank risk management and bank regulation.国家自然科学基金重点项目“信息生态环境与企业内部控制有效性问题研究”(71332008);国家自然科学基金青年项目“内部控制、风险承担及其经济后果:基于差异化目标导向视角的研究”(71702030

    Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition During Tumor Metastasis,Embryonic Development and Female Mammalian Reproduction

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    Tel: 86-754-82902011, E-mail: [email protected][中文文摘]上皮细胞向间充质细胞转换(epithelial-mesenchymal transition,EMT),是具有极性的上皮细胞转换为具有运动能力的间充质细胞并获得侵袭和迁移能力的过程,它存在于动物多个生理和病理过程中,并涉及复杂的信号通路调节过程,行使多种生理功能.在早期胚胎发育过程中,EMT和MET(间充质细胞向上皮细胞转换)的相互转换,对于器官的形成及发育起至关重要的作用.另外,EMT还可促进肿瘤的转移.在卵巢、子宫以及胎盘等雌性生殖系统中也都涉及到EMT过程的发生.卵巢中发生的EMT有利于排卵后的修复,子宫中早期蜕膜化过程中发生的MET可使胚胎更好地锚定在子宫中,而胎盘形成过程中发生的EMT则有利于母体和胎儿之间进行营养和气体的交换.这些生殖过程中发生的EMT一旦失败,则可能导致相关的生殖疾病.[英文文摘]Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process that epithelial cells lose polarity, become mesenchymal cells and acquire the ability of migration and invasion. It exists in many physiological and pathological processes. EMT is involved in a number of signal transduction pathways and performs different physiological functions. During the early stages of embryonic development, both EMT and MET(mesenchymalepithelial transition) contribute to the formation and development of organs. Moreover, EMT can promote tumor metastasis. EMT also occurs in female mammalian reproduction. In the ovary, EMT is beneficial for repairing process following ovulation. During decidualization, MET may be required for successful uterine anchorage of the embryo. Placental development undergoes an EMT in order to facilitate nutrient and gas exchange between mother and fetus. The failure of EMT process may cause related reproductive diseases.国家自然科学基金重点项目资助(30930013

    Polarity Formation in Mouse Embryos

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    通讯作者。Tel: 0592-2187356, E-mail: [email protected][中文摘要]由于哺乳动物胚胎具有高度的调节能力,一般认为在囊胚阶段之前都不具有极性。但近来发现,小鼠胚胎极性的建立很可能比预想的要早,和许多其他种属动物的胚胎一样,哺乳动物的胚胎很可能是调节发育和图式发育共同存在的,胚胎极性的形成可能是"随机性"和"预定性"共同作用的结果。可见,阐明胚胎极性的形成规律对于揭示胚胎发育的分子机制具有重要的意义。[英文摘要]Mammalian embryos have been thought to be lack of polarity until blastocyst stage because of remarkable regulative capacity. However, it was found that the polarity of mouse embryo is established much earlier than our anticipation. Mammalian embryonic development might not necessarily be so different from other species.In mammals, both regulative development and patterning development may co-exist. The polarity of mammalian embryos may be formed from both “randomness” and “predetermination”. The study on embryonic polarity will be important for understanding the molecular mechanism of embryo development


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