109 research outputs found

    High-tech SMEs Financial Management

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    步入21世纪的今天,世界经济发生了巨大的变化,我们正经历着从工业经济向知识经济跨越的历史性阶段。各国政府纷纷把高新技术型企业作为发展的重点,以减少传统企业对有限资源的掠夺式消耗,提高产品的附加值和竞争力,增强本国的综合国力,保证国民经济的持续、快速和健康发展。但是,与知识经济时代企业飞速发展不相适应的现状是,我国企业目前落后的财务管理状况以及存在的问题。现在的财务管理模式是建立在传统工业企业基础上的,以货币、实物等物质资本的筹集,运用为核心内容,强调的是从价值角度如何实施对财务资本的管理和运用,以实现资本的增值。而忽视了知识资本对企业发展的重要作用,和知识经济时代企业以知识资本为主要经济资源的...In the 21st century,the world economy has undergone tremendous changes and we are in a historic stage from the industrial economy to the knowledge economy.In order to reduce predatory limited resources consumption of the traditional economic model,increase the added value and competitiveness of the products, enhance the country's competitiven- ess,ensure the national economy sustained,rapid and he...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200515716

    Adaptive Masquerade Intrusion Detection Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Set and Its Application in the Security of ASP Service

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    伪装入侵是网络信息系统中普遍存在且难于克服的安全隐患。由于用户行为的可变性,以及伪装用户行为与正常用户行为的相似性使得伪装入侵检测算法的性能提高很有限,并且对不同用户的适应能力也不好。本论文针对这些问题,在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对伪装入侵检测中的滑动窗口设置、决策量的变换、不确定性处理和自适应模型更新等方面做了深入研究。所研究的这些问题有利于提高伪装入侵检测算法对不同用户的适应能力,对不同应用场合的适应性,并提高检测算法的性能。因此,本文的研究工作具有一定的理论意义和实际应用价值。论文研究的创新之处在于:(1)给出了确定滑动窗口的方法。采用条件熵的判定方法,提出了一种确定滑动窗口大小的算法...Masquerade intrusion is a security problem that is difficult to be dealt with and it exists in many network-based information systems. Theoretically, all kinds of the anomaly detection method could be applied to detect masquerade intrusion. However, due to the variation of user action and the similarity between masquerade user and normal user, ability of the detection algorithm to adapt to differe...学位:理学博士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_凝聚态物理学号:B20032400

    Legitimate Mechanism to Solve None-Performing Loans and Improvement Suggestion --from AMC to see their way to dispose non-performing loans by law

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    内容摘要中国政府为了避免如97年东南亚发生的金融风暴给国家经济带来巨大的损失,以及加强我国金融机构在世界贸易组织(WTO)环境下与外资银行在金融市场的竞争力,为此党中央、国务院在1997年11月召开了全国金融工作会议,会议决定对国有商业银行进行改革,其中的一项重要内容就是剥离国有商业银行的不良资产,从而降低银行的不良贷款比率最后实现四大国有商业银行上市融资、改善资本结构的目的,完成四大国有银行的改革。为了达到上述目的,我国于1999年先后成立了信达、华融、长城、东方资产管理公司(AssetManagementCorporation,简称AMC)分别接收了四大国有银行剥离出来的巨额不良资产。四大...Legitimate Mechanism to Solve None-Performing Loans and Improvement Suggestion --from AMC to see their way to dispose non-performing loans by law ABSTRACT: To avoid the asian financial storm in 1997 which caused great loss to the state economy and strengthen the competitiveness of our native financial organizations in the market under the WTO environment to the forgein banks,Chinese government h...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_经济法学学号:X20040818

    Design and Implementation of Android Smartphone's Privacy Guarding System

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    随着云计算、物联网以及各种Web2.0技术的快速发展,人类社会所产生的数据种类和数据规模正以前所未有的速度增长,我们已经进入大数据时代。大数据在带来各种智能化和人性化服务的同时,也使得隐私保护问题愈发严重。智能手机以其强大的多媒体应用、实时网络浏览和个性化程序应用等功能,已成为承载个人核心隐私数据的终端设备。Android作为使用量最大的智能手机操作系统,它的安全性直接影响海量智能手机用户的个人隐私安全,但是层出不穷的Android系统漏洞事件令其安全性堪忧。本文针对以上问题进行研究和分析,提出了隐私数据保护方案,设计了“隐私数据保护系统”,实现了“远程保护”子系统。 本文对大数据时代隐私保...The big data era is approaching along with blooming technologies from cloud computing, thing of Internet and various Web2.0. The services provided by big data make human life more intelligence and meantime more security issues are exposed. Smartphone, which provides rich media, networking and personalized applications, are becoming core devices that carry private information. Android plays very im...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123098

    Design and implementation of testing platform of small form-factor pluggable transceiver based on LabVIEW

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    介绍了一种利用lAbVIEW构建SfP(SMAll fOrM-fACTOr PluggAblE)光模块测试平台的方法。测试平台通过读写计算机并口来映射地址上的数据,控制并口端口的逻辑电平实现计算机并口模拟I2C总线。计算机利用模拟的I2C总线与SfP光模块实现通信。分析了生产者/消费者结构队列状态机并用于设计中,该设计模式可以及时响应前面板动作或外部事件,并且使得状态机的状态变换更加灵活多变。This paper introduces a method of constructing a SFP(small form-factor pluggable) transceiver testing platform by using LabVIEW.The testing platform controls the logic level of parallel port to simulate I2C Bus by reading and writing the data of address which map to the parallel port.The computer can attach to the SFP transceiver by means of the I2C Bus.This paper also analyzes and applies queued state machine-producer consumer architecture,this kind of design style can respond to the action of front panel or external happening without delay.What's more,it can make transformation of state more flexible and changeable


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    Markov Graph Model Computation and Its Application to Intrusion Detection

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    Markov model is usually selected as the base model of user action in the intrusion detection system (IDS). However, the performance of the IDS depends on the status space of Markov model and it will degrade as the space dimension grows. Here, Markov Graph Model (MGM) is proposed to handle this issue. Specification of the model is described, and several methods for probability computation with MGM are also presented. Based on MGM, algorithms for building user model and predicting user action are presented. And the performance of these algorithms such as computing complexity, prediction accuracy, and storage requirement of MGM are analyzed


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    针对目前伪装入侵检测算法在确定序列的滑动窗口长度中存在的主要问题,以及使得检测阈值的计算更加容易、精确,本文提出了一个新的伪装入侵检测算法-MDAA,它使用HMM(Hidden Markov Model)模型表示正常用户行为,通过计算模型的条件熵确定滑动窗口长度.实现了滑动窗口长度随不同的用户模型而自动变化,达到自适应参数调整的目的.采用遗传算法计算子序列相对用户模型的最大和最小似然值,从而将滑动窗口分割到的子序列转换成便于决策的量.在一个真实的伪装检测数据集上进行了实验,结果表明该方法能得到较好的性能,并且更能适应不同用户的伪装检测