73 research outputs found

    Experimental Investigation with PIV on Characteristics of Shedding Vortices in Wake of Flapping Wings

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    通过色流实验和粒子成像测速技术(particle image velocimetry,PIV)对扑翼近场尾流脱落涡的结构轨迹和能量进行了定性及定量研究.结果表明:因展向流动充分性的不同,存在两种牛角型涡系结构;上下扑时翅翼交替产生顺时针和逆时针脱落涡,两涡运动轨迹呈近似弧形对称,对称轴的仰角略大于攻角;脱落涡的涡心涡量在上下扑极点达到最大值,环量最大值出现在到达极点前的1/5~2/5周期之间;产生脱落涡的半周期内,涡的平均环量都随减缩频率的增大而增大,减缩频率较低时,下扑平均环量大于上扑平均环量,减缩频率较高时则相反;振幅对涡能量影响明显,减缩频率为2~2.5时,振幅±40°时的涡平均环量约是振幅±30°时的两倍,减缩频率越大振幅影响越明显.Qualitative and quantitative studies on the vortices structure, motion path and energy in the near-f ield wake of flapping wings were conducted through dye-flow tests and particle image velocimetry ( PIV) in tank. Results indicate that two kinds of horn-shaped vortices structures exist during f lapping under insuf f icient or suf iicient spanwise flow. Ant iclock-wise and clockwise vortices arise alternately during downward and upward flapping, whose traces are approximately symmet-rical. The elevation angle of symmetry-axis is slight ly larger than the attack angle of flapping wings. The vort icity of vortex core reaches its maximum at the top or bottom point, while the maximum circulat ion occurs at 1/5 ~ 2/5 period before the top or bottom point. The average circulations of both vortices during half period of producing them ascend with the increase of reduced frequency. At small reduced frequency, the average circulat ion during downward f lapping is larger than that dur-ing upward flapping. Contrary result is observed in case of large reduced frequency. Flapping amplitude signif icant ly inf lu-ence the vortex intensities, e.g. when reduced frequency is 2-2.5, the average circulat ion of vortices with an amplitude of ±40° is about twice that of amplitude of ±30°,and the influence grows with the increase of reduced frequency


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    泛素家族包括泛素及类泛素蛋白,约20种成员蛋白.近年来,泛素家族领域取得了迅猛发展,并已与生物学及医学研究的各个领域相互交叉.泛素家族介导的蛋白质降解和细胞自噬机制的发现分别于2004和2016年获得诺贝尔奖.但是,类泛素蛋白并没有统一规范的中文译名. 2018年4月9日在苏州召开的《泛素家族介导的蛋白质降解和细胞自噬》专著的编委会上,部分作者讨论了类泛素蛋白的中文命名问题,并在随后的\"泛素家族、自噬与疾病\"(Ubiquitinfamily,autophagy anddiseases)苏州会议上提出了类泛素蛋白中文翻译草案,此草案在参加该会议的国内学者及海外华人学者间取得了高度共识.冷泉港亚洲\"泛素家族、自噬与疾病\"苏州会议是由美国冷泉港实验室主办、两年一度、面向全球的英文会议.该会议在海内外华人学者中具有广泛影响,因此,参会华人学者的意见具有一定的代表性.本文介绍了10个类别的类泛素蛋白的中文命名,系统总结了它们的结构特点,并比较了参与各种类泛素化修饰的酶和它们的生物学功能.文章由45名从事该领域研究的专家合作撰写,其中包括中国工程院院士1名,相关学者4名,长江学者3名,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者18名和美国知名高校华人教授4名.他们绝大多数是参加编写即将由科学出版社出版的专著《泛素家族介导的蛋白质降解和细胞自噬》的专家

    Two I-h-symmetry-breaking C-60 isomers stabilized by chlorination

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    通讯作者地址: Xie, SY (通讯作者), Xiamen Univ, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 地址: 1. Xiamen Univ, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 2. Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 电子邮件地址: [email protected] abiding surprise in fullerene science is that I-h-symmetric buckminsterfullerene C-60 (ref. 1) (I-h-C-60 or C-#1,812(60), the nomenclature specified by symmetry or by Fowler's spiral algorithm(2)) remains the sole C-60 species experimentally available. Setting it apart from the other 1,811 topological isomers (isobuckminsterfullerenes) is its exclusive conformity with the isolated-pentagon rule(3), which states that stable fullerenes have isolated pentagons. Although gas-phase existence of isobuckminsterfullerenes has long been suspected(4-7), synthetic efforts have yet to yield successful results. Here, we report the realization of two isobuckminsterfullerenes by means of chlorination of the respective C-2v-and C-s-symmetric C-60 cages. These chlorinated species, (C60Cl8)-C-#1,809(1) and (C60Cl12)-C-#1,804(2), were isolated in experimentally useful yields. Structural characterization by crystallography unambiguously established the unique pentagon-pentagon ring fusions. These distinct structural features are directly responsible for the regioselectivity observed in subsequent substitution of chlorines, and also render these unprecedented derivatives of C60 isomers important for resolving the long-standing puzzle of fullerene formation by the Stone-Wales transformation scheme(8-11).NNSF of China,20525103 ,20531050 ,20721001 , 20571062 ,20425312 973 Program 2007CB81530


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