33 research outputs found

    Design of the Miniature Repeater and its Modules for WCDMA

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    目前,对雷达、电子战和通讯等电子设备中微波电路“微型化”的呼声甚高,“微型化”的含义远比其名词本身寓意要广泛,它至少还意味着:一致性、集成化、低价格和高可靠性[1]。 本文应微波电路小型化、集成化、低成本的发展趋势,利用微细微带工艺,针对直放站里最重要的射频链路部分,以WCDMA系统为背景,做了如下工作: 1、设计了3dB兰格耦合器,所设计的兰格耦合器具有体积小,隔离度好,输入输出驻波好和带宽宽等优点,适合应用于多种微波电路。 2、设计了具有高选择性的类椭圆函数微带带通滤波器,提出了利用滤波器串接达到高抑制度的方法,这一方法减少了滤波器设计的工作量和调试时间。 3、结合3dB兰格耦合器...Nowadays,the miniaturization of microwave circuit is getting more and more important in many electronic equipments such as radar, Electronic Warfare, and communication and so on. Miniaturization is not just small, it also means consistency, integration,low cost and high dependability [1]. According to the trend of microwave circuit’s miniaturization, integration and low cost, we design the RF cir...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_无线电物理学号:2005130166

    Theoretical calculation and simulation of shallow dopants in InGaN single junction solar cell

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    通过氢有效质量理论(HEMT)对In0.65gA0.35n(高In组分,Eg=1.31EV)太阳电池材料进行分析,计算出其浅能级施主和受主的重要性质参数电离能:ΔEd~10.8MEV,ΔEA~90MEV.在此基础上得到了室温条件下In0.65gA0.35n的浅能级施主和受主强电离时的杂质浓度范围:施主9.56x108~4.57x1016CM-3,受主9.56x108~7.84x1016CM-3;并估算了产生杂质能带的最低杂质浓度:施主~1x1018CM-3,受主~5.79x1020CM-3.然后借助AMPS-1d软件对含有部分电离的浅能级施主、受主In0.65gA0.35n单结太阳电池进行模拟,详细讨论了施主能级和受主能级对载流子的俘获对太阳电池效率的影响.本文结果为IngAn单结和多结太阳电池的掺杂(尤其是P型掺杂)和制备提供了理论参考和帮助。Hydrogenic effective-mass theory(HEMT) was adopted to study the photovoltaic property of In0.65Ga0.35N(Eg=1.31 eV).The ionization energy of shallow donors and acceptors in In0.65Ga0.35N was calculated to be ΔED ~10.8 meV and ΔEA~90 meV,respectively.Based on these values,the doping concentration necessary to obtain strong ionization of shallow dopants was estimated to be 9.56×108-4.57×1016 cm-3 for donors and 9.56×108-7.84×1016 cm-3 for acceptors.The lowest doping concentration required to form impurity bands was found to be ~1×1018 cm-3 for donors and ~5.79×1020 cm-3 for acceptors.Using AMPS-1D software,the property of single junction solar cell containing partially ionized shallow dopants,was simulated.The effects of recombination of shallow dopants on the efficiency of the solar cell were analyzed and discussed in detail.The results are useful for doping(especially for p-type doping) and fabrication of InGaN-based single junction and multijunction solar cells.国家高技术研究发展计划(2006AA03Z409);厦门市政府科学和技术部研究项目(2006AA03Z110);广西自然科学基金(0731012);广西大学有色金属和高等材料加工新技术教育部重点实验室开放基金(GXKFZ-04)资

    Expression and Localization of Nucleophosmin During HMBA-induced Differentiation in Human Hepatocarcinoma SMMC-7721 Cells

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    To explore the existence and distribution of nucleophosmin in the nuclear matrix and its co-localization with the other related gene products following HMBA treatment in the human hepatocarcinoma SMMC-7721 cells,the nuclear matrix of SMMC-7721 cells was extracted pre/post HMBA induced differentiation.2D PAGE proteomics analyses showed that nucleophosmin existed in the fractions of nuclear matrix proteins and was down-regulated after HMBA treatment with further confirmation by Western blot analysis.The immunofluorescence observation revealed that nucleophosmin located in the nuclear matrix,HMBA treatment altered its expression level and distribution profile.The co-localization of nucleophosmin with cancer-related genes and the products of oncogenes or tumor repression genes,including c-fos,c-myc,p53 and Rb,using laser scanning confocal microscopy,were evaluated,and substantial differences were observed following HMBA treatment.The results implies that nucleophosmin,as a nuclear matrix protein,the level of its expression and the colocalization with cancer-related gene products may play an important role during the differentiation of SMMC-7721 cell.国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.30470877)~

    Photocatalytic Z-Scheme overall water splitting using (oxy)nitrides with wide visible light utilization

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    Photocatalytic Z-Scheme overall water splitting using (oxy)nitrides with wide visible light utilizatio


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    上海医药工业研究所合成了一系列硝基咪唑类衍生物,经中国科学院寄生虫病研究所药理实验,发现其中部分化合物对棉鼠丝虫有明显的杀灭作用或抗虫活性。我们对这类化合物的部分分子用自洽场理论的半经验全价电子 CNDO/2法和前线轨通