203 research outputs found

    The impact of sea level rise on the law of the sea and the protection of China's rights and interests in South China Sea

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    "陆地统治海洋"及"基线决定国家管辖海域范围"是目前国际海洋法的两大基本原则,然海平面上升不仅可使岛屿向岩礁甚至低潮高地退化,也会致使低海拔国家的沿海基线具有不确定性,引发了人们对于其可能导致的国家管辖海域范围外部界限及相邻或相向国家海域划界协议变化的担忧。由于南海独特的地理环境、复杂的领域主权纠纷以及尚未公布南沙群岛基线等特征,在海平面上升所引发的相关海洋法问题上,保护中国南海权益显得尤为迫切。中国应当通过促进包括条约法和习惯法在内的海洋法发展以维护南海权益,探索这一问题的解决方式不仅有利于维护中国的南海权益,也将助力于国际法治发展。"The land dominates the sea"and"baselines determine the boundary of sea areas under national jurisdiction"are two of the basic principles under the international law of the sea. The rise in sea level due to climate change not only downgrades an island to a rock/reef or even to a low-tide elevation,but also leads to uncertainty on the coastal baselines of low-lying countries. This has raised concerns about the possible changes in the outer limits of sea areas under national jurisdiction or in the maritime delimitation agreements between States with opposite or adjacent coasts. The law-of-the-sea issues caused by sea level rise have become pressing in South China Sea because of its particular geological environment,the complicated disputes over territorial sovereignty and unpublished baselines in Nansha Islands et al. China should promote the development of the law of the sea,including treaties and customary law,with a view to safeguarding its SCS rights and interests. Seeking for solutions to these issues would not only be conducive to the protection of China's SCS rights and interests,but also to the development of international rule of law.国家社科基金重大项目“我国南海岛礁所涉重大现实问题及其对策研究”(16ZDA073

    Talent recommendation system in big data era

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    分别从厦门东海域的大型多管水母和细小多管水母中分离到了新的光蛋白基因aeqxm和aeqxxm,并在大肠杆菌中进行了表达.aeqxm和aeqxxmDNA序列的编码区总长均为585bp,无内含子序列,推导的氨基酸序列总长均为195个氨基酸.aeqxm,aeqxxmDNA和AEVAQ440XcDNA之间的核苷酸序列同源性分别为80 7%,85 1%,aeqxm和aeqxxmDNA的核苷酸序列同源性为87 2%.原光蛋白apoaeqxm,apoaeqxxm与AEVAQ440X编码的氨基酸序列之间的同源性分别为84 7%,84 2%,apoaeqxm和apoaeqxxm的氨基酸序列之间的同源性为94 4%.分别将aeqxm和aeqxxm基因克隆至pTO-T7表达载体,apoaeqxm,apoaeqxxm在大肠杆菌中的表达量都达到40%左右.取菌体超声上清与腔肠动物荧光素f、巯基乙醇混合再生后,加入CaCl2,用荧光全谱仪检测到470nm处的瞬时发光,表明表达的apoaeqxm,apoaeqxxm具有正常的生物学功能

    Production of β-glucanase by cultivation of immobilized recombinant E.coli cells in a packed bed reactor

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    以多孔陶瓷为载体吸附法固定重组大肠杆菌E.coli JM 109-pLF3表达胞外β-葡聚糖酶。考察了固定床间歇培养时循环流速和曝气量对发酵液酶活力的影响。当循环流速达到44.19mL/min,曝气量达到0.6mL/min时,培养48h后,发酵液的酶活力达100.3U/mL。固定化细胞具有良好的重复使用能力,在连续5批次实验中,培养48h后的酶活力均在100U/mL左右。固定床连续培养时,固定化细胞能够保持恒定的产酶效率,当稀释率为0.05h-1时,发酵液中得到的酶活力为39.1U/mL。β-glucanase produced by immobilized Escherichia coli JM 109-pLF3 in a packed bed bioreactor was studied.In batch fermentation,the highest enzyme activity of 100.3 U/mL was achieved at a recycling rate of 44.49 mL/min and an aeration rate of 0.6 mL/min after 48 h cultivation.In repeated batch operation,the enzyme activity up to 100 U/mL was obtained in 5 cycless,howing high stability of the immobilized cells.In continuous fermentation,the production of β-glucanase by immobilized cells was kept more or less constant.When the dilution rate was 0.05 h-1,the enzyme activity in the fermentation broth was 39.1 U/mL.厦门市科技计划项目(No.3502Z20055017


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    采用滤纸片法研究了118种中草药对酱油腐败菌毕赤氏酵母的抑制情况,考察了中草药的添加对酱油各项理化指标的影响,并以苯甲酸钠为对照,探讨其在酱油防腐效果方面的差异。结果表明,乌梅、丁香及石榴皮对酱油的防腐效果优于苯甲酸钠,并有助于改善酱油风味。其中,乌梅的最低抑菌质量浓度(MIC)及最低杀菌质量浓度(MBC)均为最小,分别达31.0 g/L和62.5 g/L

    Preventive effect and mechanisms of 3,3-diindolylmethane on oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide in HaCaT cells

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    目的:探究3,3'-二吲哚甲烷(dIM)对过氧化氢(H_2O_2)诱导人角质形成细胞(HACAT)氧化应激作用的预防效应及可能机制。方法:体外培养HACAT细胞,用H_2O_2建立氧化应激模型。采用CCk-8法检测不同浓度(1~20μMOl/l)dIM对HACAT细胞生长的抑制作用;流式细胞术检测dIM作用前后细胞内活性氧自由基(rOS)含量的变化;WESTErn blOT检测不同浓度dIM(0、5、10μMOl/l)对HACAT氧化应激相关蛋白核因子(nf-κb)和丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPkS)磷酸化表达水平的影响。结果:成功建立了HACAT氧化应激模型。CCk-8法研究结果显示1-10μMOl/l dIM对HACAT细胞无明显毒性作用(P>0.05);流式细胞术检测结果表明10μMOl/l dIM预处理可有效预防由H_2O_2诱导的HACAT内rOS产生(P0.05).Flow cytometry results indicated that pretreatment with DIM(10 μmol/L) could inhibit the level of intracellular ROS(P<0.05).With increasing concentration of DIM,the levels of p-p38-MAPK,p-JNK and p-NF-κB were significantly depressed.CONCLUSION:DIM could protect HaCaT cells from H_2O_2-induced oxidative stress via suppressing production of ROS levels and down-regulating the expression of NF-κB and members of MAPKs.DIM might be used as an effective drug to treat or reduce oxidative stressmediated injury in skin cells.国家自然科学基金青年基金(81101562); 广东省科技计划项目(2012B060300005); 广东省自然科学基金(S2012010009633


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    以本室构建的原核表达载体pTO-T7为基础载体,PCR合成ompT引导序列,插入该载体多克隆位点上游,构建了分泌型原核表达载体pTO-OT。将2个外源基因克隆至pTO-OT,2个重组质粒在大肠杆菌中均得以高效表达,表达产量在25%~34%之间。Western blot分析证实了融合蛋白可被大肠杆菌信号肽酶有效地切割,并具有良好的免疫学活性。对重组表达菌株的连续传代实验证实了该表达载体具有良好的表达稳定性,显示了其在基因工程中的应用价值

    Green Synthesis of Potassium Diformate

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    以甲酸和氢氧化钾为原料,不外加任何溶剂一步合成二甲酸钾。通过单因素实验,考察了原料配比、反应温度和反应时间对产品质量与收率的影响。采用正交实验进一步优化了合成工艺,确定了最佳工艺条件:n(HCOOH)/n(KOH)=2.2、反应温度70℃、反应时间30 m in,在该条件下,二甲酸钾产品收率达98%以上。所得产品经红外光谱分析及熔点测定,其结果与文献报道一致。反应过程绿色化,有很好的原子经济性。Potassium diformate was synthesized without solvent,using formic acid and potassium hydroxide as raw materials.The optimal conditions for the reaction were:molar ratio of HCOOH to KOH 2.2∶1,reaction temperature 70 ℃ and reaction time 30 min.Yield of the process was over 98% under the optimal conditions.The infrared spectrum and melting range of the product were in good agreement with those reported in literature.The technology developed in this study could be an environmentally benign synthesis route with efficient atom economy