53 research outputs found

    The CBDR in the Field of Climate Change——Dilemma,Challenge and Development

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    共同但有区别的责任原则是应对气候变化的法律基石,然而,该原则的要求在实践中未能得到充分尊重与落实。在未来的气候谈判中,该原则还将面临被混同为对发展中国家的优惠待遇和采用单轨制后效力被弱化的挑战。国际气候体制必须同时符合正义、效率和秩序三重价值取向,中国应继续坚持捍卫共同但有区别的责任原则的法律地位,并且应当重视对该原则与风险预防原则关系的研究。The principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility(CBDR),the legal basis to address climate change,has not been fully respected and well implemented.In the future negotiations,it will face such challenges as being mistaken as the preferential treatment for developing countries and being weakened after the adoption of the single track negotiation pattern.The global climate system must comply with the value orientation of justice,efficiency and order.China should continue to uphold the legal status of the CBDR,and attach importance to the relationship between the CBDR and the risk prevention principle.福建省2006年度新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目“可再生能源的国际与国内法律问题研究


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    分别基于美国陆地卫星(Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+)和中巴资源卫星(CBERS-02B)影像数据,以人工目视解译为主,完成了中国1978~2008年4期(基准年分别为1978,1990,2000和2008年)湿地遥感制图,并进行了大量的室内外验证.在此基础上,对我国湿地现状及近30年来湿地变化进行了初步分析,得到以下主要结论:(ⅰ)截止2008年,中国湿地面积约为324097km2,其中以内陆沼泽(35%)和湖泊湿地(26%)为主.(ⅱ)1978~2008年,中国湿地面积减少了约33%,而人工湿地增加了约122%.过去30年里湿地减少的速度大幅降低,由最初5523km2/a(1978~1990年)降为831km2/a(2000~2008年).(ⅲ)减少的自然湿地(包括滨海湿地和内陆湿地),其类型变化由湿地向非湿地转化的比例逐渐降低.初期(1978~1990年)几乎全部(98%)转换为非湿地;在1990~2000年间减少的自然湿地约有86%转化为非湿地,而在2000~2008年,这一比例下降为77%.(ⅳ)气候变化和农业活动是中国湿地变化的主要驱动因素,湿地变化在中国分为三大不同特征区域,即西部三省/自治区(西藏、新疆和青海)、北部两省/自治区(黑龙江和内蒙古)和其他省市区.其中西部区域尤其是青藏高原,湿地变化的驱动因子以气候增温为主;新疆湿地由于气候增温和农业活动共同作用造成变化不大.北部省/自治区的湿地变化则主要由农业活动引起;而其他省市区的湿地变化几乎完全受控于人类的农业经济活动


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    中日东亚生死学国际学术研讨会, 2008年2月18日-19日, 赵家楼饭店, 北京第二场研究报

    The Resource Allocation and Interference Management Technologies Research in 5G ltra-dense Network

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    超密集组网由于部署了大量无规划的低功率无线接入点,并且各个接入点之间处于非常接近的距离,相对于传统的蜂窝网络而言,超密集组网的干扰环境更加复杂,并且可能存在不会被传统的干扰管理机制和信号检测技术所消除的干扰源,也就是说传统的干扰抑制技术如小区间干扰协调和增强小区间干扰协调在超密集组网中的作用是有限的,因此需要采用更加严格的资源管理以及干扰管理方案来消除超密集组网中潜在的比较强的干扰,提升超密集组网的性能。此外,以用户为中心的虚拟小区技术被认为是5G超密集组网的关键技术之一,并且虚拟小区传输机制能够很好地抑制这种随机拓扑网络中的干扰。所以,本文面向超密集组网,从资源管理、干扰管理和虚拟小区三个方...Ultra-dense network is expected to deploy with of a large number of unplanned low-power wireless access points, and each access point is closed to each other, resulting in its more complex interference environment relative to the traditional cellular network. And there may exit the interference source that traditional interference management mechanisms and signal detection techniques can not elimi...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电路与系统学号:2312014115310


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    中日东亚生死学国际学术研讨会, 2008年2月18日-19日, 赵家楼饭店, 北京第二场研究报

    Reflection on the Conception of Mining Right

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    在我国矿业权还只是一个学理上的概念,尚未被法律所确认。学界主流的矿业权“物权化“思路缺乏对国情下矿业权概念理论上的科学性和实践中的有效性的反思。应当跳出矿业权概念的局限,以探矿权和采矿权为核心构建我国的矿业法律体系。探矿权是物权化的债权,采矿权是债权与所有权的组合体。建立起完善的矿业行政合同制度,才能实现矿业权人利益保护与资源有效管理的和谐统一。The mining right is still a theoretical conception up to now in China.The attempts which have been academic mainstream point of view to turn mining right into real right are not so successful,because there is a lack of the reflection on the theoretical scientificalness of this conception and its validity in practice under China's national conditions.This paper suggests that we should jump out of the limitation of the conception of mining right and establish China's mining legal system with the cores of exploration right and exploitation right.The exploration right is a kind of creditor's right with the attribute of real right,and the exploitation right is an assembly of creditor's right and ownership.Only with a perfect mining administrative contract system,may we realize the harmony of protecting the interest of the mining right holder and the effective management of mineral resources

    Studied on landslide translating into debris-flow under rainfall

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    Numerical Simulation of Contaminant Release During Sediment Starting in Dynamic Water Environment

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    In environmental hydrodynamics, the release of contaminant from sediments is one of the main problems. Based on a large number of experimental data provided by water channel experiments, a coupled mechanical model of overlying water, sediment and contaminant is established in this paper. The process of sediment starting and contaminant release is numerically simulated under different velocity conditions of overlying water. The quantitative relationships among velocity, particle volume fraction, contaminant concentration, turbulent kinetic energy and time are obtained by analyzing the relationship between flow field characteristics and contaminant concentration distribution. The results show that contaminant is released rapidly with the suspension of sediment particles and quickly reaches equilibrium concentrations. When the flow field characteristics (Re) change, the contribution of convection and turbulent diffusion to contaminant release process is different. Establishing a quantitative relationship between hydrodynamic conditions and contaminant release can provide support for constructing water pollution model in lake and reservoir areas. © 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd